
December 7, 2014

What’s the Meaning of This?

Do you ever think about living a more meaningful life? What if I were to tell you that no matter your current situation, you already are? This week’s message came to me as one of the random thumps on the head I get now and then when I’m not actually asking for advice or trying to figure out my next move. I believe I was doing laundry at the time, and most likely grumbling to myself while doing it. And I was reminded – loud and clear – that even chores other mundane activities are pretty meaningful.

So next time you’re stuck in traffic or cleaning out the kitty litter box think about this: in each situation are moments of your very valuable life. Being stuck in traffic may not be your idea of a good time, but instead of stressing out there’s always the opportunity to crank up the stereo and sing your heart out. And cleaning your furry little friend’s port-a-potty means a happier companion, and most likely cleaner floors for you. I’d say that’s meaningful!

With Love.


From Over There: 12.8.14 Weekly Focus
You ask for meaning in life, but is not each moment of life meaningful? To view each moment as meaningful brings a greater perception of value to the moment and a deeper appreciation of one’s life. Through this the foundation of gratitude one leads to a more fulfilling life.


Q: So you’re saying that every moment has meaning? Even if doing something like laundry?

A. It is to find value in each moment that brings appreciation of life and an awareness of how one uses their time. Yes, even the mundane is meaningful. To bring meaning to the process of laundering clothes instills a sense of value in the process. The result of this process is clean, comfortable clothing. To find meaning in each moment gives one the opportunity to see these moments as precious gifts. It is to honor the present. Honoring the present allows one to appreciate the current circumstance and softens the frustration that comes when one is focusing solely on the future.


Thanks & Blessings!