
September 7, 2014

Take a Leap

What does taking a leap of faith mean to you? To me it means taking a chance when your gut says “yes” even if you don’t have a clear picture of how things might turn out. It can be a mighty scary thing to do, especially for an overly stubborn, quintuple Capricorn (yes, speaking about myself). While taking a leap without knowing where the net is – or if there even is a net – can definitely take us out of our comfort zone, it can also be very liberating and important for releasing stagnant energy. 

Do you have anything in your life that isn’t working? Or isn’t living up to how you’d like to experience the world? Maybe it’s time to take a chance and make a change, even if the outcome is still a mystery.


With Love.


From Over There: 9.7.14 Weekly Focus
Step outside of convention. Step into the mystery. Push through the constraints of discomfort to expand the potential for growth and greater abundance. Doing so will increase the probability of a happy and more fulfilling life.


This week’s question:
Q: Can you please speak more on stepping into the mystery? Many of our fears arise from pursuing something when we don’t have a clear picture of the outcome. How do we push through the fear?

A. By understanding that there is no guarantee of a particular outcome. Everything is fluid and ever-changing. Oftentimes, many view the world through the illusion of stability. In reality, nothing is stable, as everything changes with each moment. Understand this and you can embrace the natural process of change. Doing so allows for greater expansiveness in life choices and lessens the fear. It is to have faith in your abilities and trust in your decisions. Oftentimes, a choice is made and fear arises that does not allow for full actualization of a process. It is to move through the fear throughout each step of the process that allows for a more satisfying outcome.

Q: I have another question. Can you speak more about the fear that gets in the way of completing a process?
A: The fear arises out of a lack of belief in one’s abilities, especially when learning new processes. When one lacks trust in their abilities, they may stop taking a desired course of action out of a fear of failure, thus, not completing the actualization of the process. It is in moving through this fear while one is still acclimating to the new process that will keep one on course, leading to greater satisfaction in the outcome of the process.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!