
April 27, 2014

Creating A New Pattern

Similar to last week, this week’s forecast suggests we stay in a space of allowing, though the energy is a little more active. It also suggests that it’s also a good time to pursue releasing all of the stuff that may have come up during the previous ultra-intense weeks. I’m not saying that things aren’t still a little on the intense side, it’s just a different kind of intensity. Instead of the in-your-face blast of things we need let go of being hurled at us, this energy is slightly gentler, and is the beginning of a good period for processing. And this is definitely a good thing, because being in a state of feeling like the shit is constantly hitting the fan doesn’t do anything but leave us all feeling overwhelmed and with our defenses up.

Use this time to gently let go of what isn’t working for you, and as the message below says, be kind to yourself. It’s all just a continuous life process anyway, it just happens to be a particularly good time energy-wise to do it. Relax in to it and release as things come up. This isn’t the time to try and force change or do any emotional heavy lifting. That’ll come soon enough.

With Love.


From Over There: 4.27.14 Weekly Forecast
There is a deepening of allowing. Now is the time to stay ever aware of the present moment. The energies of change that were intensified have brought forth into the conscious awareness that which is needing transformation. Now is the time to stay conscious of resistance in letting go of old patterns of behavior and thought in order for transformation to occur. It is time to allow the release of old patterns to make way for the new.


Featured Question:
Q: What can we do to help release old patterns that aren’t working for us anymore? Especially when everything around stays the same and may still support these old patterns?

A: To be aware of the patterns as they arise. Acknowledge them. To be aware of the pattern as it occurs allows the ability to correct the course of action or course of thought. Accompany this with replacing the action or thought with a more supportive action or thought. Maintain this pattern of replacement. Through repetition you will move out of the desire for holding onto the old pattern. Understand that not all patterns will release with equal speed. Be patient and kind to yourself. Do not judge or degrade yourself. To do so will slow transformation. Allow transformation to unfold without judgment for continuous release.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!