
December 28, 2014

At the End is the Beginning and the Beginning is the End

The New Year approaches and with that we often reflect back on the year that’s coming to a close. For myself, I’ve been more than happy to say “goodbye” to the years filled with challenges and have looked forward to the New Year as some sort of do-over. It feels doubly so and very symbolic, because very shortly after the beginning of the New Year my daughter and I celebrate our birthdays. A complete fresh start.

Funny thing is, when I look back over the years my big changes haven’t always occurred at the beginning or end of the year. It’s more about using the symbolism of this time to create change for myself. In other words, it’s a time to consciously choose a different way to approach something or stop procrastinating on getting going on a goal. It’s also a time to think about what you want to create in the year ahead.

The truth is we set goals and change our minds and course of direction all the time. And as this week’s message states, we can either use the concept of “beginning” and “end” to our advantage or disadvantage. It just depends on whether it’s being used as a mechanism to avoid something or motivate action.

So set your intentions, be kind to yourself, and get ready for the best year ever!

With Love.


From Over There: 12.28.14 Weekly Focus
There is no beginning, nor end, only perception as such. Life extends before and beyond the physical.  Relationships change, and at times seemingly end, though since they have occurred are always part of your story and an ever present element of your evolution. It is the human need to categorize components of time that creates the perception of a beginning and an end. Life is cyclic.

Q: Does it hinder us in any way to view life through beginnings and endings?

A. The perception of a beginning and an end can be helpful in one’s ability to move through painful situations or when moving toward achievement of a goal, as it gives a marker to see how far one has come through a process. When this perception is used as a means to avoid responsibility for one’s actions or to avoid the processing of pain, then the perception of a beginning or an end is counterproductive. To move on from a relationship or situation without processing through the pain or taking responsibility for the outcome is to avoid the potential wisdom gained from the experience. To begin a new relationship or situation without processing through the pain or taking responsibility for the outcome of that which came before risks repeating the experience. To understand the cyclical nature of existence is to honor all phases of life as valuable and to learn from the lessons each instance brings.  


Thanks & Blessings!

December 21, 2014

Merry & Bright

For some of you this may come as a surprise, but for others it’s common sense: happiness is a choice. Yep, that’s right, a choice. This is not to say that once you make the conscious decision to be happy that your life is going to be all rainbows and lollipops – we do, of course, live on this dense, challenging planet – but you’ll be much better equipped to move through the difficult times when they do occur.

It’s all about perspective, and it’s a lesson that in many regards I believe I’m still learning. The bottom line is that the more you appreciate and value your life, the more life tends to give you back what you appreciate and find valuable. And being in this mindset makes those bad days pass much faster and the good days so much sweeter.

Take a moment and focus on those things in your life that bring you happiness and let that be your guidepost for pulling in more of the same. May all your days be merry and bright.

With Love.


From Over There: 12.21.14 Weekly Focus
The way of happiness connects one with the light of the soul. Through this connection one understands their purpose, and forges a deeper awareness of how their actions affect them and those around them. There is no act so trivial that it passes without any influence. It is simply the level of individuals that are affected that may come into play. To choose the way of happiness is to affect one’s life through the soul’s light. The soul’s light is a joyous light. This is a joyous way for all.  


Q: How can we choose happiness when we may be going through a challenging period?

A. It is first through choosing kindness toward the self, through compassion for the self and respectful acts upon the self. It is through these self directed practices that one has the capacity to truly be thoughtful of others. This leads to greater acceptance and appreciation for oneself and of those around them. This, in turn, diminishes critical judgment of the self and others. To be less judgmental is a liberating experience. It instills in one a sense of freedom, no matter one’s life circumstance. It is within this sense of freedom that one easily chooses the way of happiness.


Thanks & Blessings!

December 14, 2014

Keep Your Motor Running

Around this time of year most of us tend to partake a little more freely in indulging. From social gatherings to the ubiquitous cookie, it can be hard to abstain. Add to that lack of sleep and the general chaos that ensues and it can take its toll. But as spirit says, staying alert to the messages our bodies give us will help alleviate some of the aftermath.

