
July 28, 2013

Give 'Em What You've Got

The last few posts have been a bit heavy and this week I wanted to lighten things up a bit. When I “asked” for something nice and inspiring the response I received is the message below. While is does call for us to hold some responsibility for how we act in the world, it also definitely explains why. It some of you this will be no surprise. Obviously, if you treat others with kindness you bring the possibility for receiving the same in return. But taking it a step further it’s explained that by virtue of our interconnectedness, when we treat others with kindness we are, in essence, treating ourselves with kindness as well. Hmm, I like that.

Sending you love from over here and enjoying the bounce back.


From Over There:
“You are all one and all children of the same being. This being is, in turn, is made up of each and every one of you. Whether viewing life through the physical-self or through the self without limitation – the soul-self – knowing who you are is important in understanding your value and effect on all of creation. You ARE that important, each and every one of you. By treating one another with kindness and compassion, you are giving yourself the same gift. Give kindness generously and the rewards will follow you throughout time.”


Featured Guest: Stevie Wonder
Just because I happen to be on a bit of a Stevie Wonder bender as of late, and because it’s a great song, here’s For Once in My Life. And you have to admit, the extremely out of sync dancers sure add to the fun!


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July 21, 2013

Cuts Deep

This week’s message covers a topic of forgiveness and it’s unfortunate partner, betrayal. I’s a weighty subject, but important to talk about, and one that I keep encountering as of late in my work with clients. It can be a difficult place to get to, but once it occurs is liberating. Forgiveness does not mean condoning bad behavior, it means letting go of the anger and resentment over an act of betrayal. While forgiving someone benefits them it also, more importantly, benefits us.  Holding onto anger can feel like a fester sore that never heals. It colors the lens that we view the world through and shuts us off from allowing good things to come through.

One thing I’ve noticed when working with clients over the years are the stages that one has to go through in order to get to the place where they can forgive.  It can take time, especially when you’ve felt particularly betrayed by someone. Oftentimes the shock when the incident occurs can leave you feeling like you’re able to cope and move through it with ease, but then the reality of the situation hits and then the anger comes flooding through. Is the anger justified? You bet it is. And it is necessary to allow it in order to move through it. When you’re able to allow yourself time to be in this state and not make yourself wrong for it – really feel it – then it’s easier to get to the other side without staying forever stuck in it.

Another thing that often shows up after an act of betrayal is depression, which is actually anger turned inward. The bummer about depression is that it can take all of the joy out of life. How do you move through? By reaching out. It’s imperative that you find a network of support, whether through friends, family or a professional. When you’re in the midst of hurt it can sometimes feel like it will never end. It’s excruciating. But time and time again I’ve seen the other side of it, those who bravely face it head on, feel the pain, and move toward forgiveness and greater awareness. This message is once again a repost, but such a good one that it’s definitely worth the repeat.

Wishing you all a peaceful heart.

With Love.


From Over There:
"Betrayal arises from the perpetrator's inability to be truthful. This can happen through fear of consequences, lack of maturity, or through actions that the perpetrator feels to be inappropriate and still continues to act upon. Whatever the cause, it is the rebuilding of trust that creates healing - if both parties are open. The perpetrator must first prove through action that the offensive behavior has stopped, and the receiving individual must be open to change from the other. Patience will be needed as it is through repeated new action by the perpetrator that trust is rebuilt. This new action must come from the perpetrator's own desire for change, and not from the one acted upon.

Many times, the relationship is forever changed, and whether it continues or ceases, much growth can occur. It is openness to this growth that moves both parties forward into a richer awareness of life."


Featured Guest: International Forgiveness Institute
The International Forgiveness Institute is dedicated to helping people gain knowledge about forgiveness and to use that knowledge for personal, group, and societal renewal.

Since 2002, the IFI has focused almost exclusively on a new and challenging activity—the development of forgiveness education curricula for children in war-torn, impoverished, and/or oppressed areas of the globe. Our classroom research shows that as children learn about forgiveness, their levels of anger go down. Our theory is that such anger reduction in students will help them improve their interpersonal relationships to the point that they can begin to see, as they mature into adults, the best path toward justice. We believe that forgiveness education is one path toward peace. For more information please visit international


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July 14, 2013

For Trayvon

I had already written and posted this week’s message prior to the verdict being announced regarding George Zimmerman and his role in the death of Trayvon Martin, and since I felt compelled to speak on the subject there will be two posts. As a white woman with light hair, light eyes and a slim build I know I don’t pose a very threatening figure. I know that this has afforded me to, at times, move easily through the world without drawing much attention to myself. I also, try as I might, can’t imagine what it’s like to be black, especially a young black male in our society. And, I know that as much as some of us want to believe that we don’t judge one another by appearance, that’s simply not true. We do judge each other, though hopefully some of us do so with a little conscious awareness.

All of this has reminded me of a few times where I happened to be by myself while encountering another lone individual – a black male. I remember several occasions while in an elevator, climbing stairs, or simply walking down the street, that in virtually every instance was greeted with a very polite response, almost as if they were trying to make sure I felt comfortable in their presence. The more I observed this, the more I started to take notice of the differences between my encounters with white men vs. black men. By and large the men of color were much more polite. Oftentimes, in my encounters with white males I found that they didn’t even acknowledge me. I’m not saying in all instances, but definitely enough to take notice. What this has shown me is that white men, like me, can easily move throughout the world, and don’t really care if they’re noticed, because they don’t have to deal with the same instant reaction to their presence that black men do.

