
December 28, 2014

At the End is the Beginning and the Beginning is the End

The New Year approaches and with that we often reflect back on the year that’s coming to a close. For myself, I’ve been more than happy to say “goodbye” to the years filled with challenges and have looked forward to the New Year as some sort of do-over. It feels doubly so and very symbolic, because very shortly after the beginning of the New Year my daughter and I celebrate our birthdays. A complete fresh start.

Funny thing is, when I look back over the years my big changes haven’t always occurred at the beginning or end of the year. It’s more about using the symbolism of this time to create change for myself. In other words, it’s a time to consciously choose a different way to approach something or stop procrastinating on getting going on a goal. It’s also a time to think about what you want to create in the year ahead.

The truth is we set goals and change our minds and course of direction all the time. And as this week’s message states, we can either use the concept of “beginning” and “end” to our advantage or disadvantage. It just depends on whether it’s being used as a mechanism to avoid something or motivate action.

So set your intentions, be kind to yourself, and get ready for the best year ever!

With Love.


From Over There: 12.28.14 Weekly Focus
There is no beginning, nor end, only perception as such. Life extends before and beyond the physical.  Relationships change, and at times seemingly end, though since they have occurred are always part of your story and an ever present element of your evolution. It is the human need to categorize components of time that creates the perception of a beginning and an end. Life is cyclic.

Q: Does it hinder us in any way to view life through beginnings and endings?

A. The perception of a beginning and an end can be helpful in one’s ability to move through painful situations or when moving toward achievement of a goal, as it gives a marker to see how far one has come through a process. When this perception is used as a means to avoid responsibility for one’s actions or to avoid the processing of pain, then the perception of a beginning or an end is counterproductive. To move on from a relationship or situation without processing through the pain or taking responsibility for the outcome is to avoid the potential wisdom gained from the experience. To begin a new relationship or situation without processing through the pain or taking responsibility for the outcome of that which came before risks repeating the experience. To understand the cyclical nature of existence is to honor all phases of life as valuable and to learn from the lessons each instance brings.  


Thanks & Blessings!