Our “vehicles” – as spirit so aptly refers to our physical selves – just needs a little attention and understanding to get through the day. I believe it’s perfectly fine to imbibe in holiday festivities as long as you approach it from a celebratory perspective and not one of stress. Let your spirit take the lead, have some fun, and get some rest when you need it. It’s all about balance.

Wishing you all a joyous and peaceful Holiday season – regardless if that pound cake adds a few extra pounds!

With Love.


From Over There: 12.14.14 Weekly Focus
Be mindful of the care you give your vehicle and what is in its best interest. This is different for everyone as each has their own unique physiology and ancestral cellular sequences. There is no one way that benefits all. It is up to the individual to connect with their vehicle in order to understand its needs.


Q: Can you tell us a little more about what it means to connect with our body or vehicle?

A. When one connects to the full components of the self then a deeper knowing of the importance of all aspects of self are realized. The vehicle houses the spirit. It is a blessed temple. It is to be revered for all it accomplishes. The mind articulates the functions of the vehicle, yet it is the spirit’s connection to the mind that brings awareness to what the vehicle requires to run sufficiently. It is to value all parts of the self that allows a deeper connection to the vehicle and a more peaceful mind.


Thanks & Blessings!

December 7, 2014

What’s the Meaning of This?

Do you ever think about living a more meaningful life? What if I were to tell you that no matter your current situation, you already are? This week’s message came to me as one of the random thumps on the head I get now and then when I’m not actually asking for advice or trying to figure out my next move. I believe I was doing laundry at the time, and most likely grumbling to myself while doing it. And I was reminded – loud and clear – that even chores other mundane activities are pretty meaningful.

So next time you’re stuck in traffic or cleaning out the kitty litter box think about this: in each situation are moments of your very valuable life. Being stuck in traffic may not be your idea of a good time, but instead of stressing out there’s always the opportunity to crank up the stereo and sing your heart out. And cleaning your furry little friend’s port-a-potty means a happier companion, and most likely cleaner floors for you. I’d say that’s meaningful!

With Love.


From Over There: 12.8.14 Weekly Focus
You ask for meaning in life, but is not each moment of life meaningful? To view each moment as meaningful brings a greater perception of value to the moment and a deeper appreciation of one’s life. Through this the foundation of gratitude one leads to a more fulfilling life.


Q: So you’re saying that every moment has meaning? Even if doing something like laundry?

A. It is to find value in each moment that brings appreciation of life and an awareness of how one uses their time. Yes, even the mundane is meaningful. To bring meaning to the process of laundering clothes instills a sense of value in the process. The result of this process is clean, comfortable clothing. To find meaning in each moment gives one the opportunity to see these moments as precious gifts. It is to honor the present. Honoring the present allows one to appreciate the current circumstance and softens the frustration that comes when one is focusing solely on the future.


Thanks & Blessings!

November 30, 2014

Rise and Shine

There always seems to be an issue somewhere in the world that breeds violence against one fraction of society over another. This often creates acts retaliation, and is a vicious cycle that divides us and causes so much pain – especially for those left feeling disenfranchised.

There’s a lot more I could say on the subject, but for now I choose to focus on what Spirit says that we can do individually to create change in ourselves and bring a much needed shift of awareness to our global family. As this week’s message says, we are one – whether some of us like that idea or not – and each of us are a collective part of humanity. Every action we take causes a ripple effect. If you don’t think you’re powerful enough to have an effect on anyone I challenge you to pay attention next time you’re feeling chaotic inside vs. at peace and see how it affects those around you. You can bet that your ripple effect was vastly different in each instance.  

As Spirit’s message tells us, the way to forge a deeper connection of oneness is through peace. It has to start with each of us, individually. Yes there will still be violence in the world, but it’s time to tip the scales – one by one.

Let’s all rise to the occasion so we can shine a brighter light of peace.

With Love.


