
August 31, 2014

Structural Repair

Have you ever been so angry at someone that you wanted to throttle them? I know, it’s an interesting way to start a blog post on higher guidance, though I’m pretty sure a lot of you can relate. We’ve all had painful interactions with others that can push us to the limit at times.

This topic is very charged for me at the moment as I’m just moving through anger at an individual who is being extremely clueless about how to act in a kind and fair manner. This person will most likely always be this way, as I don’t see them wanting to change or even being aware that anything actually needs to change. They’ll most likely continue on unconsciously throughout of the rest of their life. The bottom line is, it’s my choice whether I let their lack of awareness affect me or not. After a couple of weeks of irritation I decided it was time to let it go and immediately felt so much better for it. I hope if you’ve been holding resentment toward someone that you can experience the same sense of freedom. Why should we let it interfere with our lives, right?

So take  a deep breath and ask yourself if it serves you to let the clueless actions of another to continue to antagonize you.  What if, instead, you could see the lessons the experience has brought to your life? What if you could feel compassion for the pain that they must hold that makes them hide under their cloud of cluelessness?

Let’s take a collective nice, deep breath in…

With Love.


From Over There: 8.31.14 Weekly Focus

Look beyond the current structure of one’s life to discover a new perspective and way of interacting with the world. Instead of seeing through anger, resentment or judgment, view through the lens of love and compassion to open to greater opportunities for joy and deeper connections. Do not allow self-imposed structures of belief and painful emotions to limit your life experience. 


This week’s questions:

Q: What, exactly, do you mean by “structure”? Do you mean our belief system?

A. Structure comes from one’s belief system and the ways in which one reacts to their life experience. It is that which structures their perspective, and thus course, of one’s life. it is those beliefs that are based on exclusiveness and judgment of the self and others which limits the full potential of one’s life. Holding onto painful emotions renders one incapable of fully experiencing the joyful moments of life. Acknowledging these emotions as they arise –with an honest heart and without judgment – allows one to move through the experience and let it go.

Directing painful emotions toward another connects you to the individual through these emotions and allows no room for healing the pain. To remain in these divisive states creates blocks to greater happiness and the full potential of a joyful life experience. To hold onto the pain causes one further pain. To create structures through the perspective of love and compassion opens one’s world to boundless opportunity and greater happiness.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

August 24, 2014

Talkin’ About a Revolution

I like to use this blog as a forum to give a different perspective on difficult issues and hopefully inspire a more open-minded and open-hearted view. Through awareness of another’s reality, we can create greater understanding and compassion, and hopefully change. This week, I’m focusing on the importance of compassion from the uncomfortable lens of racism that I have personally witnessed.

I’m not talking about the extreme acts of racism in the Middle East and Ferguson that are being blasted at us through the media, but instead on the more subtle ways our society perpetuates the degradation of particular races of people. These quieter acts often go unnoticed by those who seemingly have the advantage through race, or gender or sexual orientation since it’s not in their scope of reality. I’m going to share a few of my experiences to show how insidious this form of racism is.

1)    My good friend and colleague and I were having lunch at the airport, waiting for our flight after a business meeting. The waitress came up to our table, turned her back to my friend and asked me what I wanted to order, never making eye contact with my friend or acknowledging her in any way. I ordered, yet was very confused about what was happening. My friend casually called out her order, even though the waitress was still very purposefully ignoring her. I was appalled and sharply asked the waitress if she got my friend’s order. She nodded to me, “yes”, and then walked away without ever acknowledging my friend. I was enraged and tried to talk to her about it. She just shrugged it off like it was no big deal, saying “I just want to have a quiet lunch.”
2)    I went with a DJ friend of mine to a club where he was going to be spinning. He attempted to have a conversation with the club owner about his upcoming scheduled gigs and the owner was very condescending and dismissive.  When my friend stepped away for a minute, the club owner proceeded to hit on me. Needless to say, I was very dismissive to the club owner, and when I later brought it up to my friend, he said sometimes you have to put up with a few a-holes here and there.
3)    I was in a department store looking through racks of clothes and I glanced around and saw what looked like a mother with her teenage daughter, also shopping. I didn’t give it much thought until I noticed the store clerk not so subtly shadowing them. She was looking at them like she’d already decided that they were going to try and steal. I saw absolutely nothing in the way this woman and her daughter were acting that put off the vibe of anything other than honest clothes shopping. I saw the tired expression on the woman’s face while she was over polite to the clerk in an attempt to diffuse any threat that she and her daughter presented.  

