
October 30, 2012

Don't Worry, Be Happy...Revisited

Blame it on Halloween festivities…or on the Giants winning the World Series (yippeeee!)…or on the full moon…or whatever, this newsletter is a day late and a repeat of a previous message. Quite frankly, I’ve given myself permission to be a slacker this week, and you know what? If feels gooood. So like the message says, don’t worry, be happy!

And a spooktacular Halloween to y’all!


From Over There:
"The act of worry conveys a lack of trust - lack of trust in another's abilities. Faith is the opposite of worry. Faith in another's abilities or in their environment is a much more peaceful and supportive action. To worry consistently about another who is highly capable tells them that you do not trust in their ability to make the right choice - or correct a wrong one.

There are times when the actions of another cause much worry and stress due to their lack of competence, but even at these times it is wise to find a greater solution than worry. To be able to let go and allow them to find their own way, or to help them find the support they need means also letting go of the need to control - control that you never had in the first place - and allowing for the other individual the opportunity to grow through choice and consequence.

Constant worrying does not make you a more loving and concerned individual, it creates much anxiety for all concerned and in the end does not offer feelings of support. Having faith in another's ability and wisdom gives a greater sense of love and support - and you a greater sense of peace." 


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October 21, 2012

Let's Go Giants!

This week’s message came to me as I was sitting down to watch the Giants Game. I had gotten to thinking about how we are around certain competitive interactions (doesn't always have to do with sports), and how we get so excited when our team or favorite contestant in a competition wins. It makes us happy, and depending on the scale of the event, can unify and elate large groups of people. Remember the 2010 World Series, anyone? Silly question, I know.

Thankfully (for us in the bay area), the Giants won. It was a great game, and watching the wildly exuberant fans in the crowd – to me – was just as fun as the game itself. The lengths they go to express their excitement and love can be pretty entertaining. Another thing I enjoy is the show of support the players have for another. They cheer each other on with enthusiasm, patting backs (or the occasional backside), high-fiving, hugging, or whatever they need to do to get the point across. I love watching it.

And this leads me to this question: have you ever noticed how it feels to see people expressing kindness or love to another, especially when they’re genuinely excited by it? For instance, at the airport when people are greeting one another? Have you ever witnessed a random act of kindness? It feels so good to see, as if it literally warms the heart. Thinking about it from this perspective really shows how we affect one another, even without intending to. How’s that for a ripple effect?


From Over There:
"Watching joy and enthusiasm displayed by others is contagious. This is why sporting events in which an individual’s chosen team excels brings a sense of happiness to the viewer. The unpredictable nature of these events creates anticipation and a rush of adrenalin, fueling the feelings of excitement. It is this randomness that can also be embraced in other aspects of life. Unexpected acts of kindness, expression of gratitude and complimentary language toward others will also create joy and enthusiasm for the receiver, the initiator, and for those bearing witness to the exchange." 


Featured Guest: The Untethered Soul
What would it be like to be free from limitations and soar beyond your boundaries? What can you do each day to find this kind of inner peace and freedom? The Untethered Soul offers a simple, profoundly intuitive answer to these questions. Whether this is your first exploration of inner space or you've devoted your life to the inward journey, this book will transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you.


If you'd like more information, to book an appointment, or check out the current class schedule, please visit

October 15, 2012


I don’t know about you, but the last couple of weeks have been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. It seems that a lot of people I know have been experiencing the same thing, as if everything has intensified – especially on an emotional level. I first I thought that it was my, eh hem, “femaleness” in action, then I talked with a male friend of mine who was going through the same ups and downs who couldn’t possibly have that as an excuse. Just seems to be in the air.

So I sat with it and got loud and clear that to get to the “ups” we have to allow ourselves the “downs” – without guilt, without making it wrong, without expecting more from ourselves. And just as there can’t be light without the dark, there would be no such thing as up, without that thing called down. Also, if we don’t allow ourselves to feel and confront our so-called negative emotions they often get stuck and replay over and over again until we finally pay attention and face what it is that created it in the first place. One big irritating broken record!

So hold on tight, feel those emotions, know that they’re there for a very good reason, and invite them in for a talk.


From Over There:
Emotional turmoil – sadness, anger, frustration – are signs of a necessary impending shift. To activate the shift it is necessary to confront feelings in a state of consciousness, not denial. Denying, or making these emotions wrong blocks the advancement of change and keeps one stuck in a perpetual cycle of low grade despair. This low grade despair creates a myriad of dysfunctions: feelings of inadequacy, manifestation of physical illness, and the failure to act in the achievement of goals and desires, resulting in a less fulfilling life. These feelings may occur at various intensities – at times profound, at times subtle. Nonetheless, consciously connecting and allowing them to surface will honor the wounded part of ones being, uncovering the source, and moving toward healing.


Featured Guest: The Untethered Soul
What would it be like to be free from limitations and soar beyond your boundaries? What can you do each day to find this kind of inner peace and freedom? The Untethered Soul offers a simple, profoundly intuitive answer to these questions. Whether this is your first exploration of inner space or you've devoted your life to the inward journey, this book will transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you.


