
April 19, 2015

A Couch & Evolution

You ever have one of those days when you just don’t feel like doing much of anything? Well, today is that day for me, so I thought I’d leave you with an excerpt from the book that been writing off and on for a while now. This snippet comes from one of my favorite chapters on evolution. And since the message relays that love is at the base of our personal advancement, I’m going to move down my evolutionary path a little more with a dose of self-love in the form of staying nice and comfy on this couch. 

Until next time…

With Love.


Q: Is our race, our human race, considered advanced? Or are we low on the evolutionary chain in relation to the other life forms in the Universe?

A: You are neither advanced, nor low. You are beings guided by instinct on an evolutionary path toward guidance through love. There are times when you are guided by love, but it is not yet your overarching motivation for action. You are still in early development stage and are in a growth period of moving from a strictly survival mindset to a more conscious state of being. It is the beginning of this shift...

 …Your race has the capacity to evolve into an advanced race, yet is still too much in survival mindset for that to occur. There are many who are awakening to a more love-based mindset, yet many are still unconscious to the true meaning of love. The true meaning of conscious universal love. It is this mindset that will speed the advancement of your race. This and only this.

Q: Can you speak more on the love-based mindset? I'm sure it's a pretty simple concept, but I want everyone – including myself – to get a really clear picture of what this is.

A: Love-based mindset is one of acceptance, is one of appreciation, is one of gratitude, is one of kindness, is one on compassion, is one of respectful action toward the self and others.


Thanks & Blessings!

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