
May 27, 2013

Plant a Seed

I was sitting here thinking about what I was going to write this Memorial Day, assuming it would have something to do with the meaning of the day and in honor of those who lost their lives on our behalf. Though as many times the case, what came up went in a different direction. Before getting to this week’s message I do want to give my sincere appreciation for the men and women past, present and future who’ve fought for our freedom. Whatever your politics, these brave individuals deserve – at the very least – our recognition.

What occurred as I sat and asked for guidance was that I was reminded of a dream I had the previous night. In the dream I had cut open some sort of fruit – of course I knew exactly what it was while I was dreaming, but on reflecting back while awake I have no idea what it was. This whatever-it-is fruit was filled with seeds, and I remember feeling irritated because “that’s not what it’s supposed to look like”. There were too many seeds. It was overwhelming! The interesting thing was that there was also plenty of fruit to eat, yet because it wasn’t what I expected I threw it away.

When reminded of this dream I realized that it signified to me how staying open to the various ways things (ie, people, work, situations) can show up, and to not be so attached to my preconceived notion of what I think it’s going to look like. Sometimes having a different experience than anticipated can throw us off and cause us to push away what might be in our best interest. It was a pretty powerful message on the importance of open-mindedness.

So go on, take the seeds life has to offer, give them a little love and care, and then watch your life grow in beautiful and interesting ways.

With Love.


From Over There:
“Plant the seeds that come to you and allow them to grow, focusing on those with the greatest potential. Nurture them with continued focus. Just as a seed that gives birth to a tree cannot sustain life without water, soil and sunlight, so any seed of creation cannot come to full bloom without continued consideration. Although one tiny seed may appear insignificant, understand the gifts contained within. From one seed comes the potential of the forest.”


Featured Guest: American Forests

We are people who care about – and for – forests. American Forests, the oldest national nonprofit conservation organization in the country, advocates for the protection and expansion of America’s forests. Since 1990, we have planted more than 40 million trees. We restore watersheds to help provide clean drinking water. We replant forests destroyed by human action and by natural disasters. To learn more, and about how to honor the life of a loved one by planting trees in their name, please visit

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