
April 27, 2014

Creating A New Pattern

Similar to last week, this week’s forecast suggests we stay in a space of allowing, though the energy is a little more active. It also suggests that it’s also a good time to pursue releasing all of the stuff that may have come up during the previous ultra-intense weeks. I’m not saying that things aren’t still a little on the intense side, it’s just a different kind of intensity. Instead of the in-your-face blast of things we need let go of being hurled at us, this energy is slightly gentler, and is the beginning of a good period for processing. And this is definitely a good thing, because being in a state of feeling like the shit is constantly hitting the fan doesn’t do anything but leave us all feeling overwhelmed and with our defenses up.

Use this time to gently let go of what isn’t working for you, and as the message below says, be kind to yourself. It’s all just a continuous life process anyway, it just happens to be a particularly good time energy-wise to do it. Relax in to it and release as things come up. This isn’t the time to try and force change or do any emotional heavy lifting. That’ll come soon enough.

With Love.


From Over There: 4.27.14 Weekly Forecast
There is a deepening of allowing. Now is the time to stay ever aware of the present moment. The energies of change that were intensified have brought forth into the conscious awareness that which is needing transformation. Now is the time to stay conscious of resistance in letting go of old patterns of behavior and thought in order for transformation to occur. It is time to allow the release of old patterns to make way for the new.


Featured Question:
Q: What can we do to help release old patterns that aren’t working for us anymore? Especially when everything around stays the same and may still support these old patterns?

A: To be aware of the patterns as they arise. Acknowledge them. To be aware of the pattern as it occurs allows the ability to correct the course of action or course of thought. Accompany this with replacing the action or thought with a more supportive action or thought. Maintain this pattern of replacement. Through repetition you will move out of the desire for holding onto the old pattern. Understand that not all patterns will release with equal speed. Be patient and kind to yourself. Do not judge or degrade yourself. To do so will slow transformation. Allow transformation to unfold without judgment for continuous release.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

April 20, 2014

Up Your Allowance

I don’t know about you, but this last week was pretty intense. That doesn’t mean it was necessarily bad, but it just felt that things that needed clearing blasted through at warp speed. Although it was a little overwhelming at times, I hope that it hasn’t left you feeling completely worn out. But if it did, this is the perfect time to rest up. Instead of hyper-focusing on what needs to change or taking steps to create change, use this time to take a much needed deep breath after the energetic marathon we’ve just experienced.

Breathe in, let it go, and ahhhhhh…

With Love.


From Over There: 4.20.14 Weekly Forecast
Much energy that has been amplified is lessening in intensity. This is now a state of greater receptivity. It is time to relax the mind and pursuits and give space for allowing. Bring your awareness to practicing inner stillness. Doing so will bring back a sense of equanimity.


Featured Question:
Q: Last week was pretty intense, and the forecast for this week state that things are starting to calm down. I know that now is a time to allow instead of pursue, but what does that really mean? Stop everything we’ve been doing? What if something comes along that we need to take action on?

A: It is a time to use this energy for your benefit by relaxing increased action of pursuit. It does not mean absolute inaction as there may be steps that one needs to complete, it is rather the time to release the need to push toward a goal. The seeds have been planted and are being planted. Time and space is needed for the seeds to grow. It is time to nourish the self. Nourish the self with nourishing thoughts and food. Soon will be the time for increase action, now is the time to relax and allow.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!

April 13, 2014

Bloody Full Moon

When I received this week’s forecast I had a feeling that it tied in with the full moon lunar eclipse – also known as a blood moon – so I asked this week’s question, and yep, it all ties together. The energy this week is once again intense, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, it can also work to your advantage. When energy intensifies it becomes bigger and more powerful, which means it also has the potential to blast through things faster. Why not use it to blast through what you don’t want anymore?

Use this week to bring your attention to those things that aren’t working so well in your life. Notice any repeated thought patterns that may be playing in the background of your mind, or habits that don’t feel supportive to you and your overall happiness. How can you refocus and change the pattern? First and foremost it starts with being aware of it. Just like any self-defeating habit, it’s all about paying attention and making a choice to change it. I know for myself there are a couple old, scratchy broken-records that I plan on tossing from my head.

With Love.


From Over There: 4.13.14 Weekly Forecast
This is the time to release and let go. As the energies have been amplified, it is the opportunity to bring consciousness to old patterns of behavior that do not enrich life. As consciousness becomes aware of these patterns, it is time to switch from the old way to a new pattern that creates a more fulfilling life.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: On the 15th we have a full moon lunar eclipse. What affect, if any, will it have on us?

A: It is the positioning of celestial bodies that creates energetic frequencies that affect the thought patterns of sentient beings. This current state creates amplification of thought patterns in such a way as to bring recognition of the thought, whereas previously the pattern was an automatic or unconscious thought. Acknowledgment of the amplification is a useful tool in bringing awareness to that which can be released. This amplification has the potential to create disharmony as well when coupled with lack of awareness. This creates denial of responsibility for the thoughts and the inability to release the disharmonious pattern. It is through acknowledgement of the thought patterns that the amplified energies now support the expedient release of those thought patterns that are not desired.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!

April 6, 2014

Checks & Balances

This week’s forecast talks about the “chaotic energetic forces” that are currently present, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely felt them and saw them in action last week for myself, for my clients, and those in my immediate inner circle. Although these periods can feel a little challenging, they can also be great catalysts for change. The trick is to stay conscious with your thoughts and actions and own up to it when you let the chaos get the best of you.

I have to admit to needing to apologize more than once last week. I already tend to be a bit on the intense side, especially when trying to focus on something that isn’t flowing the way I want it to, so knowing about the energies at hand definitely helps. I hope it helps you too, and that you use it to your advantage.

So take a deep breath, jump right in, and let’s go!

With Love.


From Over There: 4.6.14 Weekly Forecast
It is important to find balance in all activities – both in thought and physical action. Use active thought and physical action to pursue daily tasks, yet balance this with a calm mind and body. It is of the utmost importance during this time. Doing so will balance the chaotic energetic forces that are currently present. Doing so will keep oneself calm amidst the chaos.


Featured Guest Question:
Q: This week, after receiving the forecast, I decided to ask my own question: The forecast talks about “chaotic energetic forces”, can you please talk more about this and what that means for us?

A: There is a heightened collective energy that is accelerating the potential for the personal evolution of each individual. This creates a sense of chaos as the need for self-awareness intensifies. This creates a need for inner-reflection to ease the often unsettling feelings that may occur through such heighten growth periods. The avoidance of balancing action with quiet inaction will only further the feelings of discontent and create the potential for missed opportunity to partake in one’s accelerated personal evolution. It is time to interact with one’s self in a balanced way to allow the growth to occur. Doing so will allow the energetic forces to work in your favor, and not to your detriment.

It is time to use this energy to reexamine relationships to better understand their value in your life. Use this time to stay conscious of the thoughts and actions that these relationships encourage. It is through conscious examination that you may realign yourself with these relationships for a deeper understanding of their value. Doing so will allow insight as to whether it is time to deepen the relationship or to release it. It is time to reevaluate your relationship with yourself as well. To understand this will help you better understand your relationships with others. Be in alignment with the treatment you give to yourself, and the treatment you give others, and the treatment you expect in return from others.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog. Thanks & Blessings!