
July 20, 2014

I Was Just Thinking...

Sometimes I find it pretty funny they way information comes through from the world of Spirit. Oftentimes messages come to me as images that symbolize what they’re trying to convey. Just like last week, for this week’s message they most definitely used analogy to get their point across. It’s all about thoughts (seeds) in our head (a garden) and why it’s important to notice which thoughts we focus on (tending the garden).

When it first started to come through my tired brain was like, “What in the holy moly are they talking about?” And then I let it unfold and it made perfect sense. It’s actually quite a beautiful visualization. And so it is when communing with the otherworldly, keeping an open mind is very important in deciphering information.

I’m also slightly changing (again) the setup of my posts. It came clear to me that these messages aren’t so much a weekly forecast, but instead a topic of focus. It wasn’t lost on me that I realized this on the week where the message is all about focus. Ah yeah…

May your seeds be plentiful and your garden lovely.

With Love.


From Over There: 7.20.14 Weekly Focus
Thoughts are the seeds from which form is created. Notice which thoughts are most prevalent. Tend those that provide nourishment and support. Weed out those that do not.


This week's question:
Q: We all have a gazillion thoughts running through our heads at any given moment. How do we “weed” through those that aren’t helpful or supportive?

A. Tend and water only those that you wish to thrive. Like vegetation that proliferates through reseeding, if an area of land if left unattended it will be overtaken by those plants that are indigenous and have adapted to environmental conditions. And this so represents the environment of the mind. The seeds of cultural conditioning create the foundation for which plants take hold and propagate in the garden.

To know of one’s experiences and those lessons brought forth to them through those experiences is to understand the environmental conditions from which their garden grows. Some have been given nutrient-rich soil and plenty of sunshine, others given an arid or hostile environment without components necessary for vegetation to thrive. No matter which environmental condition one has built their foundation, each of you hold within you the seeds from which a new garden can grow. With proper care and nourishment even the harshest of climates may be taught to sustain life.

It is through choice that one can choose to remain in the inhospitable environment, or create a peaceful oasis. It is through nurturing and focusing on those thoughts that sustain life-giving happiness and releasing focus on those that do not that gives one the ability to thrive. And as with any garden, constant attention will keep the intrusive weeds from proliferating, and will support one with the space to enjoy the view.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

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