
March 29, 2015

My FFF (Furry Friend Forever)

Are you a cat person? Or a dog person? Or any kind of animal person at all? I think that most of us at least have some sort of affinity for the furry little buggers, and those of us who choose to have them as members of our family understand what a wonderful relationship it can be. For me it’s pure joy, and with our totally spastic, 20 lb. cat Eddie, a lot of comic relief. But what is it about these little (and sometimes not so little) guys that we bond so deeply with? And what about those barbaric individuals who think it’s ok to abuse animals?

This week’s message talks about our relationships with our animal companions and why we love them so much. And yes, why some feel compelled to mistreat these innocent beings. So no matter if your beloved buddy comes in the form of a cat, dog, reptile, rat or something else, may your life together be filled with much joy and happiness.

From Eddie, Miss Abbie and me…

With Love.


From Over There: 3.29.15 Weekly Focus
Q: What makes us bond so deeply with our animal pets?

A: The bond between human and domesticated creatures is a bond of pure love. It fulfills in the human the need to nurture and to form an uncomplicated relationship with another. This relationship is based on simplicity and requires that the human individual have the capacity to love unconditionally, as the role of the creature is to strengthen this capacity within the human. This relationship between human and creature opens the compassionate heart more fully. It is love in its simplest form and can help heal grief, loneliness and despair in the human heart.

Q: What about those who mistreat animals?

A: To mistreat any innocent sentient being is the act of a less evolved individual. This individual believes they are superior as a way to avoid their feelings of inferiority. They are not aware of their energetic connection to all, whether animal, plant or other humans. This is an individual who is absorbed with the self and carries rage within. This is an individual who feels marginalized in life yet does not take responsibility for their actions or lack of achievement. It is an individual who blames others for their woes. It is an individual who has lost their true sense of self. It is possible for these individuals to reclaim their true self, but it must start with the awareness of their actions and the effect on those around them. They must desire change. As it is with all, change begins with the self.


Q: What else would you like us to know about our furry friends?

A: When one loses their creature friend through death it is a lose as great as any other, though it is to understand that there is always another creature waiting to help raise love and compassion for humankind. 

Treat these companions as you would a beloved child, each as an individual with their own unique needs. Know that like with any being, human or otherwise, each carries their own personality and should be honored as such.


Thanks & Blessings!

March 22, 2015

Irritated, with a Side of Compassion

Have you ever felt irritated by someone's mistakes, or poor life choices? Almost as if you're offended by them, even if they're not directly targeted at you? I think we all have in one way or another and this week's message speaks to why that is and how we can move from a place of judgment to a state of compassion.

I really don't like judging others - even if my personal opinion is that they're being ridiculous -and I try my best to keep an open mind and an understanding perspective. Though truthfully I've found it to be a bit challenging at times. The message below is a good reminder of how sometimes those who irritate us are blessings in disguise.

So let's spread a little compassion for you, for me, and for that irritating guy over there...

With Love.


From Over There: 3.22.15 Weekly Focus

Q: How do we stay in a state of compassion for someone when we don't agree with their actions?

A: It is to look outside of their actions to the deeper motivation for their behavior. It is to understand the pain and fear that keeps them acting in such a way.

It is to look inward at the self as well, to understand why you judge their actions. What is it about their behavior that brings up pain in you? Or fear? Or guilt? To understand this gives one a greater sense of inner freedom and helps release the constraints of the critical mind.

It is to move toward the healing of the self through discovery of the pain or trauma. It is to find value in the ways in which others show you what needs to be brought forth into your awareness. It is to bring it into consciousness that it may move through and release, leading to greater happiness and peace.

March 15, 2015

The Wheels on the Bus Go 'Round and 'Round

Thinking about this week's message reminded me of the humbling experience of taking public transit. I know that may sound a little funny, but for someone who has always been blessed with having a running vehicle, taking the bus is not something that I've had to do. Now that I commute into San Francisco during the week, the bus is the easiest way to get around, and I've made myself one of the crowd.

