
August 31, 2014

Structural Repair

Have you ever been so angry at someone that you wanted to throttle them? I know, it’s an interesting way to start a blog post on higher guidance, though I’m pretty sure a lot of you can relate. We’ve all had painful interactions with others that can push us to the limit at times.

This topic is very charged for me at the moment as I’m just moving through anger at an individual who is being extremely clueless about how to act in a kind and fair manner. This person will most likely always be this way, as I don’t see them wanting to change or even being aware that anything actually needs to change. They’ll most likely continue on unconsciously throughout of the rest of their life. The bottom line is, it’s my choice whether I let their lack of awareness affect me or not. After a couple of weeks of irritation I decided it was time to let it go and immediately felt so much better for it. I hope if you’ve been holding resentment toward someone that you can experience the same sense of freedom. Why should we let it interfere with our lives, right?

So take  a deep breath and ask yourself if it serves you to let the clueless actions of another to continue to antagonize you.  What if, instead, you could see the lessons the experience has brought to your life? What if you could feel compassion for the pain that they must hold that makes them hide under their cloud of cluelessness?

Let’s take a collective nice, deep breath in…

With Love.


From Over There: 8.31.14 Weekly Focus

Look beyond the current structure of one’s life to discover a new perspective and way of interacting with the world. Instead of seeing through anger, resentment or judgment, view through the lens of love and compassion to open to greater opportunities for joy and deeper connections. Do not allow self-imposed structures of belief and painful emotions to limit your life experience. 


This week’s questions:

Q: What, exactly, do you mean by “structure”? Do you mean our belief system?

A. Structure comes from one’s belief system and the ways in which one reacts to their life experience. It is that which structures their perspective, and thus course, of one’s life. it is those beliefs that are based on exclusiveness and judgment of the self and others which limits the full potential of one’s life. Holding onto painful emotions renders one incapable of fully experiencing the joyful moments of life. Acknowledging these emotions as they arise –with an honest heart and without judgment – allows one to move through the experience and let it go.

Directing painful emotions toward another connects you to the individual through these emotions and allows no room for healing the pain. To remain in these divisive states creates blocks to greater happiness and the full potential of a joyful life experience. To hold onto the pain causes one further pain. To create structures through the perspective of love and compassion opens one’s world to boundless opportunity and greater happiness.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

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