
January 27, 2013

Beautiful Spirit

I wrote a couple weeks back about my sweet, old cat Curtis. At that time I knew it was a matter of time before we’d have to say goodbye, and sadly that time came last Wednesday. Any of you who’ve had a beloved pet know what an excruciatingly painful decision it is to have them put down. You vacillate between feeling that it’s too soon, and then fear that it wasn’t soon enough. They really are like furry babies, and the years of joy they bring somehow outweigh the cruelty of a loving someone with a much shorter lifespan. We know that odds are they’ll most likely pass before we do, yet we keep bringing them into our lives over and over again. I’m sad, but know he’s much better now. The last week or so the decline was difficult to watch and I’m quite certain even more difficult for him to be in his body.

He was so much more than a cat. He had a multitude of human-like qualities, and my daughter and I used to joke that he was actually the captain of some alien spaceship that came to study us. Now and then he’d look at us like we were ridiculous, and with an annoyance that he got stuck with a cat’s body. So now I’d like to think that he’s back on board his ship, telling his shipmates all about how primitive and clueless we humans really are.

Whether you’re a pet owner or not, just appreciate these little critters when they chance along your path. To me, they’re the epitome of pure love.  

Here’s to you, Curtis-the-wonder-cat.

With Love.


From Over There:
“The soul of an animal passes much like those of humans. There is a difference in that those of animal spirit need no processing like that of the human. The soul of an animal passes into the next level of existence without the struggle that humankind sometimes endures, as they are a simpler, yet purer energy form. There is a greater acceptance of this process in the animal energy. Even when struggle comes before the death as in the fight for survival, there is an instant release and comfort immediately after death occurs. To this simpler being, there is a natural acceptance with no period of confusion, or life review.

For those domesticated animals that leave human companions behind, the animal oftentimes visits to help heal the grief in the human, as they often do while inhabiting the physical. Oftentimes these animals companions return embodied throughout a human companions lifetime. Oftentimes after the human passes, they will find animal companions waiting. It is important for the human race to understand the value in these creatures – whether embodied or in pure spirit form – as their simplistic nature creates greater light. This light helps to balance the dark and at times oppressive energy of humankind. The lighter energy of these creatures reminds humankind to do that which comes naturally, and to live in present moment.”


Featured Guest: The Gentle Barn
The Gentle Barn rescues, rehabilitates and gives sanctuary to severely abused animals. It is also host to abused children, kids recovering from substance abuse, kids on probation, foster kids, and children and adults with mental, emotional, and physical challenges.

Through the interaction with animals, the kids learn forgiveness, courage, strength, leadership skills, trust, empathy, and kindness. The healing that takes place when the kids get together with the animals is miraculous. To learn more about The Gentle Barn, please visit


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January 20, 2013

Celebration Day

I just spent the weekend with a group of women celebrating a good friend’s 50th birthday. All 17 of us were in the age range of 50, give or take, and we whooped, danced and partied with reckless abandon through the wine country on a party bus. I’m sure to outsiders we may have looked a little out of control, but I say, “Who cares?” The older I get the less and less concern I have regarding what others think. This feels fantastic after a life spent being hyper-sensitive to the opinions of others and a bit of a people-pleaser.

There just comes a point in life where you can either become more constricted by propriety, or take a stance of letting loose and enjoying your life. What else are we here for anyway? And to quote Eleanor Roosevelt, “What other people think of me is none of my business.” Well said Ellie, well said.


From Over There:
“The need to be viewed in a particular way will never leave one satisfied as one can never live up to the myriad of opinions and viewpoints. One can only live from the highest perception of value without regard to how it is perceived by others if one wants to find true liberation of spirit.”


Featured Guest: A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle presents readers with an honest look at the current state of humanity: He implores us to see and accept that this state, which is based on an erroneous identification with the egoic mind, is one of dangerous insanity.

Tolle tells us there is good news, however. There is an alternative to this potentially dire situation. Humanity now, perhaps more than in any previous time, has an opportunity to create a new, saner, more loving world. This will involve a radical inner leap from the current egoic consciousness to an entirely new one.

In illuminating the nature of this shift in consciousness, Tolle describes in detail how our current ego-based state of consciousness operates. Then gently, and in very practical terms, he leads us into this new consciousness. We will come to experience who we truly are which is something infinitely greater than anything we currently think we are and learn to live and breathe freely. To learn more, please visit: A New Earth


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January 13, 2013

Age, Appropriately

I’ve been thinking about the term “age-appropriateness”. I think that many times this phrase gets in the way of our potential to let loose and have fun. From the standpoint of emotional maturity it makes sense – nothing’s more obnoxious than seeing a grown adult throw a temper tantrum that would rival a two year old – but what I’m talking about here is the difference between the maturity (hopefully) that comes with age and experience, and being constrained by social propriety. Who makes up these rules, anyway?

