
January 25, 2015

Just Lettin’ It All Go…

Once again, this week’s message comes from a question I was asked by a colleague. It concerns the topic of letting go and why it’s sometimes so hard for us to do just that. Have you ever had an issue with letting go of a situation, relationship or job that you knew no longer served you? Yep, we all have. Sometimes we get so attached that the act of letting go practically feels like death. But just like the Phoenix rising, there can be renewal at the end of a pile of ashes.

At the base of our inability to let go is – you guessed it – fear. This fear comes from making a wrong a decision or missing an opportunity. But the truth is that like it or not things are continually changing all around us anyway. We just latch on to the idea that we can hold on to something or someone. Even if a job or relationship or other situation lasts over the span of years, all you have to do is think back and you’ll see that it’s not the same as it was in the beginning. The only thing we hold on to is the fear of our failure. And we all know how great that serves us.

As this week’s message tells us, if we stay present with ourselves and those around us then there really isn’t such a thing as a bad decision. Sometimes when we look back on a deviation from a path we can see the useful lessons that bring us to something even better than what we originally had planned. And at the very least we’re hopefully a bit wiser.

So just pay attention to what’s going on around you and go forth – onward and upward!

With Love.


From Over There: 1.25.15 Weekly Focus

Q: Why do we sometimes have a fear of letting go?
Is it a lack of trust in oneself. It is to mistrust one’s ability to know the best course of action for the self. Understand that if one commits to conscious awareness then the course of action will never be futile, as through this awareness lessons will be learned. In remaining consciously aware there is no need to fear a change of action or mindset. In a state of awareness this can only lead to growth, whatever the outcome.

Q: How can we keep ourselves in a state of conscious awareness?
It is through the act of staying present. It is to notice what is happening in the moment. It is to avoid distracting and numbing mind through denial. This is to pay attention to your words and actions and of those around you. It is to take responsibility for the impact your words, actions and thoughts have on you and those around you. In doing so you gain greater perspective of the words and actions of others and do not take them personally, understanding that they respond out of their own beliefs and fears. This is practicing the act of presence, and it leads to greater growth for the individual who chooses this practice.

January 19, 2015

Money, Energy & Martin Luther King, Jr.

This week’s message comes from questions I was asked by a colleague. I invite questions from my readers that can be useful to those who read this blog. The subject this week is at the top of just about everyone’s list and something that seems to be coming up a lot in conversations I’ve had as of late: money.

This being Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I wondered how money might relate to honoring his legacy and for those who continue to bring a voice to the disenfranchised. Well, since there are still those in power who use poverty as means of control over certain sections of society, and on the flipside having money gives us greater opportunity to do good in the world, I guess the messages below tie in quite nicely. It’s all about empowering ourselves and using that power to uplift those around us. If use altruistically it can help unite us as a global community and build a more positive future for the world. I’d say that’s a good thing.

Happy Birthday, Reverend King.

With Love.


From Over There: 1.18.15 Weekly Focus
 Why are so many of us concerned about our financial well-being? Why does it seem to be an issue for just about everyone?

It is cultural. In your particular culture there is a mindset of the need to have more. Even if you are one who chooses to live outside of convention, there is still a cultural energy that surrounds you. This leaves one in a state of eternal lack, as if there can never be enough – no matter how much money one has, there is a fear of not enough.

Many hold onto the idea that money is outside of them and unattainable. Money is simply a form of energy exchange, and it is necessary to align with the divine perspective of money in order to break free of the binds of cultural mindset.

Can you speak on how to become aligned with the divine perspective of money? Why does it seem that some of us have a clear connection to it and others don’t?

It is not in whether one has a clear connection to this energy, rather it is the underlying beliefs one holds that builds their relationship with it. Money is simply energy activated by intent. What does it represent to you?  Does it represent achievement, love or happiness? Is it viewed as a mechanism of survival?  Do you give it authority over you, or allow those with large amounts of it to control you? Does the amount you receive make you feel inferior or superior to others? Give you a sense of entitlement? Or a sense of shame? Does it represent betrayal, abandonment, anger or resentment? When you think of money, what feelings arise? Being mindful of these thoughts, feelings and beliefs will help you understand the core of your relationship to this energy. It is through a dedication to stay conscious as these thoughts and feelings arise that will uncover beliefs that you may not have as part of your conscious awareness. It is in exposing these beliefs that one may rise above and begin to build a more positive and powerful relationship with money.

