
October 15, 2012


I don’t know about you, but the last couple of weeks have been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. It seems that a lot of people I know have been experiencing the same thing, as if everything has intensified – especially on an emotional level. I first I thought that it was my, eh hem, “femaleness” in action, then I talked with a male friend of mine who was going through the same ups and downs who couldn’t possibly have that as an excuse. Just seems to be in the air.

So I sat with it and got loud and clear that to get to the “ups” we have to allow ourselves the “downs” – without guilt, without making it wrong, without expecting more from ourselves. And just as there can’t be light without the dark, there would be no such thing as up, without that thing called down. Also, if we don’t allow ourselves to feel and confront our so-called negative emotions they often get stuck and replay over and over again until we finally pay attention and face what it is that created it in the first place. One big irritating broken record!

So hold on tight, feel those emotions, know that they’re there for a very good reason, and invite them in for a talk.


From Over There:
Emotional turmoil – sadness, anger, frustration – are signs of a necessary impending shift. To activate the shift it is necessary to confront feelings in a state of consciousness, not denial. Denying, or making these emotions wrong blocks the advancement of change and keeps one stuck in a perpetual cycle of low grade despair. This low grade despair creates a myriad of dysfunctions: feelings of inadequacy, manifestation of physical illness, and the failure to act in the achievement of goals and desires, resulting in a less fulfilling life. These feelings may occur at various intensities – at times profound, at times subtle. Nonetheless, consciously connecting and allowing them to surface will honor the wounded part of ones being, uncovering the source, and moving toward healing.


Featured Guest: The Untethered Soul
What would it be like to be free from limitations and soar beyond your boundaries? What can you do each day to find this kind of inner peace and freedom? The Untethered Soul offers a simple, profoundly intuitive answer to these questions. Whether this is your first exploration of inner space or you've devoted your life to the inward journey, this book will transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you.


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