Have you ever held yourself back from doing something that you’d really like to do because it doesn’t “befit your age”? I know I have, though after hitting the big 5-0 and experiencing the death of a dear friend last year I started to become a bit rebellious against this mindset. Why should I constrain myself to what other people deem appropriate? And you know what? I’ve been enjoying life a heckuva lot more.

I hold a vision of myself in old-age that is inspired by a woman I saw at a concert a year or so ago. This woman, definitely well into her golden years, was wheelchair bound, but also had a cane with her. With long crazy gray hair flowing, she “danced” in her wheelchair and played her cane like an air guitar with such exuberance that the crow parted to give her ample room. This woman was in pure joy, it was so beautiful to see. If she had “acted her age” she may have very well been at home embroidering doilies, having long ago given up her love of rock ‘n roll. Nothing wrong with embroidering doilies, but I somehow get the sense that it wouldn’t bring the level of enjoyment this woman felt while listening to the music that day.

So let me ask you a few questions: What have you given up to conform to society’s idea of age-appropriateness? Is there something that you would secretly love to do, but don’t for fear of looking ridiculous? And who would be doing the judging? Do they matter in your life if they don’t support your happiness? And what if you discovered that the one keeping you in your place is none other than you? Could you push yourself a little out of your comfort zone and pull in a little more youthful spirit back into your life?

Here’s to rockin’ on wit’ yer bad self!

With Love.


From Over There:
“That which brings pure joy in youth is to be nurtured in age. To allow oneself the joys of youth is to allow a closer connection to spirit. It is the relinquishing of youthful joy as the body ages that creates a detachment to the spirit and over attachment to the body and potential physical ailments.  With the allowing of wonder and youthful excitement the aging of the physical self decelerates. This occurs as when one is in the state of childlike wonder, one is in a state of joy, and the body does not hold onto the energy of stress and tension in this state. When one chooses cynicism over wonder the energy of joy has no place in the body and stress builds, creating tension and an acceleration of the body’s degeneration process. Allowing the continuation of youthful joy creates greater happiness, no matter that condition of the physical self.”


Featured Guest: Goldie Hawn, The Hawn Foundation
The Hawn Foundation seeks to help transform children’s lives by providing them with opportunities to acquire vital social and emotional skills, to improve academic performance, enhance the quality of their lives, and to help them feel more connected to their communities. It is our passion to assist educators to create supportive learning and social environments that effectively address children’s mental and physical wellbeing, while nurturing the growth of creative and reflective habits of mind.

Through advocacy and educational, evidence-based programming in our schools, The Hawn Foundation seeks to provide children with the tools to succeed and experience true happiness. Our objective is to develop and deliver social and emotional learning, supported by brain research, to help create a world where children thrive. To learn more, please visit:


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January 6, 2013

For Now

I’m writing this with my sweet, old, feeble-minded cat in my lap. This wonderful companion of almost 19 years goes by the name of Curtis, and he’s truly been the best cat anyone could ever hope for. An avid hunter in his youth, he vigilantly kept all manner of rodents and other crawly things from entering the house. Well, from entering alive anyway. From his continual purring to his constant cuddliness, just think of all of the positive things that can come from having a cat, and that’s him.

But the old guy is really starting to slow down. In fact, I believe it’s just a matter of time until we need to say our final goodbyes. It makes me sad, very sad, especially for my daughter as she has had him around for as long as she can remember. For now we hold him, tell him how much we love him, and just appreciate the time that we’ve been so blessed to have our furry little friend in our lives.

This, to me, is a reminder of the precious nature of life, and how death is inevitable for all of us – no one is immune. It’s also about appreciating life as it comes, even when those around you come and go. As hard as it is to lose someone, having them in your life for a period of time is a rich reward that needs to be valued when they are still with us – not just after they’re gone.

So for now I sit, Curtis in lap and sound asleep, paws gently twitching, no doubt dreaming of stealthy hunting of days past.  


From Over There:
“The body is fleeting, but the soul eternal. Appreciate the time spent in the body and the abilities it brings to you. Understanding the soul as eternal is not to dismiss the importance of time spent in the body and the lessons learned while inhabiting it. It is this perspective of appreciation of this time and what it offers that brings greater joy and an easier path to growth during the given lifetime.”


Featured Guest: George Harrison 
Will have a new featured guest next week, so for now enjoy a little George Harrison again! Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)


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