
August 3, 2015

Greed…Yeah, Not So Good

Do you struggle with money or have issues with money? I think to some extent we all do. This week’s focus is around greed and its relationship to making this much coveted energy exchange. The thing is, money can do so much good in the world. Greed is more an issue of the mind, not of money.

So whatever you’re current financial status, don’t EVER feel guilty about making money. Just keep an open heart and let it flow in.

With Love.


From Over There: weekly focus 7.2.15
Wealth and the ability to create money is not an act of greed. Acts of greed are the product of a lack consciousness mindset coupled with feelings of entitlement. It is a very self-absorbed mindset. Money does not make one self-absorbed. Turning away from the true self and the lack of conscious awareness of others makes one self-absorbed. One can act from the mindset of greed while experiencing great wealth or great poverty.

When one acts from love and compassion, the mindset of greed cannot take hold. Greed serves no one; even the individual who acquires great wealth through its course suffers. The individual with the mindset of greed cannot be satisfied, and therefore cannot find peace or true happiness. No matter their monetary wealth, they will always feel sufficient. To acquire great wealth with the mindset of love and compassion offers many opportunities to be of service. No matter one’s monetary level, to live from the mindset of love and compassion will always lead to a peaceful mind and greater happiness.


Until next time…