
September 15, 2014

Express Yourself

Yes, this blog post is a day late. I have very good reason in that I spent the weekend in preparation of, and then in celebration of my mother’s 80th birthday. This week’s post is short and sweet and speaks of how to release the fear of judgment that can get in the way of fully expressing ourselves.

So go ahead, express yourself

With Love.


From Over There: 9.14.14 Weekly Focus
Allow yourself greater freedom of expression. Let yourself be free of fear of judgment. Release preconceived judgment by others to open to greater creative flow and a sense of liberation.


This week’s question:
Q: How can we release the fear of judgment by others to open ourselves to greater freedom of expression?

A. Simply by doing. When one begins to express themselves in ways that move them out of feelings of complacency and comfort, the mind compensates for the acts by broadening the perception of personal ability. The opposite also occurs when one continues to close themselves down through fear. There is a perception of diminished ability. Only by embracing the broadening of abilities through action does one begin to lessen the fear of judgment. This leads to greater self-confidence and awareness in one’s true ability.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!