
March 24, 2013

Neanderthal Alert

This week’s post surrounds a controversial and highly charged subject, the recent sentencing of two male high school students for rape in Steubenville, OH. The reason for my bringing this up stems from an interaction that a friend and I had this past Friday night. A typical weekend night out for me these days includes going to hear live music, very often with my daughter and her friend. When these two go out they have a blast. They love to be up front and center dancing, and don’t care one iota what people think of them. They’re just there for the music. Both are very cute and are each in completely committed relationships; though because of their carefree spirit (and cuteness) attract a lot of attention, of which they are often oblivious.

This last Friday night I noticed a young man repeatedly glancing at my daughter’s friend. After the band quit, I was talking to her when he walked by. He stopped and looked at her, and then said to me, “she’s very pretty.” I responded with a “yes, she is.” He then mumbled something about her dancing and she gave him a less than inviting look, to which I added, “She’s also very married.” Then he said something that took me off guard. He accused her of dancing the way she did to get attention, that “she did it on purpose.” Wow. He was basically blaming her for any attraction he felt for her, like he had absolutely no responsibility for any of it. Thankfully she didn’t hear the gist of what he said, or he’d most likely be sporting a black eye right now.

This interaction made me ponder the subtle undercurrent of “rape culture” in our society. It’s so ingrained, that it’s commonplace to blame a woman for being too attractive, too sexy, too whatever.  How dare us. If any men reading this have thoughts on the matter, I’d love to hear from you. I know that many of you are thoughtful, decent and respectful, though if Steubenville is any indication, we still have a very long road to social equality.

Time to shed some light on this dark subject.

With Love.

From Over There:
“The desire to control another through physical force is born out of primitive thought patterns. As the human race evolves, critical thinking overtakes the need to dominate through force. A more enlightened interaction includes reasoning and sharing of information. As each individual chooses responsibility of thought and action, so will humankind move toward a more egalitarian society.”


Featured Guest: Henry Rollins
Punk icon Henry Rollin might seem like an odd ‘guest’ for my post, but I really appreciated his insight regarding the Steubenville incident and wanted you all to have the chance to read it, if you so desire:


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