
July 27, 2015

Tell the Truth

Have you ever had a time when you were afraid to say something to someone, but leaving it left unsaid felt like it was eating you up inside? I know I have. And when finally the words came out—even though extremely difficult and painful to say—the air (and the burden on my shoulders) felt lighter. Yes, the truth can sometimes sting, but the pain of this is less intense than the pain of keeping emotions buried.

Got something to say? Take a deep breath, and…

With Love.


From Over There: weekly focus 7.26.15
Speaking truth from a heart-centered focus is the most profound way you can communicate with others. If it is a difficult subject to convey, and you know in your heart it needs to be expressed, you must do this for your andå the receiver's highest well-being.

Keeping a truth left unspoken creates discord that can lead to physical pain, resentment and low self-worth for the messenger, and a missed opportunity to learn and grow for the receiver. Speaking your truth, with compassion, is a way to reclaim your power and be empowered. 

Taking an active role in speaking your truth will also help you attract individuals who are interested in doing the same. It opens the possibility for you to hear things that may be difficult or challenging, but with that, an opportunity to grow. 
When you communicate in this way, free of manipulation or conditions, you attract into your life fewer who wish to manipulate you. The more you choose truthful communication, the more empowered you are and able to receive important lessons when they are presented to you - and the more self-confident you become.


Until next time...

July 19, 2015

Houses of the Holy

To you Led Zeppelin fans, sorry, this week’s message isn’t about their album for which I borrowed for the title of this post. Rather, it’s about our bodies (houses) and how they are vehicles for our spirits (our holy essence, so to speak). It’s about understanding the importance of our physical selves without getting so attached to them. Yeah I know, sometimes easier said than done—but next time you judge yourself for the not fitting into society’s unrealistic standards, take a moment and think about all of the wonderful things you can do because of your physical self.

Hugging you from over here…

With Love.


From Over There: 7.19.15 weekly focus

The physical nature of one's being is secondary to that of spirit. Societies throughout the world have different views of what is appropriate and valuable in physical form. Rising above these perceptions and embracing your physical form as the vessel that houses your spirit will allow you to consider the value of your physical self, regardless of its current shape or inconsistency with societal norms. What could be more valuable than a vehicle that allows you to touch, hold and embrace? Regardless of your physical limitations, your body is a vehicle that allows you to be a spirit present in the rich world of form. 


Until next time…

July 12, 2015

Totally Committed—For Now

Commitment to something is a present day action. Think about it, what you’re committed to today isn’t necessarily what you were committed to ten years ago. You may not have the same job, or be in the same relationship or even have the same believe structure. We’re constantly changing, so why shouldn’t our commitments be any different?

And yes, you can spend a lifetime committed to things like love for your family, and being a decent person, but to me that’s more of who you are as a human being than a commitment. Who you are at your core is reflected in what you choose to be committed to—not the other way around.

So as life goes on and we gain some wisdom and growth it makes sense that our commitments can change a little. And sometimes they change a lot. The point is, as spirit says below, to be fluid and open to change. Doing so can lead you places far beyond your present imagination.

To infinity…and beyond!

With Love.


From Over There: 7.12.15 weekly focus
Commitment is necessary to follow through to a desired outcome, though it is important to be flexible within the framework of commitment, as there are times when the path to manifesting that which you desire is different than envisioned. Be open to change to allow a path that brings you joy.

Many times, new experiences will alter the course of your life. Changes in perception will at times broaden your view and reveal choices and desires that were once hidden from your awareness. This is why the need for flexibility is vital to growth and expansion. If one stays rigid and attached to the initial outcome - or avenues to arrive there - it many times creates fear of change that stifles forward movement. Be fluid in your pursuits - and life will be more joyous and peaceful.


Until next time…

July 6, 2015

Don’t Stress About It

Lately I’ve been a big ball of stress. There’s been a lot going on, but really, isn’t that usually how life is anyway? So this got me thinking about how our thoughts create our experience in this world. How much of my stress was due to outside forces…or was it mostly an inside game?

I was lucky enough to be able to schedule myself an extra-long extended weekend to just chill out and try to conquer the stress beast that had started messing with my life. What came was a list of self-reflecting questions that made me focus on the reality of the situation. Is this pressure I’m feeling, A) due to my slacking off; B) coming from someone or something threatening my life; C) is anyone going to die if I don’t meet a deadline? Short answers to the above questions: A) no; B) no; C) no. So yep, my stress is an inside job.

Next was the examination of why I tend to hold onto stress this way and how I see others doing the same. Quite simply it’s because we want to do a good job. We want to feel valuable and be of value. And of course there’s the fear of loss if we somehow fail. Does that ring a bell for you? 

The truth is that stressful situations are all around us and always will be. It’s up to us to figure out the best ways to process through it so it doesn’t overtake our precious lives and drain us. So I’ll leave you with this minute of Zen: Somewhere Along the California Coast, and the very short, but to the point message below.

With Love.


From Over There: weekly focus 7.5.15

To clear the mind is the only true way to freedom. 
No matter the chaos that surrounds one in the 
physical world, when the mind is calm all is calm 
for the individual. All peace starts with the self.

Until next time…