I'm a bit of a people-watcher and am always intrigued by the different ways everyone approaches their lives. Jumping on the bus definitely subjects you to a wide variety of individuals - from the downtown business suits to edgy arts students to service workers and sometimes those who look like they've been on the streets and just want a place to sit for a while. It took me out of my I-drive-everywhere-secluded-in-my-own-car comfort zone, but I'm glad it did. I have a better appreciation for those who have to use this as their only source of transportation.

While you don't necessarily need to start taking the bus everywhere, what can you do to stretch your experiences and broaden your view?

Prepping myself for tomorrow's bus ride...

With Love.


From Over There: 3.15.15 Weekly Focus
A deeper connection to one's true self is established when one chooses to understand another's circumstance. It is through empathy for another and embracing a broader life experience that broadens the mind and leads to greater acceptance of a diverse spectrum of humanity. This also leads to less judgment of the self and of others.

When one chooses to constrict their experiences to a narrow scope it limits the mind's capacity to accept the world around them. It is through diverse experiences that one gains understanding of those with variant lifestyles and with cultural differences. This creates a deeper connection with all of humanity and a true understanding of peace.

March 8, 2015

How About a Nice Picket Fence?

I've been having a lot of conversations with people lately - including myself - about the importance of keeping proper boundaries. It's so easy to get caught up in the "yes", "yes", "yes" cycle until you find yourself completely exhausted and not feeling supported in your relationships (I'm talking about both personal and work related here). At the end of it all, so this week's message states, is our own personal responsibility for creating boundaries that work for us.

I always like to think of boundaries as tangible, like fences. This makes them feel more substantial and empowering. You can either just intend for them to be there, or if you need a little extra reassurance try to visualize them, especially prior to dealing with particularly difficult people or situations. That way, you can "create" different types of boundaries for whatever you feel the need fits. So whether you're using a tall brick wall, a sweet little picket fence, or a force field strong enough to keep out Darth Vader and Voldemort combined, make it your own and have fun with it. And don't be guilted into tearing it down when it's in your best interest to keep it firmly in place.

Wishing you a wonderful week from the other side of my flower-entwined picket fence...

With Love.


From Over There: 3.8.15 Weekly Focus
It is important for each of you to understand the need for installing boundaries that help build happiness for the self. This is not a selfish act, but rather a mechanism for creating healthy relationships and a supported life.

When boundaries of time, commitment or interpersonal interaction are not installed in a way that supports the individual, then there becomes the greater potential for dissatisfaction in one's life and relationships. These boundaries are different for each individual and it is up to the individual to decide what is appropriate and in their best interest.

To hold these boundaries with regard to your greater happiness creates stronger, more joyful relationships. Those who attempt to manipulate the position of another's boundaries will find it necessary to realign their behavior with the boundary - only if the receiving individual remains firm with their boundary. It is the responsibility of  each and every one of you to hold yourselves in high enough regard so as to keep your boundaries intact, even when challenged.

March 1, 2015

Just One Beautiful Drop of Ocean

This week's message is very short and beautifully conveys the importance of each of us viewing ourselves as valuable members of society. It shows us that if we don't value ourselves it disconnects us from others and actually slows down our evolutionary process. I don't know about you, but I personally don't want to do anything that gets in the way of raising the collective consciousness.

So let's keep moving nicely along the road of evolution by treating ourselves with so much respect, compassion, and kindness that it overflows to the world around us.

With Love.


From Over There: 3.1.15 Weekly Focus
For those of you who do not recognize your value, it is time to understand that the sea of humanity - like each drop of water in the ocean - is vast and each individual is as valuable and necessary as the next. It is this oneness that keeps the evolution of humankind moving forward, and without the understanding of the individual's role within the collective whole, evolution falters.

To understand the oneness of all is to understand the responsibility one has in valuing the self and treating the self with kindness and respect - and to know the self as a necessary component of humanity. The ocean would not be an ocean without each drop, just as humanity would not exist without the interrelationship of each individual.