
November 30, 2014

Rise and Shine

There always seems to be an issue somewhere in the world that breeds violence against one fraction of society over another. This often creates acts retaliation, and is a vicious cycle that divides us and causes so much pain – especially for those left feeling disenfranchised.

There’s a lot more I could say on the subject, but for now I choose to focus on what Spirit says that we can do individually to create change in ourselves and bring a much needed shift of awareness to our global family. As this week’s message says, we are one – whether some of us like that idea or not – and each of us are a collective part of humanity. Every action we take causes a ripple effect. If you don’t think you’re powerful enough to have an effect on anyone I challenge you to pay attention next time you’re feeling chaotic inside vs. at peace and see how it affects those around you. You can bet that your ripple effect was vastly different in each instance.  

As Spirit’s message tells us, the way to forge a deeper connection of oneness is through peace. It has to start with each of us, individually. Yes there will still be violence in the world, but it’s time to tip the scales – one by one.

Let’s all rise to the occasion so we can shine a brighter light of peace.

With Love.


From Over There: 11.30.14 Weekly Focus
It is by embracing the perspective of oneness that an individual moves out of fear and judgment of others and into a state of inclusiveness. Doing so breaks one free of the self-imposed barriers that block the possibility of a peaceful society. Doing so creates true freedom for the individual.


Q: How can we change to the perspective of oneness when so much violence stems from generations of deep-seated judgment against those perceived as different?

A. Is it in bringing conscious awareness to the desire for peace. It is to move through the feelings of discomfort and reach out to those who you do not understand. It is in choosing to broaden the perspective through connection. It is to instill a sense of inner-peace through peaceful practices. When one chooses peace as a way of life their ability to find compassion for another expands. It is from this peaceful mind that one creates the courage to step outside of current convention and bring greater understanding. It is this understanding that builds trust. It is this trust that builds a sense of oneness.


Thanks & Blessings!