Saturday night I was pretty worn out. From writing away
on my book, getting taxes done, and everything else in between, I was feeling
spent. And I was cranky. This was taking place as I was getting myself ready to
head out and watch some live music, something I love to do. But I was tired. And
did I mention cranky? As I was getting ready I had an internal – and sometimes
openly verbal – dialog with myself about how ridiculous it was that I was even entertaining the idea of going
out. “I’m tired!” it said. “I should stay home and get some rest!” it said. “I’m
not in the mood…” it sulked. And then something happened. I realized that no
one was telling me that I needed to stay the whole time, and that I could leave whenever I wanted, even if that meant 15 minutes after arriving.
Huh. Ok then, I’ll give it a shot.
The funny thing is, once I gave myself permission to be
flexible with the evening it took any self-imposed pressure off and I was able
to enjoy myself. And guess what? I had so much fun I stayed until the end. If I
hadn’t given myself the space for flexibility I probably wouldn’t have gone, denying
my overtaxed (pun intended) mind the much needed break to blow off some steam.
Giving yourself permission to stay flexible with your
life whenever possible takes away so much unnecessary stress. There’s enough to
contend with on a daily basis without adding to it by self-imposed restrictions
and rules that steal opportunities to enjoy yourself!
With Love.
From Over There:
“Allowing oneself
to change the course of direction creates greater flexibility and opportunity. An
approach that keeps one enclosed in rigidity reduces the flow of life and moves
toward an unnatural state of being. Life, as in nature, is ever evolving and ever
changing, and the individual human capacity to move fluidly with this change allows
for new opportunity and experiences as they arise. Without this, an individual risks
a stagnant mind, and an overly mundane existence.”
Featured Guest: Queens
of the Stone Age
Once again I’m posting a song for the featured guest.
Just a fair warning this song isn’t for everyone, but it’s a personal favorite
of mine and I love the beginning of the video and the band’s embracing of
in-the-moment flexibility.
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