If you'd like more information, to book an appointment, or check out the current class schedule, please visit

October 7, 2012

Creation Frustration

This week's message is timely in that I've witness and experienced - especially this past week - some frustration occurring around me in one form or another. I don't know about you, but it feels to me like we're building up to something, like an orchestra to its crescendo. Hmmm, 12-21-12 anyone?

Whether it's the next coming of a new age rapidly approaching, or just life moving at an ever quickening pace, this energetic shift is substantial. I can feel it and know many of you can too.  What goes along with this also seems to be frustration as we realign ourselves, yet current conditions stay the same. I know it's left me feeling a bit irritated from time to time.

One thing I've found that helps is making sure I continue to take steps toward what I want to create. However small, just do something. It's when my goals and dreams take a backseat to life circumstances (as happens sometimes) that frustration rears its ugly head.  This makes more sense to me now after receiving the message below. What better way to hold the vision and excitement of what you want to create than to take steps toward it, however small. This could be as simple as reading a book on the subject. Hold on to your dreams, yet not too tightly, for the Universe just might have something even better in store.

Dayyyydreeeeam believer...


From Over There: 
"Everything is accelerating energetically. It is a force that the sensitive are feeling on a global scale. The intensity of this energy is creating great change, greater awareness, yet also frustration for some as the energetic shift brings to light change necessary for expansion faster than the change may occur. It is this feeling of the impending new creation much more in advance to the actual physical manifestation that may bring this sense of frustration.

Sitting with the energy of this new creation and holding it through acts of meditation or other introspective practice so that it may be felt through emotional response will help bring it into form and ease the pain of the not having.  Holding on to this vision with the excitement felt for its impending arrival gives way to understanding how the current circumstance is a building block toward the creation - even if the two appear seemingly divergent."


Featured Guest: Academy of Clairvoyance and Consciousness
Our online academy is a SANCTUARY for transformative growth, psychic development and clairvoyant training. We train practitioners to incorporate their psychic abilities into their work and lives, and train professional counselors and coaches to become excellent communicators. This path of learning is dynamic and empowering for those interested in conscious evolutionary development.  All levels are welcome, whether beginning, advanced or graduate. To learn more about ACC, please visit:


If you'd like more information, to book an appointment, or check out the current class schedule, please visit

October 1, 2012

Perceived Value

I’ve been known to have a pet peeve or two and am rapidly gaining a new one. Ever since the debut of Susan Boyle on Britain’s Got Talent a year or so ago occasionally a new video pops up on Youtube and/or Facebook showing someone singing beautifully who doesn't exactly match our idea of what that should look like. This floors the arrogantly smug panel of judges and the crowd watching – sometimes bringing on a tear or two – redeeming the offensively unattractive songbird. Everything is ok now, they can really sing!  We’re all reminded that “you can’t judge a book by its cover” and feel good about ourselves for accepting the underdog. This really chaps my hide, not because talented singers (or actors, or writers, or artists, or musicians, or anyone for that matter) come in all shapes and sizes, but because everyone seems to be so shocked when they do.  How unbelievably condescending. Now I’m certain that Ms. Boyle has reaped some well-deserved rewards for her talent, but at what cost? No one should ever have to endure the horrible way her appearance was ripped apart by the media. Not her, not anyone.

I’ll admit it, I’ve watched a few early seasons of American Idol, and cheered for my favorite contestant, and have also watched The Voice, which moves a little further away from the beauty pageant aspect of these shows and more towards judging on singing prowess. It’s just the way that those who don’t seem immediately “fixable” by a new hairstyle, wardrobe, or veneers on their teeth are ridiculed and then made “ok” after their talent is revealed that gets on my nerves. This being said, I know my rant here isn't going to change the way the media glorifies our offense at anything less than perfect. Which leads me to re-post a message from a little over a year ago. It speaks of surrounding yourself with those that uplift you, in whatever form you may be, and to mirror your values with the type of relationships you’d like to have and life you’d like to live.

Alright, getting off my soapbox, for now anyway…


From Over There: Perceived Value

"What you value shapes how you interact with your world. Values are handed to you by social conditioning and can rapidly change when the conditioning around you changes. This is why it is so important to surround yourself with loving, supporting and open-minded individuals - those who will love you, support you, and accept you for who you are.

If you are striving to be a certain way in the world, then seek out those who have already achieved this way and be inspired by their actions. And remember to spend time with those who are inspired by your actions. This provides a balanced perception of the world - one where you continue to create a joyful life, and yet are able to appreciate the struggles you have overcome."


Featured Guest:Dr. Lynne Zimmerman

Dr. Zimmerman practiced physical medicine for nine years before transitioning to energy medicine. In her private practice Dr. Zimmerman teaches clients how to create a new brain map with energy medicine techniques.  These processes change the messages sent by the brain to every cell in the body and to the emotion centers.  Dr. Zimmerman teaches her clients how to use these energy therapies for themselves, leveraging the principles of neuroplasticity to access healing for the body and the emotions at the cellular level.  She is the author of HealYourself:  Using the Scientifically Proven Mind-Body Connection to Manage Chronic Pain, Cancer, Depression and More, from Sunrise River Press. To learn more about Dr. Zimmerman, please visit:


If you'd like more information, to book an appointment, or check out the current class schedule, please visit