
December 29, 2013

Anytime Now

As I sat down to write this post my goal was to receive a message that gave some insight to the upcoming New Year, but as spirit often does, they had another topic in mind. The subject is time, or our attachment to it. Life on this planet warrants that we manage our time – some more than others, some better than others – though what the message below refers to is how we can get caught up in allowing the calendar to govern our lives at the risk of sabotaging our creativity and ultimate happiness.  

This time of year is doubly symbolic for me in that my birthday also occurs in the mix. It’s definitely a time where I feel the pull of clearing out the old and creating something new. Though as time marches on I’ve also found myself putting pressure on things I feel I should’ve achieved by now. Not to mention that I’m a quintuple Capricorn which can be crazy making when it comes to work and goals I set for myself. All this aside, who’s to say what anyone needs to accomplish by a certain point in life? It’s the dreaded “shoulds” and “have to’s” that get in the way of things. It’s the stories our society tells us of what we’re “supposed” accomplish and have and have done by a certain time. Buying into this only boxes us in and keeps us from creating our own individual version of life. And you know what? Whatever that version, it’s just fine.

So Happy New Year, and Happy New Day, and Happy New Moment to You!

With Love.


From Over There:
“Time is linear and the spirit does not view through a linear perspective. One does not need to wait for markings on a calendar to create a new beginning or to release old patterns. This use of the calendar is purely symbolic, as time as you know it does not exist in the realm of spirit.

As the actions of the spirit are only limited while housed in the physical body, so does the concept of time have the capacity to limit the free flow of creative accomplishment. Approach the concept time as a means to organize and invite that which you desire, not as a barrier to creation.

There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ time for moments to occur. They just occur. Allowing situations to unfold as they will – without attempting to force or hinder their appearance through the date on the calendar –allows divine for creation. As the human mind has a need for creating structure through time, use this ritual to your advantage. Do not let it hinder expression or your actions, only as markers along the way to accomplishment, and not as a form of self-judgment.”


Featured Guest: Gandalf the Wizard
Yes, I’m a big Lord of the Rings geek and proud of it, so I’ll leave you with this short snippet from Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. 2013 was certainly a year of many challenges for many people and I think in this scene the ring signifies those challenges. It’s all about how you react and meet what comes your way and what you do with the time you have left on this dense sphere we call home. The wisdom of Gandalf.

December 23, 2013

Get to Celabrating

Since this time of year is a whirlwind of activity for most everyone I’m giving you all a re-post from a couple of years back. It’s a good reminder – one to remember all year – that celebration is really all about experiencing  joy and not about stressing out over the specifics of how things unfold.

I wish you a very joyous holiday season; however you celebrate, whatever you celebrate!

With Love.


From Over There:
"To celebrate to is experience joy. If there is no joy, there is no true celebration. When one celebrates from only a sense of duty, it is not true celebration. True celebration comes from love, joy and excitement. It is felt with the heart. It is fluid, not rigid. There may be thought and execution of planning preceding, but the joy of celebration is always spontaneous. Allow it to unfold." 


Featured Guest:
This week you get a quote from the beautiful soul who was once housed in the body of Mother Theresa: Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.” A good to remember – every season of every year.

December 15, 2013

Kind, Respectful Individual Seeks Same

I have to admit that I recently realized that I had a bit an obsession with running into a couple of people I hardly know, just so I could give them a piece of my mind for having had a part in hurting someone I care deeply for. To give you a little perspective, this incident happened several months ago, and although the individual at the receiving end of the pain has moved on, I’ve been holding onto a grudge the size of Jupiter. You can imagine that this hasn’t been a very pleasant thing to do, and from time to time has distracted me from focusing on the important things in my life – like staying present with those I love. Not to mention that the offending individuals have had no idea what’s been circulating through my mind and therefore have gone on with their lives, seemingly unaffected.

The reason I bring this up is that in sitting myself down and really looking at the situation I came to realize – aside for my anger at their hurting someone I love – that I wanted to hold them accountable for their actions. I wanted to hear them apologize. I wanted them to fully grasp the repercussions of their actions. And I wanted to know if they had learned from their mistake – or if they even viewed it as a mistake in the first place. Basically, I was projecting my own standards of decency upon them, and was very attached to them holding the same standards. It was then that I realized that – whether I feel someone’s actions are wrong or not – everyone has the right to choose how they interact in the world. That’s what free will is all about. And I knew for my own peace of mind it was time to let it go.

