I have an interesting career life. On one hand, I'm all
about spiritual energy and connecting myself and my clients to greater part of
their "unseen self", but on the other I'm a consultant for the beauty
industry, a business all about what is "seen" and how we look. I've
been working in the world of beauty in one fraction or another for, dare I say
it, over 30 years. And although I've enjoyed most of it, there's the part that
caters to the physical insecurities of others that I've found frustrating.
I'm all for making ourselves feel better via adornment
whether it be tattoos, makeup, or a new piece of clothing - a good exterior
remodel now and then can certainly boost self-confidence. I think it makes
sense to update things as we move through life and allow our outsides to
reflect the different versions of ourselves we become along the way. No more
80s-big-hair-poodle-style of years past! Where my frustration lies is in
the way we so often permit society to decide what is considered beautiful or acceptable,
and what isn't.
Let's face it (pun intended), not one of us goes without
scrutinizing the appearance of those around us. We judge a person for looking
too conservative, too liberal, too gay, too straight, too dark, or too light,
the list goes on and on...but what about when we judge someone for being too
attractive or unattractive? I've seen many instances where those who are
unconventional in appearance (or unattractive by a narrow-minded society) go
unnoticed, ignored when needing help, or treated as outcasts. On the flipside
is the individual getting extra attention, or revered for their "good
looks". Just turn on the TV and you'll find a multitude of
"celebrities" getting by on nothing but the merits of their physical
appearance. And I've also seen individuals who are considered very attractive
judged harshly by those who are threatened by the mere presence of their looks.
In my observing the dynamics of human interaction (aka,
people-watching), I've found it very interesting to see how we all relate to
one another. It's wonderful to see how we can rise to the occasion and support
and respect each other, but then there are the other, less inspirational
exchanges. I see people reacting to how they're perceived by acting coy to get
what they want, or using their looks to intimidate, or even worse, diminishing
themselves so as to not to be too threatening to a particular group.
I do believe we as humans have it hardwired within us to
judge on appearance for survival reasons, but if we step outside our fear of
those that don't fit into our idea of normal (what does that mean anyway?!) we
open up to seeing those around us more on the virtues of their spirit. This
week's message speaks to this and is very short, but to the point. If we could
all take a step back from time to time, we'd see more than just physical
attributes. We'd see the kindness, compassion and life challenges, or the
manipulation and true reason to avoid someone.
Here's looking at you...
From Over There: I'm Looking Through You
"It is the enlightened soul who can look past one's
external wrapping and see the truth of the spirit that resides
Featured Guest: Meta Lackland
Meta is a "Holistic" Life Coach in every sense
of the word. With grounded intuition, a sense of humor and gentle
approach, she applies her skills in life coaching and family constellation
facilitation to help resolve blocks in the areas of success, love, wellness,
family, relationships and business. Meta coaches her clients on how to navigate
through the stormy waters of negative self-talk, helping them gain clarity and
the courage to move toward a more joyful life. For more information about
Meta and her services, please visit: coachingbymeta.com.
If you'd like more information, to book an appointment, or check out the current class schedule, please visit molliejensen.com.
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