
March 30, 2014

What Dreams May Come

Dreams can be a funny thing. Sometimes they seem extremely profound and then at other times just plain crazy. I remember a series of reoccurring dreams I had when I was working at a very creatively unfulfilling place, and not to get too graphic, but they all took place in different variations of a public restroom. In each dream I really had to, you know, go, but each time I found a facility it was either too dirty, too clogged, or so completely gross that I couldn’t bring myself to use it. Once I quit the job and moved on the dreams stopped and I haven’t (thankfully) had one since. It was very telling that I desperately needed a better outlet for expression, albeit in an odd and graphic way.

When reading this week’s forecast and question you may think that there’s really no correlation between the two – dreams and the state of wonder – though I think they go hand-in-hand. Dreaming often shows us what we need to pay attention to and being in wonder is the ultimate state of presence. It’s all about staying alert to what we need to focus on in our lives, whether we’re sleeping or gazing upon something that makes us go “Awww…”

With Love.


From Over There: 3.30.14 Weekly Forecast
It is time to step into the wonder of life. Find that place of wonder in everything around you. To be in this state is to be in a state of receptivity to creation of desires. Now is the time to find joy in everyday life. Allow the practice wonder to fill your thoughts and you will find greater happiness and synchronicity for creating that which you desire.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: I have been taking a class on dreams and the power of information we can receive through dreaming. Any insight into what we can learn from our dreams?

A: The act of dreaming is a powerful tool that allows the mind to process information and opens the gateway for a more conscious connection to spirit. This dual function can create confusion in the interpretation of one’s dreams, especially if one feels disconnected from the spirit-self.
Dreaming is a way for the mind and spirit to connect. It is a way for the access of information that one may need that cannot be accessed while in a waking state due to fear or an overtaxed mind. It is a way for the mind to process the stresses that daily life may present – stresses that one needs to process in order to release.

Understand that the symbolic meaning of dreams comes from the individual perspective. Meaning for a particular scenario may change from dreamer to dreamer. It is in allowing the context of the information to unfold that one begins to decipher the meaning behind the symbolism. It is important to remain unattached to a dream’s interpretation and understand that it is simply another form of processing for the mind through the connection with spirit.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like answered please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, strictly confidential, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

March 23, 2014

Perfectly Aligned

This week’s forecast and reader Q and A have to do with aligning with what it is we want in life and what happens when we don’t. I’m not necessarily talking about the grand things we may want to pursue, but more the day-to-day things that bring us joy. It’s the little things that make life a pleasure, the occasional big explosive stuff is just icing on the cake (no disrespect in regard to the sugar issue for this week’s inquiry).

What can you do today to make life more interesting and fun? Have you let go of something that you enjoy because of a perceived lack of time? The thing is, if we make something (like our own happiness) a priority then we find the time to do whatever it is that we want to do. For myself, I recently started drawing again, something I hadn’t allowed myself to do in years. And I’m really, REALLY enjoying it! It feels good to do something simply for the pleasure of it and not as a means of appeasing my crazy workaholic Capricorn tendencies. Drawing has nothing to do with my career path, or any “big picture” concept. It just is, and that’s good enough.

So your homework for the week is to think about something that you can realign yourself with that brings you joy – whether it’s along a career path or not – and allow yourself some time to pursue it. Because you deserve it and your happiness just might depend on it.

With Love.


From Over There: 3.23.2014 Weekly Forecast
It is time to realign with the vision you hold for creating that which you desire. Do not be concerned that momentum has been lost due to recent chaos presented through other life situations. The energy previously set forth has held space for the manifestation of desires. Realign through thought and action. Realign through heart and passion. Remember the original joy of why you set forth on this path.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: Lately I seem to have no patience for anything. I’m usually a very happy person, though these temper flare-ups are really starting to bother me and affect my life in negative way. Nothing has drastically changed in my life, so why am I feeling this way?

A: The frustration comes from misalignment with the needs of the emotional self, and in the spirit’s need for creative expression. These feelings are amplified by the consumption of substances that are ingested in an attempt to avoid the pain that is caused by this misalignment. At this time proper rest is of the utmost importance. At this time allow creative endeavors to flow simply for the joy of process. At this time pursue activities which calm the mind and body – not over stimulate.

