
October 21, 2012

Let's Go Giants!

This week’s message came to me as I was sitting down to watch the Giants Game. I had gotten to thinking about how we are around certain competitive interactions (doesn't always have to do with sports), and how we get so excited when our team or favorite contestant in a competition wins. It makes us happy, and depending on the scale of the event, can unify and elate large groups of people. Remember the 2010 World Series, anyone? Silly question, I know.

Thankfully (for us in the bay area), the Giants won. It was a great game, and watching the wildly exuberant fans in the crowd – to me – was just as fun as the game itself. The lengths they go to express their excitement and love can be pretty entertaining. Another thing I enjoy is the show of support the players have for another. They cheer each other on with enthusiasm, patting backs (or the occasional backside), high-fiving, hugging, or whatever they need to do to get the point across. I love watching it.

And this leads me to this question: have you ever noticed how it feels to see people expressing kindness or love to another, especially when they’re genuinely excited by it? For instance, at the airport when people are greeting one another? Have you ever witnessed a random act of kindness? It feels so good to see, as if it literally warms the heart. Thinking about it from this perspective really shows how we affect one another, even without intending to. How’s that for a ripple effect?


From Over There:
"Watching joy and enthusiasm displayed by others is contagious. This is why sporting events in which an individual’s chosen team excels brings a sense of happiness to the viewer. The unpredictable nature of these events creates anticipation and a rush of adrenalin, fueling the feelings of excitement. It is this randomness that can also be embraced in other aspects of life. Unexpected acts of kindness, expression of gratitude and complimentary language toward others will also create joy and enthusiasm for the receiver, the initiator, and for those bearing witness to the exchange." 


Featured Guest: The Untethered Soul
What would it be like to be free from limitations and soar beyond your boundaries? What can you do each day to find this kind of inner peace and freedom? The Untethered Soul offers a simple, profoundly intuitive answer to these questions. Whether this is your first exploration of inner space or you've devoted your life to the inward journey, this book will transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you.


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