From Over There: 11.30.14 Weekly Focus
It is by embracing the perspective of oneness that an individual moves out of fear and judgment of others and into a state of inclusiveness. Doing so breaks one free of the self-imposed barriers that block the possibility of a peaceful society. Doing so creates true freedom for the individual.


Q: How can we change to the perspective of oneness when so much violence stems from generations of deep-seated judgment against those perceived as different?

A. Is it in bringing conscious awareness to the desire for peace. It is to move through the feelings of discomfort and reach out to those who you do not understand. It is in choosing to broaden the perspective through connection. It is to instill a sense of inner-peace through peaceful practices. When one chooses peace as a way of life their ability to find compassion for another expands. It is from this peaceful mind that one creates the courage to step outside of current convention and bring greater understanding. It is this understanding that builds trust. It is this trust that builds a sense of oneness.


Thanks & Blessings!

November 24, 2014

Perfect Timing

I’ll tell you, things have been a bit hectic as of late, and because of this I’m getting this post to you a little later than normal. Also, I decided that it might be useful to change things up this week and give you all a little snippet of the book I’m currently working on, Channel Surfing: Enlightened Messages for a Dense Planet. This gives you some good information about divine timing and gives me a little extra divine time to get things done. An overall win-win situation, I think.

Anyway, I wish you all a wonderful holiday week, filled everything you love to eat!

With Love.


Q: How does divine timing come into play in us getting what we want?

A. Divine timing is universal life force co-creating with you in ways that best serve you.  At times it may not feel that this is so. At times it may feel as if that no matter how much you desire or ask for something it never comes. Though at times it may come in a form you did not expect, and so did not recognize it as occurring. 

 And there are times when you may desire something immediately, but it may take longer than you want for you to get it. This can occur when you still have lessons to learn. It may be feelings of unworthiness that need to be released or you may be learning how to sustain a situation if it were to come to you, or it may simply not fit in with your current life path at that time. There are many reasons for divine timing. The Universe may be protecting you from situations that are not in your best interest. Or the situation may not yet be available to you due to other individuals who are not yet ready for the change, yet are an integral part of the end result.
There are instances when divine timing creates space for clarity for what it is that you truly want to manifest. The time to process information and lessons that come your way allows for a greater end result. Acknowledging the potential learning and staying conscious with the information will help to move toward a quicker manifestation.


Thanks & Blessings!

November 16, 2014

You’re Awesome!

This week’s message is about being yourself, but in a bigger way. It’s about taking your present you and stepping up your game. Do you have dreams of being more confident, or courageous, or compassionate, or just generally an all-around a better human being? What’s stopping you?

Basically what Spirit is telling us is to “act as if”. Act as if you already are that person that you want to be. Whether taking baby steps or huge leaps, just get going and have faith in yourself. The first step is always the hardest, but each step after gets easier and easier. And you know why? Because you already are that amazingly awesome human being!

With Love.


From Over There: 11.16.14 Weekly Focus
Live now as the self you aspire to be. Take action to build the self that is your greatest desire by acting today as if you already are. It is by stepping into this role that you embody the spirit of your greatest self and highest potential. It is by doing so that you elevate the personal standards you hold for yourself and take action to meet those standards. It is in doing so that you retrain your mind to accept yourself in this higher regard and become that which you desire.


Q: How do we move past the feelings of inadequacy that sometimes get in the way of our acting as our most powerful self?

A. By taking action, no matter how small. Each action that moves you closer toward your greatest self is a powerful statement to the Universe that you desire change and are willing to work toward that change. It is in simply building strength and confidence with each step. No action is too small or achievement too insignificant while allowing your greatest self to come forward.


Thanks & Blessings!

November 9, 2014

Shine a Light

I have a group of very dear intuitive friends with whom I’ve been meeting with each month about for about 10 years. We do this to catch up, eat a little food and then do healing sessions on one another. We laugh, often cry, and always part ways feeling much better. Every now and then during these sessions one of us may start spontaneously channeling, and the information that comes through is usually something that one of us – or all of us – needs to hear.