We all make mistakes and do things we later regret – we’re human, and like it or not, that’s often how we learn. But when you find yourself confronted with someone whose standards of compassion are completely out of synch with yours it can be unsettling, especially when they appear to lack any concern for the pain they’ve caused. Though at the end of it all the most we can do is hold ourselves accountable for our own actions, and be forgiving of those who make amends for their human errors. We owe it to ourselves and everyone else to be as kind, considerate and respectful as possible. And when someone pops up that can’t or won’t deliver, it just might be time to let them go – whether they’re physically present or just swirling around in your head. 

Here’s to focusing on those who really count…

With Love.


From Over There:
“Pain is the result of moral standards that have been compromised that one sets for oneself. These standards are different for each individual and are subject to cultural background and familial identity. One is not born with these standards, one is taught these standards. Oftentimes these standards are created as a means for a society to keep its members acting within certain behavioral boundaries. When one knowingly engages in acts that are harmful to another – without fear of consequence – the individual acts through disconnect of their spiritual self. This leads to disharmony in relationships and slows the evolution of humanity, as the actions of each individual are valuable to the whole.

It is the individual who has no need for such standards as a means of behavioral control – yet chooses to interact with those around them with loving kindness that are the most enlightened. To act from the perspective of love for another as a way of life – not as a rigid condition – is the purest form of human connection.”


Featured Guest: Thich Nhat Hanh

This week I’ll leave you with a quote from Zen Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh:  Listening to and understanding our inner sufferings will resolve most of the problems we encounter.

December 8, 2013

Holistic Happiness

This week I want to talk about happiness, or rather, allowing happiness in all areas of life, not just some. I like to refer to this as “holistic happiness”. We all have different things that make us happy, though is there one area in your life in which you ignore your well-being? I know for me, I have a tendency to allow work to take over. I have to consciously make an effort to take care of myself and remember to eat, be social, and allow some down time. It took a while for me to realize that I was doing myself a grave disservice with my workaholic tendencies.

Distracting yourself to avoid feelings that may arise from focusing on a particular area of life is also another thing that can thwart happiness. I call this the pursuing of shiny objects. These are things that present themselves in nice, glossy packages, but lack what you need to be fulfilled. This can happen with work situations, home situations, and yes, people situations. For instance, pursuing work with an organization that may seem to fit in with everything you desire, yet the boss has control issues, is a shiny object that will most likely leave you feeling powerless and undervalued, and distract you from finding a better working situation. Or what about that attraction to an individual with a gorgeous outside wrapper, but nothing inside to offer? This type of shiny object distracts you from noticing those diamonds-in-the-rough that have loving, kind and present insides that are all around you.

So what areas of your life could use better tending to? What shiny objects are you willing to let go of so you can bravely pursue what you deserve? It’s up to you and only you to decide. How cool is that?

With Love.


From Over There:
“When one chooses to focus only on happiness in one area of life and forsakes happiness in other areas, one is not being true to the whole self. Balance focus on all areas of one’s life – relationship, career, home, family – and allow flexibility in pursuing satisfaction in these areas. It is with flexibility that one may bring more attention to a chosen area when needed, yet not forget the importance of the whole self.”


Featured Guest: Marci Shimoff, Happy for No Reason
In Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out, transformational expert Marci Shimoff offers a breakthrough approach to being happy, one that doesn't depend on achievements, goals, money, relationships, or anything else "out there." Most books on happiness tell you to find the things that make you happy and do more of them. Although there's nothing wrong with that, it won't bring you the kind of deep and lasting happiness most people long for -- the kind you'll never lose, no matter what happens in your life. Based on cutting-edge research and knowledge from the world's leading experts in the fields of positive psychology and neurophysiology, plus interviews with 100 truly happy people, this life-changing book provides a powerful, proven 7-step program that will enable you to be happier right now -- no matter where you start. To learn more visit

December 1, 2013

Stop Shoulding Yourself

This week I’m, once again, pulling from the archives. I’ve been immersed in book rewriting and holiday festivities which has left me next to no time to write a new post. I thought this one from a couple of years ago was a good one to share, as it talks about the issue of what I like to refer to as “shoulding” yourself. And since I won’t be pushing to cram in a new post because I feel I should, I’m going to take the message’s advice. Maybe there’s something you need to allow yourself to let go of, too.

Allowing a little breathing room.

With Love.


From Over There:
“Dwelling on what should or should not occur takes away action and possibility of growth. It takes responsibility out of your hands and puts it into the hands of the individual or group whose beliefs you are pushing yourself to subscribe to.

Instead of telling yourself that you should do something, what instead, would happen if you simply decided not to do it? Just not do it. Make a decision instead of being in a perpetual state of limbo. This would free up the time and space around the inaction and create action. Opening to the possibility of something better for you - something that resonates with who you are, and not who or what you are trying to be."


Featured Guest: Will Return next Week!