Can you imagine having to put up with this type of behavior day in and day out? I’ve certainly experienced derogatory acts as a female, but extremely rarely because of the color of my skin. For those of you who have never had to worry about being perceived in a certain way simply because of your skin color, or your gender, or your sexual orientation, it can be hard to fathom such things happening in this day and age, but they do. And by the way, each of the situations above happened in California, in areas considered tolerant of diversity.

It’s these everyday acts of racism that perpetuate feelings of powerlessness and frustration in certain fractions of society, and it’s up to each and every one of us to change this. We must all become more aware of these acts of racism directed toward our sisters and brothers, and through this awareness demand change. Let’s call the offenders out on their actions Let’s let go of any guilt, shame, or defensiveness we may be carrying if we’re labeled as having some sort of privilege, and instead use the leverage we have to help equal the scales. It’s time for compassion and understanding. We’re better than this, I know we are.  It’s time.

Holding faith in the human race…

With Love.


From Over There: 8.24.14 Weekly Focus
Live by the law of compassion. This is the only true law in which to govern your actions by. The human laws that you impose upon yourselves are simply structures that represent current cultural beliefs. It is the evolved mindset that steps past these structures when they are divisive or promote inequitable treatment to members of society. Governing yourself in a state of compassion is the way to promote equality for oneself and all.


This week’s question:

Q: How can those who are in a position of advantage within the structures of a society gain greater understanding of those who may be treated as a lesser valued member of that society? How can we all use this understanding to change the cultural dynamic to a more level playing field?

A. When one accepts responsibility for the well-being of all then one understands the power of their own actions. As each individual shifts their perspective of viewing the planetary population as one global community, then one by one, change can occur. It is for those in the position of the perceived advantage to allow the potential for discomfort when awareness of the truth sets into consciousness. This is not to promote shame, it is to use the power of the perceived advantage to bring awareness to the inequity. It is to release any attachment to the perceived advantage and understand that doing so will bring balance to the whole. When one is attached to the perceived advantage they hold, it promotes fear and blocks the flow of abundance. Holding onto the perception of advantage blocks emotional and spiritual growth. To bring balance to the whole is the path to true abundance and enlightenment for all.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

August 17, 2014

Thank You, Mr. Williams

Last week the world lost a brilliant and beloved clown. I could go on about Robin Williams’ self-induced death and the issues that may have led up to his choosing to take his own life, but I’m not. Instead, I want to focus on the gifts he brought to the world while embodied.

I live in Marin County, the same county where Mr. Williams lived and died. He was a local hero of sorts, and could be spotted here and there at an art supply store, coffee shop or what have you. Although I never had the good fortune of crossing paths with him there are countless others who did, and after his death numerous stories of “Robin” encounters poured over the internet. These interactions ranged from seeing a quiet, unassuming man going about his day, to a few individuals being the recipient of his small acts of kindness, and (of course) his random comic shenanigans that kept locals in stitches. All of this done without a stage, or spotlight or camera of any kind. Just a dude being himself.

Yes, he obviously had his personal demons and pain to contend with – we all do to some extent – but instead of inflicting it on others when out in the world he chose to share a spark of light. And while in the end the pain became too much for him to bear, the gifts of joy and laughter he left us with will be forever emblazoned on our collective hearts. It shows us that no matter the pain we may currently have in our lives, we still have the capacity to spread a little light and joy and leave the world a better place for having us in it. Thank you Mr. Williams, may your beautiful light shine on.

With Love.


From Over There: 8.17.14 Weekly Focus
Wield your emotional energies responsibly. To understand what you choose to share with the world, you must also recognize that which you would like to have the world share with you. If you desire joy and love, then share joy and love. What you share will be returned to you.


This week’s question:
Q: How can we share joy and love while we’re in pain? How can we do this without coming off as inauthentic or use it as a way of avoiding the pain that needs processing?