For the inquirer:
I got the rest of the message expressed in a way that very loudly said, “NO MORE SUGAR.” I then was shown how detrimental sugar can be to certain systems. Interestingly, our bodies can process things very differently and there’s no right or wrong, or one-size-fits-all way of eating. Some of us can handle a little sugar, some of us can’t. I saw very clearly for the one asking this week’s question that sugar sends this person’s body into an extremely heightened state of irritation. The initial rush feels good, then not so good. The effect of sugar on this person’s system is very drug-like. Not such a good thing! Just another reason why we need to get in tune with our bodies and listen to what they’re trying to tell us.


NOTE: Remember if you have a question that you'd like answered please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!

March 16, 2014


I really love this week’s forecast, because I was starting to go through a little bit of an oh-god-what’s-wrong-with-me head trip. Let me explain. Lately I’ve found myself retreating into Hermitville, not wanting to answer phone calls or emails, and basically rejecting a lot of human interaction. Truthfully, I’ve felt pretty worn out. This led to my ego telling me that there must be something wrong with me for not wanting to be out in the world, not feeling inspired to chat with those that I love, or blah…blah…blah…you get the picture.

I then proceeded to tap into this week’s forecast and picked a question that went along with the same theme quite nicely. I’m very glad for it, because now I more fully understand why I’ve been feeling this way. I’m very much affected by the energies around me anyway, and as the forecast says, everything is amplified. This just means I need to be a little more attentive to putting up boundaries and I highly suggest you do the same. It doesn’t mean cutting people out of your life, it just means to take breaks when needed and not take offense to what others are saying or doing. They’re just experiencing the same intensity swirling around.

Wishing you all an abundance of inspired interactions and a Happy St. Patrick’s Day, too!

With Love.


From Over There: 3.17.14 Weekly Forecast
Emotional energies are amplified. It is time to be aware of that which you speak and that which you react to. If words need to be expressed, then release them with extra care. Each individual is approaching interactions with this amplified emotional energy. To understand this will give clearer perspective of the actions and reactions of those around you, and will allow the perspective for you to react in another way.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: I’ve been going out with this guy for a couple of months and it was going really well until recently. We had a slight disagreement and now everything has changed. It went from hot to cold so quickly. What happened?

A: There is a restructuring of energetic fields that is taking place which may leave many feeling ungrounded or disconnected. This is creating conflict within the dynamics of many relationships, yet know that it is occurring as a means to allow humanity to review patterns and beliefs that do not serve the greater good of all. Each individual is acting as a catalyst for change for themselves and one another. Knowing this will allow greater reflection of oneself without defensiveness toward the actions of others. It is the compassion that you hold in your heart for yourself and others that will create a more gracious flow of energy and greater movement toward expanded consciousness.

For the inquirer:
You are both acting as a catalyst for change for one another. There is much past trauma for both that needs releasing. Allow the lessons to occur. There will be more interaction in the future. It is how you hold yourself with compassion and strength that will determine the outcome of the relationship. You are a divine child of light. Hold yourself with love and compassion.


NOTE: Remember if you have a question that you'd like answered please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!

March 9, 2014

No Distractions

This week’s forecast came to me while working at a very busy and loud coffee shop. I found it very interesting, because my first thought was that there would be no way I could get a clear message with such distraction all around me. And as is the case most of the time, the Universe has a funny sense of humor. So I sat and allowed the information to come flooding through and found it extremely easy to ignore the action all around me. Neither whirling of the blenders, nor the bad pop music (in my opinion, anyway), the chatting teenagers (this particular coffee shop was right next to a high school) or even the steaming of milk got in my way. It was actually quite empowering.

The forecast is also in line with a question a received a while back. It’s all about how to maintain focus when life is hitting you from all sides. This question was very timely for me as well, as over just the last couple of weeks I’d been broadsided by an emotional tornado of painful situations with a number of people with whom I’m very close to and care deeply about.  And just as situation #3 hit I thought to myself, “I can either freak out in despair or buck up and be there for those who need me.” I chose the latter, but was also able keep on top of the stuff that I personally needed to attend to and didn’t completely forsake myself in the process. It was a much better way to approach things and I wasn’t left feeling completely overwhelmed or drained like I might have been in the past. It’s all about finding the right balance that works for you, really.

So instead of letting go of what you’re aiming for when things jump in front of the target, just remember that you owe it to yourself to keep your eye on the bullseye – especially when life is hitting yu from all sides.

With Love.


