
June 15, 2014

Laugh It Up

We all know that a good belly laugh feels wonderful, especially when done with a group of friends, though in addition to being good for our overall happiness, it’s also good for our spiritual connection. As this week’s forecast states, now is a good time to let yourself laugh it up and find the humor in life. Doing so lightens the mood and calms the mind, and well, is fun. It also helps build a stronger connection with your higher-self and the world of benevolent spirit as well. Not a bad side-effect!

With Love.


From Over There: 6.15.14 Weekly Forecast
Lighten the emotional self through laughter. To laugh is to release stagnant energy in the body and to create space renewal. To renew your energy is to create change. Focus now on creating ways to laugh and uplift the senses. Share laughter with others and allow them to share theirs with you. To laugh is to directly communicate with the highest self.


Featured Question:
Q: Since laughter helps us directly communicate with our higher-selves, does that mean that it also helps connect us with the world of spirit? If so, how so?

A. When one is in the act of laughter – when brought about through joy, not at the expense of another – it elevates the energetic vibration of the individual. Since the energies of spirit vibrate at a higher level than those embodied, to elevate ones energy vibration helps move through the densities that the embodied encounter energetically. This creates potential for a clearer pathway and opens to communication. As laughter is the by-product of joy, it is really a joyful heart that raises energetic vibration, so it is important to embrace that which brings joy.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!