
March 2, 2014

Stay the Course

This week’s question and forecast have to do with – both in their own way – divine timing and how to keep moving toward a goal when things don’t feel like they’re moving fast enough. I know we’ve all been there. It can be mighty frustrating to be sure. It’s all about keeping momentum going even when this irritating human issue of needing money arises. Believe me, I’ve asked/ begged/ shaken my fist at the energies on more than one occasion, yet always get the same answer. Retain positive focus and don’t be attached to the final outcome. Argh, easy for “them” to say when they don’t have rent or a mortgage payment coming due. But even through my frustration I’ve had to recognize that focus and follow through are vital, especially when doing what you love. The trick is to do whatever you can to keep yourself floating while following your dream, and remembering why it was your dream in the first place. Oh, and building a community of support is imperative to get you through those frustrating/ scary/ overwhelming times.

Just keepin’ it going over here and hoping you do the same.

With Love.


From Over There: 3.2.14 Weekly Forecast
It is time to focus on the end result while practicing unattachment to the outcome. This is the way to open to all forms of possibility, and to results as of yet unforeseen. Work toward the goal, yet allow its development to unfold. One does not expect to force the petals of a flower to open and have it thrive – the petals must be allowed to unfold in their own natural way in order to create perfect balance.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: I'm in the process of building my business, but find I am in a money crunch. How do I trust that what I am doing is going to sustain me on a financial level? I’m very passionate about the work I’m doing, so that’s not the issue, it’s that the money isn’t arriving when I need it to.

A: Divine timing is the utmost importance when sharing that which you love, and perseverance is the key to building that which you desire. The energy and passion that you hold will translate through to the work, yet because it is your energy and not the personal energy of those with whom you wish to enroll, the results will at times transpire at a slower pace than what you may wish. It is connecting through the dense energetic field to meet another with this passion-energy that needs to occur. To understand this principle of energetic connection is to understand a component of divine timing. It is through passion and enthusiasm that one connects quickest to others.

Another component of diving timing are the lessons that may be useful in preparing one for the responsibilities of a successful outcome. These lessons will occur at varying lengths and are dependent on the willingness of the participant to overcome any challenges as they arise. It is important to remember that any journey is an opportunity to move toward a more enlightened state. The many journeys of life are meant to open and expand ones awareness. Allowing the lessons to unfold will create greater ease and movement toward an expanded existence and the potential for a joyful outcome that may be presently unforeseen.

For the inquirer:
The energetic connection is being made. Know that it is unfolding and will continue to unfold. Remaining focused on the process with a state of joy and excitement for the work quickens the results, yet we see that there is a need for you to replenish by acquiring work in a center that will support your income and social network, and allow your independent work to reach a greater community of those who are interested in your offerings. This may feel like movement backward to you. Know that it is not. It will give you the stability needed to maintain your enthusiasm while giving greater insight on how to build your independent work and bring it to the success that you desire.

(Note: When given this message I saw that by “center” they meant a facility that offers this type of work. It would mean that the inquirer become an employee of sorts while building their own business. The important thing here is to go after supplemental income that is in the same field as the business you’re going into. So for instance, if you’re starting a baked goods company, go work in a bakery. That way you’ll get real world experience while being able to have some sort of stable income.)


NOTE: Remember if you have a question that you'd like answered please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!