I most often get this weekly post done by Sunday evening,
though this time it’s a little later than usual. Every time I sat down to write
and asked for a message nothing came. I kept trying, but nope, nada. All I wanted to do was lie on the couch and
watch movies. I was tired and really didn’t want to sit and write. And truthfully,
it was a little unsettling when I wasn’t able to connect to any information.
The panicky thought actually came into my head, “Oh my god, what if I’ve lost my connection?! Holy sh**!”
After I peeled myself off the ceiling and allowed myself
to watch American Graffiti, another
thought came, “What if this is exactly
what I’m supposed to do? What if that, in itself, is the message?” So I did, and then was in bed before 9:00
without writing my post.
In the shower this morning lo and behold popped in the
message. Funny how that works. It was definitely a good reminder in how if you
don’t allow some downtime burnout out sets in. And there’s nothing as unsetting
as burnout affecting something you love to do.
Wishing you all your own type of rest and relaxation…
With Love.
From Over There
“Motivation is a
combination of understanding the individual’s own energy patterns coupled with
continued desire. This understanding of your own individual energy patterns is
vital to keeping on the path to pursuing that which you desire. Disregard of
these patterns can lead to increased fatigue, stress and overall lack of
vitality. This, in turn, removes joy from the process of achieving and
demotivates when fatigue accelerates.
It is imperative
that one pursues beloved activities – those activities which bring pleasure
simply from the act. This, coupled with an understanding of one’s own
individual energy patterns and requirements for balancing rest with activity
will keep one motivated to act and inspired to continue.”
Featured Guest:
Will continue next week…
Hey, I’m tired!