
January 4, 2015

Watch What You’re Stepping In

The word power can have either positive or negative connotations, depending on your definition of what it is. Though embracing true personal power – not a dictatorship-like hold over others – is one of the most positive things we can strive for in life. When we’re in our power we have greater confidence and are more apt to pursue those things that we’re good at and enjoy doing. We feel a sense of accomplishment and inspire others to go for what they want as well.

If we all fully stood in our power there would be no jealousy, back-biting, greediness, entitlement and most likely no horrible reality shows. Sounds good to me! And as Marianne Williamson so famously said, “There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so others won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine...”

So step on up, step on in, and shine!

With Love.


From Over There: 1.4.15 Weekly Focus
Embrace your power. Do not apologize for it, nor shrink away from it. Stand up for yourself. Do so with compassion for both yourself and those around you. To stand in your power is to acknowledge your value and confidently use your talents. To recognize your unique strengths and use them to their fullest potential offers them as gifts to serve the world and fulfills your own happiness.

Q: How can we confidently step into our own power, especially if we feel a bit unsure?

A: It is to focus on your strengths to uplift you. It is to recognize each individual’s own unique abilities and to not compare yourself with others. When one compares themselves to another – whether through feelings of inferiority or to instill a sense of superiority – it is a sign of self-directed disrespect. It devalues the individual and leaves them feeling separated from their true source and interconnectedness. Direct your focus on your talents. Use them and enjoy them for self-gratification and do not be discouraged by the opinion of others who may not understand or resonate with them. Sharing your gifts and enjoying the gifts of others is the ultimate expression of human potential.


Thanks & Blessings!