
February 9, 2014

In Case of Emergency

This week is the full-fledged start of my new format. It will include an energy forecast for the week (basically what to focus on throughout the week), as well as a question posted by a reader with a corresponding answer I receive ‘from over there’. I had a feeling that the first question sent would be pretty profound, and indeed, it is. It has to do with having a spiritual emergency – or spiritual crisis – that leaves the individual feeling disconnected and unable to feel fully integrated into this world. This can happen when intense spiritual growth quickly occurs, and can be brought on by spiritual practice, a life-altering trauma like a near death experience or death of a loved one, or in some instances hallucinogenic drug use, to name a few.

Experiencing a spiritual emergency is not an easy thing to go through, and the process can last anywhere from a couple of days to a few months, or even years. I’ve had what I call a few ‘mini-crises’ here and there, but nothing to the extent of what the individual posing this week’s question is having. The path to spiritual enlightenment can be beautiful and is definitely life enriching, but it can also be painful and unsettling, especially when you make a jump that your body isn’t prepared for. It can create major disturbances in sleep patterns, physical pain, and a sense of alienation with those around you who struggle to understand what you're going through.

On a lighter note, this week’s forecast has to do with what you should focus your attention on, and the answer is joy. Works for me!

With Love.

PS. Remember to send in your questions, and let me know how you like the new setup! 


From Over There: Week 2-9-14 Energy Forecast
It is in the letting go of that which brings a sense of frustration or despair that one opens to another way.  Now is the time to release focus on those things that cause frustration or despair, and refocus on that which brings joy. By doing so, it creates a greater sense of happiness and peace in the present moment, and in turn, opens the heart to a state of receptivity to that which is truly desired.


Featured Question: I’ve been in the midst of a spiritual emergency for quite some time now. When I will be able to join the world again and when my body will catch up with my spiritual advancements?

A: It is the belief that the body cannot be a vehicle for spirit, and in itself, a spiritual tool. There is a desire to discard or shed the body, as it feels heavy and constricting. To view the body as a spiritual component of self better integrates a deeper connection to the spirit as one chooses the path toward enlightenment. And there are those whose beliefs are ingrained through religious training or religious doctrine passed through ancestral DNA that speaks of the body as ‘unpure’. When viewed in this manner, it is seen as that which needs to be punished to create a higher spiritual connection. It is as if the body needs to be destroyed in order for the spirit to thrive. These beliefs create resentment toward the body and difficulty in relating to lower density energies and others on the earthly plane.

It is important to know that emerging into a higher vibrational state can cause a continued depletion of minerals needed to keep the body strong and able. As one forges a deeper connection with spirit it is vital to increase those substances which fortify and strengthen the physical body, especially as the physical body ages. As one changes perspective to view the body as a vehicle for spirit that allows experiences in this realm, it will lead to lessons that give greater understanding of the spirit – and an understanding that it is a miraculous instrument designed as a component of creation to further the evolution of all.

PERSONAL MESSAGE FOR ENQUIRER: This part of the message came through like information does when I’m giving an individual reading. This is why it sounds like it’s coming from me, though I’m just relaying the information.

The integration process is still taking place, and because of the lower density energy of this plane it is taking your body longer to catch up with the accelerated spiritual growth you experienced. This is causing not only physical ailments, but also a bit of an emotional disconnect. There are things that you can do to integrate quicker, but I see a time frame of about 4-6 more months before you feel ‘right’ again, and even then you will have a different way of being in the world than before this issue began. Here are some things that you can do:

·         Take mineral baths with Epsom salts and Himalayan pink salt (or any high quality sea salt)
·         Supplementation (liquid minerals will give you a good dose)
·         Cook in cast iron whenever possible

Reconnect Etheric Cord
·         Visualize strengthening the energetic cord that connects your soul to your body
·         Use energy work to helps strengthen as well

·         Very important in rebuilding the connection
·         Think of it more as a part of your spiritual development work, and not as a negative (ie, fatigue)