
April 5, 2015

The Perfect Rhythm

We all move at different life rhythms. Depending on your own personal energy those around you can seem to move at warp speed, or in super-slow motion, or somewhere in between. Simply put, if you’re an extremely methodical person trying move lightning fast will most likely feel overwhelming to you. Or if you have the vortex spinning energy of the TasÃ¥manian Devil a methodical pace will probably leave you extremely frustrated. It’s all about understanding who you are and what energy level works best for you and your overall happiness – and pursuing those things that fit best for you.

So get ready, get set, and go…at your own pace!

With Love.


From Over There: 4.5.15 Weekly Focus

To find your own rhythm is to honor your way of being. It is to understand this so as to find a life path that aligns with your natural rhythm. It is in not comparing oneself with others. It is in not allowing other to impose their rhythm’s pace upon you.

To honor your own rhythm is to open to the synchronicity of life around you. It is to open to your own divine nature. Find the pace that most energizes, motivates and inspires you. Align with this pace and you will find greater inner peace and self-acceptance.

When one attempts to alter a natural rhythm of another that is dissimilar than their own, it creates discord within the relationship. It is to honor both your own rhythm and the rhythm of those around you. To understand the personal rhythm of another enables you to decide what is the best way to interact with them and if interacting with them fits into your particular lifestyle. Doing so honors and respects the self and the other.


Thanks & Blessings!