
April 26, 2015

What’s On Your Mind?

This weekend I went to an event called “Dream Machines” that showcased hundreds of cars from multiple eras, along with a few vintage airplanes. There were several absolutely stunning machines and it was fun to see the love that the owners poured into them. We also got to see a group motocross riders perform some amazing stunts. These guys would jump a ramp and go air born, take their hands off the handlebars and stand on the motorcycle seat while flying at 70 some-odd feet in the air. It was pretty amazing to witness.

All of this got me thinking about machines and how much we’ve advanced technologically over the past century or so. It also got me thinking about how we’ve used this technology to allow ourselves to do things that we’re usually physically incapable of doing.  You know, like flying through the air – whether via airplane or a death-defying feat. It’s mindboggling if you think about it.   

This week’s message talks about our mind as a powerful tool and amazing device that is the conduit for creation. Pretty potent stuff. So next time you have an idea that just seems too crazy to achieve remember this: we can fly…without wings…and into space at that.

With Love.


From Over There: 4.26.15 weekly focus

The mind is a powerful tool of creation and there is vast and unlimited potential to create anything that it imagines. And with this potential comes great responsibility to build a society based on the principles of love and support, not of destruction and hate. This is your most important test as a human race. There have been many failings, but also much reward for the greater whole. It is the immature mind that clings to resentment, fear, and judgment of the self and others. As a race, you are still in early development of utilizing your mind’s greatest potential. You are still in an infantile stage of development, but with openness and consciousness of thought you have much opportunity to expand the capacity of your mind.

It is the responsibility of each individual to be mindful of the thoughts they choose to hold on to and to those thoughts they choose to act upon. Within the framework of the mind nothing is impossible. It is to acknowledge the power of thought. There are some who think of the mind as a trivial mechanism of random thoughts. This is not so. It is a powerful tool that has the ability to bring manifest changes to one’s life.  It has the ability to create great works of art and technologies that allow the human body to move beyond its limited capabilities. The human mind has the ability to reason, and in doing so can choose whether to stay in a state of love or a state of anger. And it is from this state that the mind creates reality for the individual. It is through desire for personal evolution and commitment to conscious awareness that one recognizes the vast capacity of their mind to choose creation through the state of love.


Big, beautiful blessings, until next time…

April 19, 2015

A Couch & Evolution

You ever have one of those days when you just don’t feel like doing much of anything? Well, today is that day for me, so I thought I’d leave you with an excerpt from the book that been writing off and on for a while now. This snippet comes from one of my favorite chapters on evolution. And since the message relays that love is at the base of our personal advancement, I’m going to move down my evolutionary path a little more with a dose of self-love in the form of staying nice and comfy on this couch. 

Until next time…

With Love.


Q: Is our race, our human race, considered advanced? Or are we low on the evolutionary chain in relation to the other life forms in the Universe?

A: You are neither advanced, nor low. You are beings guided by instinct on an evolutionary path toward guidance through love. There are times when you are guided by love, but it is not yet your overarching motivation for action. You are still in early development stage and are in a growth period of moving from a strictly survival mindset to a more conscious state of being. It is the beginning of this shift...

 …Your race has the capacity to evolve into an advanced race, yet is still too much in survival mindset for that to occur. There are many who are awakening to a more love-based mindset, yet many are still unconscious to the true meaning of love. The true meaning of conscious universal love. It is this mindset that will speed the advancement of your race. This and only this.

Q: Can you speak more on the love-based mindset? I'm sure it's a pretty simple concept, but I want everyone – including myself – to get a really clear picture of what this is.

A: Love-based mindset is one of acceptance, is one of appreciation, is one of gratitude, is one of kindness, is one on compassion, is one of respectful action toward the self and others.


Thanks & Blessings!

April 12, 2015

What an Interesting Personality

Throw a bunch of people together in a room and then shut the door and it’s a sure bet that there will be a few personality conflicts. We all know someone with whom we don’t feel a real affinity, but what I’m talking about are those individuals that irritate us like fingernails screeching across a chalkboard. You know, that person who doesn’t seem to have a conscious grasp on how they throw their energy around or has no filter regarding what comes out of their mouth?

Though the point is, we all come from very different experiences and those experiences – for better or worse – shape who we are. Understanding this can help you gain a little empathy and tolerance when you come across somebody that may not align with you energetically.  

I know whenever I feel someone “getting under my skin” I try to take a step back and figure out why. Oftentimes I find that I have an underlying judgment about what is “acceptable” behavior. But really, who am I to judge? Ahhh, trying to stay conscious is so much work…

At the end of the day (unless confronted by a blatantly abusive a-hole) everyone has a right to let their freak flag fly in their own special way. If their flag flaps a little too much for your particular taste then you probably want to figure out why that is, or keep your interaction to a minimum.  

Unfurling my flag and waving it high…

With Love.


Q: How can we better tolerate those whose personalities we may find irritating?

A: It is to understand that each of you carry a reality that is based on the perspective of life experience, cultural etiquette, and ancestral cellular lineage.  To understand this is to value the differences of another and embrace what unique energy each individual brings to the collective whole.  Each truly sees a different world, even those with similar traits.

It is to honor one another for your differences while honoring the self through adhering to healthy boundaries.


Thanks & Blessings!

April 5, 2015

The Perfect Rhythm

We all move at different life rhythms. Depending on your own personal energy those around you can seem to move at warp speed, or in super-slow motion, or somewhere in between. Simply put, if you’re an extremely methodical person trying move lightning fast will most likely feel overwhelming to you. Or if you have the vortex spinning energy of the TasÃ¥manian Devil a methodical pace will probably leave you extremely frustrated. It’s all about understanding who you are and what energy level works best for you and your overall happiness – and pursuing those things that fit best for you.

So get ready, get set, and go…at your own pace!

With Love.


From Over There: 4.5.15 Weekly Focus

To find your own rhythm is to honor your way of being. It is to understand this so as to find a life path that aligns with your natural rhythm. It is in not comparing oneself with others. It is in not allowing other to impose their rhythm’s pace upon you.

To honor your own rhythm is to open to the synchronicity of life around you. It is to open to your own divine nature. Find the pace that most energizes, motivates and inspires you. Align with this pace and you will find greater inner peace and self-acceptance.

When one attempts to alter a natural rhythm of another that is dissimilar than their own, it creates discord within the relationship. It is to honor both your own rhythm and the rhythm of those around you. To understand the personal rhythm of another enables you to decide what is the best way to interact with them and if interacting with them fits into your particular lifestyle. Doing so honors and respects the self and the other.


Thanks & Blessings!