
December 16, 2012

Take a Stand

I write this with such intense sadness in my heart. It’s been two days since the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary, and although I’ve spent those past hours in a state of shock and horror, the gravity of it all is just now really hitting home. As a parent first and human being second, I just can’t imagine what the family and friends of those killed (including those of the shooter) must be going through. I don’t personally know any of the individuals affected, but my heart grieves for them. Today, I can’t shake the tears.

There’s been so much circulating in the press about gun control and the need for better mental health care. It’s true, we need to change things.  But I sit here wondering how many more times something like this has to happen before those at the helm of the big business of firearms and health care actually take responsibility. Will they? Ever? If it means abolishing a broken system that creates billions of dollars in revenue for the few holding the strings, how do we cut those strings once and for all?

We’ve seen great things happen when large groups of people come together and take a stand. It’s not always an easy thing to do. It means work, it means sometimes aggressive (notice I didn’t say ‘violent’) acts. And it means taking responsibility for the greater good of us all. That in itself can be a challenge as oftentimes we already have so much responsibility just in our day-today lives.  But I know we have it in us. I have faith in us. For every bad act that gets blasted on the evening news, there are many more altruistic ones that go unnoticed. So my question to you is (and to myself as well), what can we do every day to support one another, ourselves, and a better world for us all? I don’t have an answer for you, because we all have varying views on what a better world looks like. But I can tell you this, a simple act of kindness, no matter how seemingly insignificant to us, can be profound in the life of the receiver. It’s a start, and with that I believe cause for a ripple effect that will give us a greater sense of connection and the power to stand together to inspire change.

Sending much love to you all.


From Over There:
“When one’s perception moves toward judgment of right or wrong, know that this is a perception based solely on illusion. There is no right or wrong – only love. If one chooses to see and act through the perception of love then one will always be led in the direction of highest good. This is the way to unity, the way to peace. This is the only way to happiness.”


Featured Guest: Francine Marie-Sheppard
Francine is the Director and Founder of the Academy ofClairvoyance and Consciousness, and Lightmuse: Intuitive Living, and a professional consultant, clairvoyant, teacher, healer and artist. She is the graduate of 2 different psychic training institutes in the SF Bay Area and the Womens Teachers Program at BPI. She has had additional training in Shamanism, and worked with Philippine faith healers, as well as trained with Michael Tamura, whom she considers one of her favorite teachers.  Francine likes to be assisted by Ascended Master healers when working in the ACC Healing Sanctuary, and sometimes she is still surprised who shows up to help out.  Francine has recently begun a new exploration into the healing power of symbols via a special healing energy space she has created called The Luminarium. For more information about the Luminarium and Francine's private healing practice, please visit


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