
March 15, 2015

The Wheels on the Bus Go 'Round and 'Round

Thinking about this week's message reminded me of the humbling experience of taking public transit. I know that may sound a little funny, but for someone who has always been blessed with having a running vehicle, taking the bus is not something that I've had to do. Now that I commute into San Francisco during the week, the bus is the easiest way to get around, and I've made myself one of the crowd.

I'm a bit of a people-watcher and am always intrigued by the different ways everyone approaches their lives. Jumping on the bus definitely subjects you to a wide variety of individuals - from the downtown business suits to edgy arts students to service workers and sometimes those who look like they've been on the streets and just want a place to sit for a while. It took me out of my I-drive-everywhere-secluded-in-my-own-car comfort zone, but I'm glad it did. I have a better appreciation for those who have to use this as their only source of transportation.

While you don't necessarily need to start taking the bus everywhere, what can you do to stretch your experiences and broaden your view?

Prepping myself for tomorrow's bus ride...

With Love.


From Over There: 3.15.15 Weekly Focus
A deeper connection to one's true self is established when one chooses to understand another's circumstance. It is through empathy for another and embracing a broader life experience that broadens the mind and leads to greater acceptance of a diverse spectrum of humanity. This also leads to less judgment of the self and of others.

When one chooses to constrict their experiences to a narrow scope it limits the mind's capacity to accept the world around them. It is through diverse experiences that one gains understanding of those with variant lifestyles and with cultural differences. This creates a deeper connection with all of humanity and a true understanding of peace.