
April 21, 2013

If It Makes You Happy...

Last week I posted twice, once about allowing flexibility in life, and again with my thoughts regarding the aftermath of the Boston Marathon tragedy. In light of all that has happened in the last week – with the addition of the devastating events in Texas – I felt that this week should be in some way uplifting.

It is a message about happiness, or rather, making the choice to be happy. That’s right, I said “choice”.  I find this so crucial to remember right now, because as last week’s events remind us, life can change in an instant. Life is precious. And it is this preciousness that reveals the importance of living life as if every moment counts. Because it does. Every…moment…counts.

I recognize, obviously, that life can be full of challenges, though I’m reminded of one of my favorite quotes from Winston Churchill, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” What comes at the other side is the possibility for greater clarity, a few lessons learned, and yes, greater happiness. It’s this strength and perseverance that comes from our true self, and as the message says, is “our light”. By choosing to step into this strength, I believe, we pump up the wattage of who we really are. And who we are is more brilliant than we often comprehend.

With Love.


From Over There:

“Chose happiness. Yes, it is a choice. Choose for yourself those things that uplift and inspire you. When life takes a dark turn remember to turn on the light. This light is within you, always. It is when one recognizes the true being of oneself that it is understood. It is there. Allowing experiences that enrich and support this light, this joy, are the quickest pathways to a life of happiness. To choose the path of happiness is to show others the way, and create greater light for all.”


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