I find it horribly sad that today in our modern world a sector of society can never fully relax. I know as a woman I’ve had this experience, needing to be hyper-vigilant in paying attention to my surroundings to keep myself safe, but the issue of skin color goes much deeper than this. Derogatory assumptions are made solely based on the level of pigment one naturally displays, as if this were a marker of character. I wish so badly that we could evolve and learn to judge each other only on the merits of character alone, and not appearance, though it doesn’t look like that’s happening anytime too soon. It’s simply tragic that a young man is dead because of this.

What can we do until then? Maybe stop, check ourselves and our reactions, and don’t instantly assume? Not always easy in the moment, but staying conscious is a habit and necessary in choosing a more evolved way of thinking. We CAN get better at this. I’ve seen quite a few people who may have been raised to be intolerant of a certain segment of society change their views though experience and open-mindedness.  All it takes is a commitment to move past the fear and limiting beliefs.

Here’s to each of you, all beautiful members of the human race.

With Love.

P.S. Please see the other new post, Sister, Sister, below.


From Over There:
“Brothers and sisters under the skin, you are all part of the human race. Genetics are part of the physical, not of the soul. The soul has no such boundaries. The genetic blueprint in which one carries into this world concerns the life and lessons while embodied – not before physical birth or after physical death occurs. To understand one’s self on a soul level opens for understanding of other’s beyond their physical presence. It opens to an expanded view of the human race as a whole being, not as racially divided entities.”


Featured Guest: The National Resource Center for Racial Healing
The National Resource Center for Racial Healing (NRCHR) was created in 1999 as a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit organization. We begin where diversity training and judicial laws end. All the laws that can be written to eradicate racism have been passed or discussed with much debate. Our focus is creating a society that embraces the reality of the oneness of humankind, and the eradication of racism and its many forms that dehumanize or cause strife. Our methods and process help change the hearts of people by creating a safe environment to explore the disease of racial conditioning. Over fifteen hundred (1,500) have been trained by the NRCHR and the results are exceptional. Our processes not only work, but they are applicable to the masses, companies, and communities. To learn more, please visit


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July 12, 2013

Sister, Sister

As much as I love being female there’s one aspect of it that has always bothered me deeply, and that’s the cattiness I sometimes see among my gender. The thing is I, for one, don’t believe that this behavior is hardwired into our DNA, but instead is a product of a society bent on separating and disempowering us. For any of you men reading this, please know that this post is in no way male-bashing.  My hope is that it will show why it benefits you as well if women support, and not undermine, one another.

Fortunately and unfortunately the media has an awful lot to do with how our society views things. It affects our train of thought and inspires trends. It can be used to uplift and pull people together, or as reality (dare I say trash) TV shows, can instigate copious amounts of drama and plain old bad behavior. It’s up to us individually to ignore and rise above the trash and support one another. I know this is possible, because I happen to be blessed with knowing stupendously wonderful, kind, thoughtful and respectful women who would never even consider maliciously harming their fellow sister. They recognize that in doing so is an insult to all women, and that it sets up the proliferation of catty, self-serving behavior.

I’m pretty sure that you women reading this post fall into the stupendously-wonderful-kind-thoughtful-respectful category, and my hope is that your being so will act as inspiration to those who haven’t yet found their way there. It’s an awesome responsibility we carry, but hey, we’re women, we can handle it!

With Love.


From Over There:
“The female is the keeper of creation. It is through this physical proclivity – whether one bears children or not – that the natural instincts toward the care of others is induced. This position holds high responsibility in the well-being of all. It is through the support and respect that the female gender holds for one another that a strong foundation is built for the well-being of the entire race. It is upon this foundation in which the world stands.

When females diminish one another it weakens the foundation and the innate strength of the female species overall. It is through embracing this deep instinct toward care of one another that the female must present support and care to each other. This empowers each individually, and strengthens the foundation on which the entire race relies. It is imperative to the well-being of the entire race and the well-being of the planet as a whole.”


Featured Guest: Feminine Power
Empowering awakening women to create their very best lives, realize their highest potentials and make their greatest contributions to the world—and to do so from a foundation of profound self-love, support, connection, prosperity and partnership with others who share their values and vision. To learn more, please visit


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July 7, 2013

Teach Your Children...Again

This week’s message is a re-post from a year or so ago. It speaks of how the rebelliousness of youth many times is necessary for us to evolve as a society, especially when rigid viewpoints take hold. And in that true spirit I’m decided to be a little rebellious myself and not give you a brand new, never before seen message. And since it’s a good one, it’s definitely worth the repeat!

With Love.


From Over There:
"Each generation is the keeper of the next. It is the responsibility of the keepers to allow for the evolution of the next generation. Many times, when rigid structures have been put in place by one generation through fear or complacency, it is the next generation that must break down the rigidity through seemingly rebellious acts. These acts are oftentimes necessary to push through barriers of conformity that slow the evolutionary process.

This evolutionary process is necessary for the ultimate survival of the human race. In historical review it can be seen that rebellious acts by youth - when done with concern for humanity and not strictly self-serving - result in bringing forth a higher conscious awareness of a given society.

It is important for the keepers to honor the spirit of youth. It is wise to stay flexible in order to evolve, while guiding the youth through safe passage with the wisdom of life experience. Each passing of the torch with compassion and understanding allows for greater consciousness for all."


Featured Guest:Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
And how could possibly do anything other than post the iconic song by Crosby, Stills Nash & Young, Teach Your Children. Enjoy!