A. It is to not focus solely on the pain. It is in understanding that even in the darkest of hours there is a spark of light that each of you hold within. It is in finding that spark and bringing focus to it. It is not to deny the pain, but it is to remember that which brings joy even while in the midst of pain. For the greatest happiness to occur there is needed a balance of what one chooses to bring to their attention. To allow oneself to process through pain is not to forget the aspects of life that bring joy. To allow focus on joy uplifts the spirit and quickens the processing and ultimate release of the pain.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

August 10, 2014

Are You Kind?

As kids, many of us were taught to “be nice” and “polite”. To me, these teachings feel more like a ploy to make kids behave, and not so much about educating them on how their actions affect those around them. While yes, it’s good to be nice and polite and not act like a total brat, but I feel there’s a much needed component missing: kindness.  

The difference between being “nice and polite” and being “kind” is that niceness and politeness can be superficial and based on how we want to appear to others, while kindness comes from a true place of caring. Acts of kindness connect us to one another and make us feel good – whether we’re the one performing the act or the one on the receiving end. With any of this it’s important to remember – as this week’s message states – to be kind not only to others, but to ourselves as well. This way, it builds our reserve so we can maintain acts of kindness in an oftentimes unkind world.

So let’s go out, be kind to our fellow human and other beings, and tip the scale closer to creating the kinder, gentler world we all deserve.

With Love.


From Over There: 8.10.14 Weekly Focus
Pay attention to your words. Pay attention to your actions. When one chooses the way of kindness, one lovingly takes responsibility for the well-being of all. This is responsibility without burden, as it uplifts both the recipients of the kind act and the giver of kindness as well.


This week’s question:
Q: How can we better stay in a place of kindness when someone isn’t being particularly kind to us?

A. When suffering at the hands of another, it is not to allow or condone their behavior that is the way to kindness. Rather, it is through kindness toward the self that will allow better understanding as to why one would abuse or act disrespectfully toward another. Kindness toward the self allows the building of a foundation of strength that changes perspective from one of angry or powerless victim to one of empowerment and choice. Understanding that one has the power of choice through free will, one can choose the reaction to the offensive behavior directed toward them. Instead of the constant struggle of defense against the act, one aligns with the power of kindness which does not engage with such derogatory acts. When aligned with the power of kindness, one allows life to flow from a place of the greater good of all. From this place each individual has the capacity to shine a light for others to also rise to a state of kindness. This state of kindness reduces fear and allows for a more tolerant and heart-centered global community.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

August 3, 2014

Take Care

I have to say, these past few weeks have been a bit difficult on the emotional home front and I know that it’s not just me. I’ve also seen those around me struggling. Because of this, it doesn’t surprise me that Spirit wants us to focus on self-care this week. It’s something that can often get lost in the everyday shuffle of this crazy, busy world of ours. 

What I love about this week’s message is that Spirit talks both about the importance of taking care of ourselves, and how being of service to others is also an aspect of self-care if it’s done unconditionally. It just goes to show that there is a big difference between true self-care and the act of being self-absorbed. In other words, when you choose to take care of yourself it increases your well-being and makes life a happier place to be. This also helps everyone you come in contact with on an energetic level. When you’re self-absorbed you think only of yourself and your needs without so much concern for how your actions impact others. This also affects those around you, usually not for the better.

So, I’m taking a little extra care here and there this week, how about you?

With Love.


From Over There: 8.3.14 Weekly Focus
Through nurturing the self, one becomes more emotionally capable of reacting in a compassionate and evolved manner. To avoid self-care is to prolong suffering and to retain feelings of anger and resentment. Build emotional tranquility through self-care to release blame and create  a reservoir of strength that helps one move through pain.


This week’s questions:

Q: Can you speak more on what you mean by self-care?

A. Proper self-care includes nurturing the body with substances that support its optimal functioning. It is to balance moments of stillness with moments of action. Proper self-care of spirit is to allow time for inward reflection and to connect with that larger part of the self that inhabits the energy of oneness. Proper self-care is to open the mind to new perspectives through the pursuance of knowledge. It is to balance active gathering of information with passive learning through observation.

Q: I have another question. Can you say more about how to connect with that larger part of the self that inhabits the energy of oneness?

A: One can connect through stillness and inner-reflection, through giving of service without conditions, and through spending time in nature. This moves one out of the realm of human conditioning and into a state of oneness with all that is.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!