
July 12, 2013

Sister, Sister

As much as I love being female there’s one aspect of it that has always bothered me deeply, and that’s the cattiness I sometimes see among my gender. The thing is I, for one, don’t believe that this behavior is hardwired into our DNA, but instead is a product of a society bent on separating and disempowering us. For any of you men reading this, please know that this post is in no way male-bashing.  My hope is that it will show why it benefits you as well if women support, and not undermine, one another.

Fortunately and unfortunately the media has an awful lot to do with how our society views things. It affects our train of thought and inspires trends. It can be used to uplift and pull people together, or as reality (dare I say trash) TV shows, can instigate copious amounts of drama and plain old bad behavior. It’s up to us individually to ignore and rise above the trash and support one another. I know this is possible, because I happen to be blessed with knowing stupendously wonderful, kind, thoughtful and respectful women who would never even consider maliciously harming their fellow sister. They recognize that in doing so is an insult to all women, and that it sets up the proliferation of catty, self-serving behavior.

I’m pretty sure that you women reading this post fall into the stupendously-wonderful-kind-thoughtful-respectful category, and my hope is that your being so will act as inspiration to those who haven’t yet found their way there. It’s an awesome responsibility we carry, but hey, we’re women, we can handle it!

With Love.


From Over There:
“The female is the keeper of creation. It is through this physical proclivity – whether one bears children or not – that the natural instincts toward the care of others is induced. This position holds high responsibility in the well-being of all. It is through the support and respect that the female gender holds for one another that a strong foundation is built for the well-being of the entire race. It is upon this foundation in which the world stands.

When females diminish one another it weakens the foundation and the innate strength of the female species overall. It is through embracing this deep instinct toward care of one another that the female must present support and care to each other. This empowers each individually, and strengthens the foundation on which the entire race relies. It is imperative to the well-being of the entire race and the well-being of the planet as a whole.”


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