
April 28, 2013

Rest, Assured

I 'm 99% done with my book manuscript. I’m feeling very good about that fact, and more so about how I look forward to the eventual return of my brain cells when it’s complete. I’ve been walking around in a bit of a haze these last few weeks or so, and my communication skills haven’t been top notch. It’s been an interesting experiment in how far you can push your brain without sleep. Here are the findings on my overused-brain-not-nearly-enough-sleep experiment:

The brain actually needs sleep to function properly. Why? So your tongue can engage to help form words correctly. I now know why on two separate occasions I had people ask me what country I was from. I guess when I’m overly tired I talk with German accent. Another reason the brain needs sleep is to help support proper eye function. Lack of sleep lends to a glazed over appearance that may freak people out. The good news is that if you’re the perpetrator of said glazed look you’re most likely so tired you don’t care if you’re freaking people out. And lastly, it appears that the brain’s ability to connect to the auditory canals is also affected by lack of sleep. I’ve had way too many conversations as of late where I’m pretty certain that my head nodding and “Oh, really?” responses were completely inappropriate.

The conclusion of my analysis is that sleep is required for the brain to function. If you’ve been on the receiving end of my experiment and it left you feeling confused in any way, my sincere apologies. My hope is that our next interaction will be ever so more engaging.   

 This week’s message, not surprisingly, is about the necessity of balancing activity with rest, and rest assured, I do believe I’m gonna grab me some of that.

Until next time…

With Love.


From Over There:
"Action, while vitally important to creation of desires, must also be balanced with inaction to create space for allowing. Through inaction - true inaction where the mind is also quiet - allows for the calm, centered peacefulness that supports the time of action by building reserves. This calmness also takes one out of the need for trying to force an outcome - which inevitably creates disharmony and stress.

 It is a balance of the two - action and inaction - that make the pursuit of desires more pleasurable. It is this balance that keeps one in present time, and not always focused on future events."


Featured Guest: The Beatles
I felt that this song was very fitting this week. One of my personal favorites: I’m Only Sleeping

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