For money to be a positive influence in one’s life, it must be met with benevolent intent. It must be a source for creating a more empowered life and as a mechanism of support for oneself and others. When it is used as a way of controlling another or allowing oneself to be controlled by another, the relationship with money falls out of divine alignment. When one’s sense of self is controlled by how much money they have or do not have, then they have fallen out of divine alignment in their relationship with money. It is in perceiving money as an energy just like other types of energetic forces. All energetic forces are fueled by intention. The more empowered your thoughts around money, the more good it will bring to your life.    

January 11, 2015

Stand Up

The terrorist attacks and murders in Paris this last week have once again left most of us feeling devastated and outraged. Following this was an inspiring show of solidarity as thousands – from a diverse spectrum of spiritual and religious beliefs, including many Muslim – took to the streets in support of those who were killed. It shows that we can rise above these acts, even in the face of fear.

This week’s post is an excerpt from my upcoming book and it covers the act of bullying. The violence that was perpetrated at the hands of the terrorists is an act of bullying at it most extreme. This excerpt is more directed toward instances where we might feel pushed around by someone who chooses to use intimidation tactics in their daily interactions instead of playing fair. It’s something we all encounter at some point in our lives, though we can make ourselves better equipped to protect ourselves with a little shift in consciousness. We may not be able to stop global acts of terrorism, but we can at least defend ourselves and others in our day-to-day lives from where we stand right now.

Sending love to the 12 killed, to their families and to everyone affected by the Charlie Hedbo tragedy. Je suis Charlie.

With Love.


From Over There: 1.11.15 Weekly Focus (excerpt from Channel Surfing)

 “Q: Can you speak to us about the act of bullying and how can someone rise above the pain – especially when they’re young and vulnerable?
A: This type of behavior occurs when the perpetrator only understands anger as the way to empowerment and value. These individuals lack a conscious connection to their true source of power – their spirit-self. They are cut off in such a way that they do not recognize themselves as the divine being that they are. They have forgotten this. The one who is acted upon has also lost touch with their divine self and is seen as weaker than the perpetrator, so therefore an easy target of the anger. It is through each individual finding their own value – especially value in their uniqueness – that renders the perpetrator ineffective. Only through fear do individuals prey upon the well-being of another. In the presence of love no such act can stand. When one loves and values oneself, they understand their value from the perspective of love, and through this perspective find no joy in bringing harm to others. It is through the desire to accept and appreciate one's uniqueness that one begins to build the true source of strength and power - the spirit.

I feel it necessary to add a side note here. The answers to this question may seem over simplified, and to our dense energetic existence they are, though it’s important to remember that in the world of Spirit, anything is possible and easily attainable. The answers are guidance to help you understand that in appreciating and valuing ourselves, we lower the risk of being the victim of bullying or assault. Someone who exudes confidence does not make an easy target. Though this isn’t always the case and sometimes we’re simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, or we are caught in the crossfire of someone else’s dispute. A good point to remember is that regardless of the trials or tribulations that may come your way, a good dose of self-love just makes life so much sweeter and those trials and tribulations more easily surmountable.”

January 4, 2015

Watch What You’re Stepping In

The word power can have either positive or negative connotations, depending on your definition of what it is. Though embracing true personal power – not a dictatorship-like hold over others – is one of the most positive things we can strive for in life. When we’re in our power we have greater confidence and are more apt to pursue those things that we’re good at and enjoy doing. We feel a sense of accomplishment and inspire others to go for what they want as well.

If we all fully stood in our power there would be no jealousy, back-biting, greediness, entitlement and most likely no horrible reality shows. Sounds good to me! And as Marianne Williamson so famously said, “There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so others won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine...”

So step on up, step on in, and shine!

With Love.


From Over There: 1.4.15 Weekly Focus
Embrace your power. Do not apologize for it, nor shrink away from it. Stand up for yourself. Do so with compassion for both yourself and those around you. To stand in your power is to acknowledge your value and confidently use your talents. To recognize your unique strengths and use them to their fullest potential offers them as gifts to serve the world and fulfills your own happiness.

Q: How can we confidently step into our own power, especially if we feel a bit unsure?

A: It is to focus on your strengths to uplift you. It is to recognize each individual’s own unique abilities and to not compare yourself with others. When one compares themselves to another – whether through feelings of inferiority or to instill a sense of superiority – it is a sign of self-directed disrespect. It devalues the individual and leaves them feeling separated from their true source and interconnectedness. Direct your focus on your talents. Use them and enjoy them for self-gratification and do not be discouraged by the opinion of others who may not understand or resonate with them. Sharing your gifts and enjoying the gifts of others is the ultimate expression of human potential.


Thanks & Blessings!