marks what would have been one of my best friend’s 52nd birthdays,
though it’s been three years since she left her body and went to play on the
other side. I have no doubt that she’s doing quite well over there, since she
was a bit of a free-spirit while here and always had an issue conforming to
whatever box society tried to shove her in. And in her honor, I’m going to make
this post a quick one. Another dear friend scored tickets to a show that I’m
quite excited to see, and I need to get moving soon in order to get there in
time. I know Kelly would approve.
wonderful week to you all!
From Over There: 10.5.14 Weekly
Focus Go with the natural flow of action with inaction
to create balance in moving toward your goals. Like your own body’s inhale and
exhale of breath create the natural flow of oxygen, this balance is necessary in
instigating the beginning of creation of the goal and in maintaining space for
allowing it to come to fruition.
This week’s question:
Q: Can you please elaborate on
the concept of the inhale and exhale of breath as it relates to moving toward a
Very simply, for breath to exhale there first must be an inhale and vice versa.
If one ceases to exist, so does the other. When both cease to exist, so does
the body. You may think of the body as signifying the goal. It is this
continuous flow of activity with inactivity that signifies movement and
receptivity. Together they create greater ease and flow in the pursuit of a
goal. Without balance of the two, movement may become blocked and receptivity
NOTE: If you have a question
that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond
privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks
& Blessings!