
March 22, 2015

Irritated, with a Side of Compassion

Have you ever felt irritated by someone's mistakes, or poor life choices? Almost as if you're offended by them, even if they're not directly targeted at you? I think we all have in one way or another and this week's message speaks to why that is and how we can move from a place of judgment to a state of compassion.

I really don't like judging others - even if my personal opinion is that they're being ridiculous -and I try my best to keep an open mind and an understanding perspective. Though truthfully I've found it to be a bit challenging at times. The message below is a good reminder of how sometimes those who irritate us are blessings in disguise.

So let's spread a little compassion for you, for me, and for that irritating guy over there...

With Love.


From Over There: 3.22.15 Weekly Focus

Q: How do we stay in a state of compassion for someone when we don't agree with their actions?

A: It is to look outside of their actions to the deeper motivation for their behavior. It is to understand the pain and fear that keeps them acting in such a way.

It is to look inward at the self as well, to understand why you judge their actions. What is it about their behavior that brings up pain in you? Or fear? Or guilt? To understand this gives one a greater sense of inner freedom and helps release the constraints of the critical mind.

It is to move toward the healing of the self through discovery of the pain or trauma. It is to find value in the ways in which others show you what needs to be brought forth into your awareness. It is to bring it into consciousness that it may move through and release, leading to greater happiness and peace.