From Over There: 3.9.14 Weekly Forecast
As life swirls around you, as situations arise that are not aligned with your path, maintain focus. It is the individual who can achieve continued focus regardless of what unfolds all around that will bring forth that which they desire. Know that the time is now to maintain focus, know that it is a choice to engage with the distracting forces or to remain unfettered in their presence. Know that it is time to practice greater focus on that which you desire.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: I keep trying to work toward my goals, but life seems to keep getting in the way. How do I achieve what I want when all hell seems to constantly break lose all around me? I’m SO frustrated!

A: It is to put your desires as important as others. The distractions will always occur. You may also look at the deeper issue here as to why you allow yourself to be dissuaded from your path. There are many reasons that one allows this. There may be fear of failing at the accomplishment. There may be fear of succeeding at the accomplishment. This can happen when you do not feel worthy of what you desire or do not trust yourself to be able to create that which you desire. No matter the reason for allowing the distraction, it is time to see yourself as worthy of priority. This understanding of your desires as being as important as the desires of those around you will allow you to put your desires and the action needed to create your path toward outcome in proper priority, and not last after everyone around you. Stepping into this new place of power will shine a light of encouragement for others to do the same. It is the way to a balanced life.


NOTE: Remember if you have a question that you'd like answered please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!

March 2, 2014

Stay the Course

This week’s question and forecast have to do with – both in their own way – divine timing and how to keep moving toward a goal when things don’t feel like they’re moving fast enough. I know we’ve all been there. It can be mighty frustrating to be sure. It’s all about keeping momentum going even when this irritating human issue of needing money arises. Believe me, I’ve asked/ begged/ shaken my fist at the energies on more than one occasion, yet always get the same answer. Retain positive focus and don’t be attached to the final outcome. Argh, easy for “them” to say when they don’t have rent or a mortgage payment coming due. But even through my frustration I’ve had to recognize that focus and follow through are vital, especially when doing what you love. The trick is to do whatever you can to keep yourself floating while following your dream, and remembering why it was your dream in the first place. Oh, and building a community of support is imperative to get you through those frustrating/ scary/ overwhelming times.

Just keepin’ it going over here and hoping you do the same.

With Love.


From Over There: 3.2.14 Weekly Forecast
It is time to focus on the end result while practicing unattachment to the outcome. This is the way to open to all forms of possibility, and to results as of yet unforeseen. Work toward the goal, yet allow its development to unfold. One does not expect to force the petals of a flower to open and have it thrive – the petals must be allowed to unfold in their own natural way in order to create perfect balance.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: I'm in the process of building my business, but find I am in a money crunch. How do I trust that what I am doing is going to sustain me on a financial level? I’m very passionate about the work I’m doing, so that’s not the issue, it’s that the money isn’t arriving when I need it to.

A: Divine timing is the utmost importance when sharing that which you love, and perseverance is the key to building that which you desire. The energy and passion that you hold will translate through to the work, yet because it is your energy and not the personal energy of those with whom you wish to enroll, the results will at times transpire at a slower pace than what you may wish. It is connecting through the dense energetic field to meet another with this passion-energy that needs to occur. To understand this principle of energetic connection is to understand a component of divine timing. It is through passion and enthusiasm that one connects quickest to others.

Another component of diving timing are the lessons that may be useful in preparing one for the responsibilities of a successful outcome. These lessons will occur at varying lengths and are dependent on the willingness of the participant to overcome any challenges as they arise. It is important to remember that any journey is an opportunity to move toward a more enlightened state. The many journeys of life are meant to open and expand ones awareness. Allowing the lessons to unfold will create greater ease and movement toward an expanded existence and the potential for a joyful outcome that may be presently unforeseen.

For the inquirer:
The energetic connection is being made. Know that it is unfolding and will continue to unfold. Remaining focused on the process with a state of joy and excitement for the work quickens the results, yet we see that there is a need for you to replenish by acquiring work in a center that will support your income and social network, and allow your independent work to reach a greater community of those who are interested in your offerings. This may feel like movement backward to you. Know that it is not. It will give you the stability needed to maintain your enthusiasm while giving greater insight on how to build your independent work and bring it to the success that you desire.

(Note: When given this message I saw that by “center” they meant a facility that offers this type of work. It would mean that the inquirer become an employee of sorts while building their own business. The important thing here is to go after supplemental income that is in the same field as the business you’re going into. So for instance, if you’re starting a baked goods company, go work in a bakery. That way you’ll get real world experience while being able to have some sort of stable income.)


NOTE: Remember if you have a question that you'd like answered please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!