It was during our recent get together that I started channeling and received this week’s message. What came through was insight on a topic of one of our conversations that day. It centered on how when we focus on all of the horrific things happening in the world it can leave us feeling angry and frustrated, and how changing our perspective elevates not only us, but our world around us as well. It’s all about shifting focus so you can be happier and better able to offer support to others without taking on any of their suffering. Hey, sounds pretty good to me!

With Love.


From Over There: 11.9.14 Weekly Focus
Keep your eyes open to the world around you, yet focus on the light of peace. To do so creates in you a higher energetic vibration and happier sense of being. It is in this way that one retains a more positive outlook and satisfying existence.


Q: Won’t focusing solely on peace make us turn a blind eye to the suffering of others? Isn’t it necessary to stay aware of this suffering in order to help?

A. It is not to turn a blind eye to the suffering of others; instead, it is to acknowledge the suffering without dwelling on their pain. When one allows greater focus on the suffering of those around them and less focus on that which brings joy and a sense of peace, it creates in them a lower vibrational frequency that can cause depression and feelings of hopelessness. This lower vibration adds to the collective consciousness of suffering, expanding it and affecting all of humanity. To focus on that which brings joy and creates a sense of peace raises one’s vibrational frequency, adding to and expanding the collective consciousness of joy and peace. This affects all of humanity by elevating the spirit and creating a more harmonious community. It is also when one chooses to focus on the more positive aspects of an event that they are better equipped to offer support to those who are suffering, as they approach the situation with a more altruistic mindset and not one of despair.


Thanks & Blessings!

November 2, 2014

It’s All in How You Look at It

I just had a wonderful weekend spending time with friends that I’ve known for around thirty years, give or take. A great group of women, we all get along swimmingly even though our lives come from different places. Our many conversations centered on, as always, family, work and home, and it got me thinking about the level of success that each of us has experienced over the years in our own different way. Whether we have a team of kids, only one or none at all; live in a palatial estate or a tiny dwelling; have a new car or a well-used one; or are rolling in the dough or living a more, eh hem, creative feast or famine type of existence, the one thing I noticed is that we all seem pretty happy.

Success can come in so many different forms, and this week’s message focuses on how our perception of life impacts whether we feel successful or not. Regardless of your current circumstance, celebrating your achievements and victories – no matter how small – will have you feeling like life is a blooming success and give you the foundation for greater overall happiness.

Let the celebrations begin!

With Love.


From Over There: 11.2.14 Weekly Focus
Be mindful of your perceptions of the world around you. Your perceptions create your version of reality. If you perceive your life to be successful and full of blessings, then that will be your experience. If you perceive your life to be a failure and lacking in that which you desire, then that will be your experience. Believe in the beauty of your life and your life will be beautiful.


This week’s question:
Q: How do we shift our perceptions to a more positive stance when we’re in the midst of hardship or have suffered some sort of traumatic loss?

A. When one experiences such painful circumstances it is beneficial to process through the emotional pain. Do not suppress it, as this will only create energetic blocks that keep you stuck in the pain. Process it so as to move through it and let it go; though we are now asking that you focus on the perceptions of your everyday life, this is what we are speaking of. To be mindful of the perceptions of one’s everyday experiences make one better equipped to process such painful emotions as they arise. If you perceive your life to be successful and are grateful for its present circumstance, then your experience will be one of success and fruitfulness. If you perceive your life to be a failure and lacking in what you desire, then no matter what you achieve or accumulate you will never be truly satisfied. To appreciate the blessings life has to offer allows for more blessings to come your way and creates the space for happiness in every moment.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

October 26, 2014

Nothing to Fear

This week in honor of upcoming Dia de los Muertos and All Hallows Eve (aka, Halloween) we’re going to focus on the dead. No, not the band the Grateful Dead, but of our dearly departed dead. I wasn’t quite sure exactly what was going to arise from the world of Spirit when I asked for a message with this focus, so I stayed open to what “they” felt was important to convey.

