
July 6, 2014

Hold Your Balance

I know for myself and others that we can question why certain things happen in life. Sometimes it seems so unfair. The thing I find interesting is in watching how different people cope. I have friends who have experienced tremendous loss, yet have found the grace to be thankful for everything that comes their way. The end result being a happy life, in spite of it all. And I’ve also witnessed those who wallow in it and play victim. Not exactly the foundation for creating a very happy or fulfilling life. And then there are most of us, who meet life challenges with varying levels of grace, depending on what else is currently going on in the picture.

As this week’s forecast states, it’s all about finding balance so you have the tools to deal with whatever life presents. Without doing so you run the risk of getting stuck in the muck and pain. On the flip side, if you try to ignore the issue it sets up the potential for creating the same thing over and over again until you get the lesson. Please know that I’m not in any way putting the blame on anyone for some of the traumatic things that have happened in their lives, it’s just in how we deal with the trauma that sets the stage for a more inwardly peaceful existence. And if you had a traumatic childhood, there’s no better time than adulthood to address it.

Wishing you the most balanced of scales.

With Love.


From Over There: 7.6.14 Weekly Forecast
Continue to shed the heaviness by pursuing activities which evoke a sense of lightness. Spend time in the rays of the sun, connect with beings that bring joy to your heart. Pursue activities that create a peaceful state of mind. Doing so forms a greater foundation of balance with the dark and the light. This balance allows for lessons of life to present themselves, and the greater capability to evolve through the process.


Featured Question:
Q: Please speak more on the balancing of dark and light.

A. What is perceived by human consciousness as the dark are those experiences that bring about a sense of chaos, discomfort or pain. The acts perpetrated and perceived as acts of darkness are done so as a reaction to one who has been unable to process through the lessons that life has presented them. This is due to the individual who lacks capacity to process through the perceived trauma. This creates a fractured awareness and may produce an individual who is unable to hold a sense of accountability for their acts. It is through balancing the dark with the light and the ability to consciously process the lesson that one is able to retain a wholeness of self, and in doing so, supports the wholeness of others. Those who are experiencing a fractured sense of self will find comfort in balancing the light to bring energetic scales back to a state of equilibrium. To find balance is to be better equipped to allow the lessons that the dark can bring. It is to be able to move through and on to a lightness of being. It is important to remember that without the dark there is no light, and without the light there is no dark. Each present to form balance, allowing the potential for the individual to evolve. When balance is off-scale it can create a sense of hopelessness, a lack of understanding, or denial of responsibility. When one finds greater balance then one moves more easily through perceived challenges and gains an awareness of higher life choices.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!