
July 12, 2015

Totally Committed—For Now

Commitment to something is a present day action. Think about it, what you’re committed to today isn’t necessarily what you were committed to ten years ago. You may not have the same job, or be in the same relationship or even have the same believe structure. We’re constantly changing, so why shouldn’t our commitments be any different?

And yes, you can spend a lifetime committed to things like love for your family, and being a decent person, but to me that’s more of who you are as a human being than a commitment. Who you are at your core is reflected in what you choose to be committed to—not the other way around.

So as life goes on and we gain some wisdom and growth it makes sense that our commitments can change a little. And sometimes they change a lot. The point is, as spirit says below, to be fluid and open to change. Doing so can lead you places far beyond your present imagination.

To infinity…and beyond!

With Love.


From Over There: 7.12.15 weekly focus
Commitment is necessary to follow through to a desired outcome, though it is important to be flexible within the framework of commitment, as there are times when the path to manifesting that which you desire is different than envisioned. Be open to change to allow a path that brings you joy.

Many times, new experiences will alter the course of your life. Changes in perception will at times broaden your view and reveal choices and desires that were once hidden from your awareness. This is why the need for flexibility is vital to growth and expansion. If one stays rigid and attached to the initial outcome - or avenues to arrive there - it many times creates fear of change that stifles forward movement. Be fluid in your pursuits - and life will be more joyous and peaceful.


Until next time…