What came up has been brought up before, and it relates more to the importance of death and our fear of this inevitable process. I found that my own personal fear of death was drastically reduced, ironically, after having witnessed firsthand the passing of a dear friend. It wasn’t the actual moment that she left her body that affected me so, but more her energy immediately following. It felt liberated, free and completely unencumbered. It was truly beautiful. While yes it was still emotionally painful, I felt so happy for my friend. She finally had the sense of freedom that she had been searching for her entire life. What it did for me was to know that death is not something to be feared. It’s simply part of life.

No matter what, we will all leave our bodies some day. It’s just part of nature, so why not make the most out of life while we’re here? Go climb that mountain, take a painting class, change careers, or whatever it is that you’ve wanted to do, but held yourself back out of fear. As Franklin D. Roosevelt wisely stated, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Go out and live.

With Love.


From Over There: 10.26.14 Weekly Focus Understand that those who are no longer inhabiting a body are simply in another phase of life. It is an extension of life in another form. Process of disconnection from the physical body is not to be feared, as it is through the course of nature that one shed the body in preparation for the next phase of evolution.  It is as honorable and necessary as birth, as it completes a cycle of development for the individual. Embrace this understanding. Doing so will release the fear of death and lead one to live a more fulfilling life.


This week’s question:
Q: Can you explain how releasing the fear of death leads one to live a more fulfilling life?

A. It is when there is no fear of death that one releases the fear of risk that that may at times comes with pursuing achievement. When one remains constrained in fear it diminishes the potential of a fulfilling life and the pleasure of experience that comes with it. Fear stunts the flow of creativity and lessens the potential for one to share their unique gifts and talents with the world.  If one does not fear death, one opens more fully to the richness that life has to offer. If one does not fear death, then one does not rigidly hold attachment to the body, knowing that life is everlasting. To embrace this sense of immortality is to embrace a sense of freedom.

Q: This leads me to another question. Shouldn’t we hold at least a little fear of death in order to keep ourselves safe?

A. It is not to fear death, it is to respect life and treat yourself in accordance to this principle.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

October 19, 2014

Fill It Up With the Good Stuff

Have you ever found yourself brainlessly surfing the net or watching bad TV as a means to decompress or checkout? Yeah, me too. And it’s not that this type of brainless activity now and then is necessarily a bad thing, it’s more about the quality of the overall moments in your life that counts. So what if, by chance, instead of staring into some form mindless media void you chose something else? What if you took a nap, or a walk, or sat under a tree, tried your hand at painting, or…you get the picture.

I know that I can get better about how I let myself unwind after a busy day or what I do when I take breaks from boring tasks, so I appreciate the reminder that this week’s message gives us. I’m willing to commit to a little more conscious quality downtime, how about you?

With Love.


From Over There: 10.19.14 Weekly Focus Fill your time with activities that are of value to you. You are worthy of pursuing moments that inspire joy and satisfaction, not activities that are simply done so as a means of avoidance and procrastination. Now is the time to be aware of how you fill your time.


This week’s question:
Q: How do we instill a sense of joy and satisfaction when pursuing activities that are valuable, yet are mundane and not very exciting to perform?

A. To focus on the outcome and reason behind the activity. For instance, do you pursue the task of organizing to make your life flow more easily? Then focus on the feelings of comfort and ease that the outcome of the task will bring. Whatever the activity, it is in focusing on the positive aspects of the outcome that make the process less daunting. It is in also balancing the task with breaks while pursuing those activities that are of value and reward you with joy and satisfaction. Distracting oneself from mundane tasks with less valuable activities leads to frustration and further procrastination.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

October 12, 2014

Strike a Balance

Sometimes the energetic forces swirling around us can feel a bit out of whack, leaving us feeling pretty out of whack as well. This week we focus on how to create your own kind of balance, a feeling of being grounded and centered amidst all the chaos. It covers the practice of grounding your energy so you’re not left feeling as spastic as an un-tethered balloon, or as immobile as a garden slug.

