
May 31, 2015

Perfectly Acceptable

I find as I get older I feel more comfortable in my skin. Things that used to freak me out just aren’t that big of a deal anymore. It seems that over the years life has a way of shaking off the insecurities and fears that are so prevalent in our youth.

This week’s message speaks about the importance of self-acceptance—at any age—and how it’s a vital part of building healthy, happy relationships. Because how can we truly be tolerant and kind to with those around us when we can’t even do it for ourselves? Today’s the day to introduce yourself to your new BFF…YOU!

With Love.


From Over There:
To be comfortable in the presence of others one must first be comfortable spending time alone with the self. When one accepts and honors the self as a valuable member of the human race, then one opens the mind to accept others, even when dissimilar.

When one accepts and honors those around them as the unique beings that they are, then one will attract into their life others that are accepting of them as well. This builds tranquility of the spirit. This tranquility is available to all who practice self-acceptance and tolerance of the differences of those around them.


Until next time…

May 17, 2015

Settle Down Now

I don’t know about you, but this past week felt a bit unsettling and chaotic. It really wasn’t my chaos, but rather a lot of change happening with those around me. That being said, when others in your immediate sphere are going through change it can also feel pretty disruptive on a personal level.

Here spirit talks about change and how our ability (or lack there of) to go with the flow affects our lives. Since change is a basic part of who we are and how we function, trying to stop it or fight it is counter to the natural course of things. And yes while we can create change through our own actions, there’s just some stuff that’s out of our control. So don’t sweat the small stuff, and do what you can to build yourself a nice support network for when the inevitable big stuff comes your way.

Just goin’ with the flow and hope your flow is goin’ as well…

With Love.


From Over There: 5.17.15 weekly focus

What can we do to make ourselves feel safe when things are constantly changing and feel unsettled?

It is in understanding that nothing is static. That nothing is ever the same from one moment to the next. Sameness is an illusion. This illusion breeds false comfort. The need for sameness began from time when stability in the acquisition of food and of dwelling space was at the command of environmental conditions. The fear of change is a primal one. It comes from this time when acquiring stability was key to survival.

It is to understand change as a necessary factor in your growth and evolution and to embrace it with fluidity. In doing so you expedite your growth as an individual and uplift humanity as a whole. In doing so you release fear and suffer less anguish, and you allow a greater abundance of your desires to unfold. Fearing change is fruitless as it is inescapable. Embracing change leads to a more fulfilling life.


With blessings, until next time….

May 10, 2015

Love, for It's Own Sake

I’m writing this on Mother’s Day and I know that while it can be a day of celebrating your mother or your own motherhood, it can also stir up emotions for some. This is especially so for those who have experienced the loss of their mother or child, are estranged from their mother or child, or for whatever reason don’t have children. 

Interestingly, this week’s message talks about expressing love without labeling one another (for instance, the label of “mother”) and how expressing love without conforming to what a particular label tells us is appropriate can liberate a relationship. Personally, I’m having a difficult time wrapping my head around thinking of my mother as anything but my mother, but what I can imagine would be liberating is letting go of my expectations of her as my mother. Again, hard to wrap my head around, but I’m trying. What if I just loved her for the human being that she is?

So this week’s homework assignment is to pay attention to how our labels for one another affect our relationships—and how maybe we can broaden our view a bit to see what unfolds…

With Love.


From Over There: 5.10.15 weekly focus

Do not constrain your love within the scope of a label. Share love solely for love’s sake. When one confines their love within a certain parameter it creates expectations and limits that adapt to the confines of the parameter.

Whether the love that is expressed is within a familial dynamic or one that is chosen, it liberates the individuals when the relationship is based on openness, trust, and egalitarian companionship. It is to release the need to fit the relationship into cultural expectation. It is then that true love unfolds.


Big blessings, until next time…

May 3, 2015

Something From Nothing

Whenever I read or hear about ways to increase spiritual connection meditation is always at the forefront. To slow down the mind, less go of stress and the stop perpetual hamster wheel. Meditation has worked wonders for a few people I know, but I’ll be honest, I’m not so good at it. I have a hard time sitting and doing nothing. I can do it, and do do it here and there, but it’s not an everyday practice for me. For me, going into a state of “nothingness” happens when I’m cleaning off a bookshelf or doing yard work. Taking a hike out in nature also does the trick as my mind is able to deliciously wander.

I like what spirit says below on the topic, because it let’s a few of us (myself included) off the hook regarding have the “correct” spiritual practice. It’s all about works for you. So whatever it is do it, enjoy it, and let your mind be free…

With Love.


From Over There: 5.3.15 weekly focus

When the mind flows effortlessly, and is relaxed and unworried is the state in which one connects most deeply to their higher self and to the energy of pure creation. There are many methods that will lead one to this state. It is up to the individual to decide the best course. One may enter through focused intent, creative endeavor, physical relaxation or performing mundane tasks that are so well known are automatic.

There is vast stimuli that is present and many keep themselves perpetually connected to this stimuli. It is important for your advancement to experience moments of disconnect from this stimuli to allow openness of new concepts, ideas and thought processes – and to sharpen connection to the energy of pure creation. This is the way to evolve the mind.


Big blessings, until next time…