
May 4, 2014

Let Go...Let In...

This week, once again, is all about letting go. More specifically though, it's the letting go of fear that can keep us stuck and unable to move forward. The fear that gets in the way of creating what we want. The fear that makes us think we’re less than who we really are. And when we feel less than who we really are, we either don’t feel worthy of going for what we want or capable of doing it. The trick is to get rid of the fear, or at the very least quiet it down enough so we can still go for what we want. Even if the jitters are jitterbugging around inside of us.

You’ll see that this week’s question is actually two questions. And part of the answer talks about “viewing the world through the energy of your heart”, which is something I want to address here. Some of you will get what it means immediately, but there may be a few of you who are wondering exactly how to do that. It’s quite simple, actually. All you need to do is take a nice, deep breath in, close your eyes, and then draw your attention to your heart. Just bring your mind there and focus on that place for a minute. The more you do this the easier it is and you won’t have to close your eyes to do it. Just focus there and you’re there. Doing this puts you in a more compassionate and calmer space. It also takes you out of fear and gives you better clarity to get to the real "heart of the matter".

So take a deep breath in…

With Love.


From Over There: 5.4.14 Weekly Forecast
Now is time to continue to shed the old to make way for the new. Let go of the fear that binds you. Let go of the fear of loss. Understand that in letting go you open to many more blessings to enter into life. Understand that in letting go it creates a richer, more fulfilling life with richer, more fulfilling relationships. To understand this is to understand the key to working with all of creation.


Featured Question: (this week is a two-part question)
Q: Can you clarify for us a bit more what “the key to working with all of creation” means?
A. When you realize your ability to work with all of creation, you understand yourself as co-creator with creation. When you understand yourself as part of creation you understand yourself as creator as well. It is this understanding that shows you your ability to create that which you desire in life. If you function from the perspective of creator you will naturally choose options that better serve you and your greater happiness.

Q: Ok, how do we get to that place of functioning from the perspective of creator?
A. View your world through the energy of your heart. Whenever in doubt shift your consciousness there. Live from this place and you will begin to see your true desires, not those created from fear. Doing so will increase your happiness. Doing so will allow greater abundance of that which brings you joy. Doing so will create more fulfilling and deeper relationships.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog when it best matches the week’s topic. Thanks & Blessings!