
November 11, 2012

You Can Go Your Own Way

One wonderful thing about our country is our right and freedom to speak our minds. This, of course, can also be a double-edged sword as there are those whose intent is to diminish, manipulate or isolate certain fractions of society through their words. These past few months as the Presidential election grew near, we saw an acceleration of verbal lashing from both sides and from those not associated with either party. It would be wonderful if candidates won without name calling or dirt digging, but that may be an unrealistic dream on my part. Politics is not a clean sport.

All this aside, I do believe that we as individuals can rise above such divisiveness and live our lives on our own terms without bashing anyone else to do it. The very big trick is to truly subscribe to the old idiom “live and let live”. Simply put, live your life and let others do the same. This can be a difficult thing when you have very solid ideas about what is right and what is wrong. I’m not talking about turning a blind eye to heinous things like child abusive or overt corporate greed (the list of things could unfortunately go on and on here), but instead, personal lifestyle choices, religious choices, style choices, the way we set up our home environment, the type of work we choose to do…again, the list could go on and on.

What can you do today to start living from this mindset, to live your life and let others live theirs? What can you allow for others that you may not choose for yourself? What, if anything, keeps you from embracing this concept?

Here’s to creating the life of your dreams…


From Over There:

“One does not need to rebel in order to resist conformity. To rebel is to fight against those forces which are viewed as threatening. To resist conformity is to simply follow one’s own desires, values and personal tastes without allowing society’s norms to dissuade through non-acceptance. To resist conformity is to follow one’s own path regardless if it has been previously forged, or a new road needs to be created, and to do so without fighting those who choose another path."


Featured Guest: Naomi Tickle
Naomi Tickle is a Certified Personologist, an International speaker, career consultant and author of What Makes People Tick and Why. She was first introduced to Face Pattern Recognition 22 years ago.  Amazed by the accuracy, she could immediately see how this approach could help individuals better understand themselves and the people they meet with. Naomi has developed a career program that matches up an individual’s innate abilities that can be seen in the face with career suggestions. This is a great tool for understanding your client, sales, communications, team building, personal development and more.

Naomi has appeared on CNN, Fox News, NBC, BBC, Good Morning America and numerous television radio interviews around the world. Her clients include Norwich University, The Commonwealth Club, IBM marketing division, Morgan Stanley, AT&T, National Semiconductor, College Administration, Orthodontist, Kinesiology, FAMA conferences plus many more. To learn more about Naomi and her services, please visit


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