I’m writing this on
Mother’s Day and I know that while it can be a day of celebrating your mother
or your own motherhood, it can also stir up emotions for some. This is
especially so for those who have experienced the loss of their mother or child,
are estranged from their mother or child, or for whatever reason don’t have
Interestingly, this
week’s message talks about expressing love without labeling one another (for
instance, the label of “mother”) and how expressing love without conforming to
what a particular label tells us is appropriate can liberate a relationship.
Personally, I’m having a difficult time wrapping my head around thinking of my
mother as anything but my mother, but what I can imagine would be liberating is
letting go of my expectations of her
as my mother. Again, hard to wrap my head around, but I’m trying. What if I
just loved her for the human being that she is?
So this week’s
homework assignment is to pay attention to how our labels for one another
affect our relationships—and how maybe we can broaden our view a bit to see
what unfolds…
With Love.
From Over There: 5.10.15 weekly focus
Do not constrain your love within the scope
of a label. Share love solely for love’s sake. When one confines their love
within a certain parameter it creates expectations and limits that adapt to the
confines of the parameter.
Whether the love that is expressed is within
a familial dynamic or one that is chosen, it liberates the individuals when the
relationship is based on openness, trust, and egalitarian companionship. It is
to release the need to fit the relationship into cultural expectation. It is
then that true love unfolds.
Big blessings,
until next time…