
August 3, 2014

Take Care

I have to say, these past few weeks have been a bit difficult on the emotional home front and I know that it’s not just me. I’ve also seen those around me struggling. Because of this, it doesn’t surprise me that Spirit wants us to focus on self-care this week. It’s something that can often get lost in the everyday shuffle of this crazy, busy world of ours. 

What I love about this week’s message is that Spirit talks both about the importance of taking care of ourselves, and how being of service to others is also an aspect of self-care if it’s done unconditionally. It just goes to show that there is a big difference between true self-care and the act of being self-absorbed. In other words, when you choose to take care of yourself it increases your well-being and makes life a happier place to be. This also helps everyone you come in contact with on an energetic level. When you’re self-absorbed you think only of yourself and your needs without so much concern for how your actions impact others. This also affects those around you, usually not for the better.

So, I’m taking a little extra care here and there this week, how about you?

With Love.


From Over There: 8.3.14 Weekly Focus
Through nurturing the self, one becomes more emotionally capable of reacting in a compassionate and evolved manner. To avoid self-care is to prolong suffering and to retain feelings of anger and resentment. Build emotional tranquility through self-care to release blame and create  a reservoir of strength that helps one move through pain.


This week’s questions:

Q: Can you speak more on what you mean by self-care?

A. Proper self-care includes nurturing the body with substances that support its optimal functioning. It is to balance moments of stillness with moments of action. Proper self-care of spirit is to allow time for inward reflection and to connect with that larger part of the self that inhabits the energy of oneness. Proper self-care is to open the mind to new perspectives through the pursuance of knowledge. It is to balance active gathering of information with passive learning through observation.

Q: I have another question. Can you say more about how to connect with that larger part of the self that inhabits the energy of oneness?

A: One can connect through stillness and inner-reflection, through giving of service without conditions, and through spending time in nature. This moves one out of the realm of human conditioning and into a state of oneness with all that is.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!