
December 28, 2014

At the End is the Beginning and the Beginning is the End

The New Year approaches and with that we often reflect back on the year that’s coming to a close. For myself, I’ve been more than happy to say “goodbye” to the years filled with challenges and have looked forward to the New Year as some sort of do-over. It feels doubly so and very symbolic, because very shortly after the beginning of the New Year my daughter and I celebrate our birthdays. A complete fresh start.

Funny thing is, when I look back over the years my big changes haven’t always occurred at the beginning or end of the year. It’s more about using the symbolism of this time to create change for myself. In other words, it’s a time to consciously choose a different way to approach something or stop procrastinating on getting going on a goal. It’s also a time to think about what you want to create in the year ahead.

The truth is we set goals and change our minds and course of direction all the time. And as this week’s message states, we can either use the concept of “beginning” and “end” to our advantage or disadvantage. It just depends on whether it’s being used as a mechanism to avoid something or motivate action.

So set your intentions, be kind to yourself, and get ready for the best year ever!

With Love.


From Over There: 12.28.14 Weekly Focus
There is no beginning, nor end, only perception as such. Life extends before and beyond the physical.  Relationships change, and at times seemingly end, though since they have occurred are always part of your story and an ever present element of your evolution. It is the human need to categorize components of time that creates the perception of a beginning and an end. Life is cyclic.

Q: Does it hinder us in any way to view life through beginnings and endings?

A. The perception of a beginning and an end can be helpful in one’s ability to move through painful situations or when moving toward achievement of a goal, as it gives a marker to see how far one has come through a process. When this perception is used as a means to avoid responsibility for one’s actions or to avoid the processing of pain, then the perception of a beginning or an end is counterproductive. To move on from a relationship or situation without processing through the pain or taking responsibility for the outcome is to avoid the potential wisdom gained from the experience. To begin a new relationship or situation without processing through the pain or taking responsibility for the outcome of that which came before risks repeating the experience. To understand the cyclical nature of existence is to honor all phases of life as valuable and to learn from the lessons each instance brings.  


Thanks & Blessings!

December 21, 2014

Merry & Bright

For some of you this may come as a surprise, but for others it’s common sense: happiness is a choice. Yep, that’s right, a choice. This is not to say that once you make the conscious decision to be happy that your life is going to be all rainbows and lollipops – we do, of course, live on this dense, challenging planet – but you’ll be much better equipped to move through the difficult times when they do occur.

It’s all about perspective, and it’s a lesson that in many regards I believe I’m still learning. The bottom line is that the more you appreciate and value your life, the more life tends to give you back what you appreciate and find valuable. And being in this mindset makes those bad days pass much faster and the good days so much sweeter.

Take a moment and focus on those things in your life that bring you happiness and let that be your guidepost for pulling in more of the same. May all your days be merry and bright.

With Love.


From Over There: 12.21.14 Weekly Focus
The way of happiness connects one with the light of the soul. Through this connection one understands their purpose, and forges a deeper awareness of how their actions affect them and those around them. There is no act so trivial that it passes without any influence. It is simply the level of individuals that are affected that may come into play. To choose the way of happiness is to affect one’s life through the soul’s light. The soul’s light is a joyous light. This is a joyous way for all.  


Q: How can we choose happiness when we may be going through a challenging period?

A. It is first through choosing kindness toward the self, through compassion for the self and respectful acts upon the self. It is through these self directed practices that one has the capacity to truly be thoughtful of others. This leads to greater acceptance and appreciation for oneself and of those around them. This, in turn, diminishes critical judgment of the self and others. To be less judgmental is a liberating experience. It instills in one a sense of freedom, no matter one’s life circumstance. It is within this sense of freedom that one easily chooses the way of happiness.


Thanks & Blessings!

December 14, 2014

Keep Your Motor Running

Around this time of year most of us tend to partake a little more freely in indulging. From social gatherings to the ubiquitous cookie, it can be hard to abstain. Add to that lack of sleep and the general chaos that ensues and it can take its toll. But as spirit says, staying alert to the messages our bodies give us will help alleviate some of the aftermath.

Our “vehicles” – as spirit so aptly refers to our physical selves – just needs a little attention and understanding to get through the day. I believe it’s perfectly fine to imbibe in holiday festivities as long as you approach it from a celebratory perspective and not one of stress. Let your spirit take the lead, have some fun, and get some rest when you need it. It’s all about balance.

Wishing you all a joyous and peaceful Holiday season – regardless if that pound cake adds a few extra pounds!

With Love.


From Over There: 12.14.14 Weekly Focus
Be mindful of the care you give your vehicle and what is in its best interest. This is different for everyone as each has their own unique physiology and ancestral cellular sequences. There is no one way that benefits all. It is up to the individual to connect with their vehicle in order to understand its needs.


Q: Can you tell us a little more about what it means to connect with our body or vehicle?

A. When one connects to the full components of the self then a deeper knowing of the importance of all aspects of self are realized. The vehicle houses the spirit. It is a blessed temple. It is to be revered for all it accomplishes. The mind articulates the functions of the vehicle, yet it is the spirit’s connection to the mind that brings awareness to what the vehicle requires to run sufficiently. It is to value all parts of the self that allows a deeper connection to the vehicle and a more peaceful mind.


Thanks & Blessings!

December 7, 2014

What’s the Meaning of This?

Do you ever think about living a more meaningful life? What if I were to tell you that no matter your current situation, you already are? This week’s message came to me as one of the random thumps on the head I get now and then when I’m not actually asking for advice or trying to figure out my next move. I believe I was doing laundry at the time, and most likely grumbling to myself while doing it. And I was reminded – loud and clear – that even chores other mundane activities are pretty meaningful.

So next time you’re stuck in traffic or cleaning out the kitty litter box think about this: in each situation are moments of your very valuable life. Being stuck in traffic may not be your idea of a good time, but instead of stressing out there’s always the opportunity to crank up the stereo and sing your heart out. And cleaning your furry little friend’s port-a-potty means a happier companion, and most likely cleaner floors for you. I’d say that’s meaningful!

With Love.


From Over There: 12.8.14 Weekly Focus
You ask for meaning in life, but is not each moment of life meaningful? To view each moment as meaningful brings a greater perception of value to the moment and a deeper appreciation of one’s life. Through this the foundation of gratitude one leads to a more fulfilling life.


Q: So you’re saying that every moment has meaning? Even if doing something like laundry?

A. It is to find value in each moment that brings appreciation of life and an awareness of how one uses their time. Yes, even the mundane is meaningful. To bring meaning to the process of laundering clothes instills a sense of value in the process. The result of this process is clean, comfortable clothing. To find meaning in each moment gives one the opportunity to see these moments as precious gifts. It is to honor the present. Honoring the present allows one to appreciate the current circumstance and softens the frustration that comes when one is focusing solely on the future.


Thanks & Blessings!