In addition to the suggestions below, here is a quick visualization that will help keep you feeling centered in your body: start with taking a nice, deep breath in, and as you exhale,  imagine your energy moving down from the top of your head, down your body, and down to the soles of your feet. Now imagine the energy coming out of your feet in the form of vines that extend downward into the Earth. See these vines grow down, pushing through the rock and soil and then wrap around a rock, anchoring there. This will help keep your energy focused in your body. Once you get the hang of it you can do it instantaneously anytime, anywhere.  

May your energy scales be balanced and your week a joyous one!

With Love.


From Over There: 10.12.14 Weekly Focus Planetary energy fluctuations are occurring that may create feelings of imbalance. One may feel energized and then fatigued, changing from moment to moment. Use this time to practice grounding your energy in order to bring balance and sustain equilibrium. Without doing so, one risks the stress of excess energy and the worry of fatigue. To balance oneself energetically also brings balance to the emotions, creating a greater sense of peace and overall happiness.


This week’s question:
Q: Can you please elaborate on what is meant by the stress of excess energy and the worry of fatigue?

A. With excess energy- when there is no outlet for release –anxiety and stress can occur, leaving one feeling unsettled and overwhelmed. Grounding practices such as connecting with the natural world, exercising the body and pleasurable forms of physical movement, and the ingesting of protein help utilize the excess energy in a positive manner. The worry of fatigue often arises when one equates the feelings of fatigue with impending illness or mental depression. By following the aforementioned grounding practices, one reinvigorates the senses and releases blocked or stagnant energy in the mind and body. It is personal preference as to which grounding practice or practices are best suited for the individual.   


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

October 5, 2014

Inhale…and Exhale…

Today marks what would have been one of my best friend’s 52nd birthdays, though it’s been three years since she left her body and went to play on the other side. I have no doubt that she’s doing quite well over there, since she was a bit of a free-spirit while here and always had an issue conforming to whatever box society tried to shove her in. And in her honor, I’m going to make this post a quick one. Another dear friend scored tickets to a show that I’m quite excited to see, and I need to get moving soon in order to get there in time. I know Kelly would approve.

A wonderful week to you all!

With Love.


From Over There: 10.5.14 Weekly Focus Go with the natural flow of action with inaction to create balance in moving toward your goals. Like your own body’s inhale and exhale of breath create the natural flow of oxygen, this balance is necessary in instigating the beginning of creation of the goal and in maintaining space for allowing it to come to fruition.


This week’s question:
Q: Can you please elaborate on the concept of the inhale and exhale of breath as it relates to moving toward a goal?

A. Very simply, for breath to exhale there first must be an inhale and vice versa. If one ceases to exist, so does the other. When both cease to exist, so does the body. You may think of the body as signifying the goal. It is this continuous flow of activity with inactivity that signifies movement and receptivity. Together they create greater ease and flow in the pursuit of a goal. Without balance of the two, movement may become blocked and receptivity stagnant.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

September 28, 2014


Continuing on from last week’s post on procrastination, this week is all about finding the best course of action toward your goal. To move toward your desired outcome, it’s definitely important to take consistent action, but have you ever been so singularly focused (eh hem, obsessed) that you end up feeling frustrated when it doesn’t happen despite all of your efforts? Or it takes much longer than you’d like? I know I have.  

Instead of letting go of a goal if it doesn’t happen right away, you may just need to allow a little space and time for it to come in. Think about it, when you clench tightly onto something, it constricts it, and doesn’t allow any wiggle room or freedom of movement. Why should the creation of goals be any different? There needs to be space to allow.

So whatever you are trying to create, take those tangible steps to get you there, but also leave some room for the Universe to respond.

With Love.


From Over There: 9.28.14 Weekly Focus
Taking action sets forth an energetic shift signaling that one is prepared for change to occur. Now is the time to take action. Understand that oftentimes energetic shifts occur while results may still remain unseen. Do not allow yourself to become overly attached to the end result you are associating with the action, as limiting beliefs can impede full potential of an outcome. By remaining unattached, one allows potential for a greater outcome to unfold than that which has been previously perceived.


This week’s question:
Q: How can we stay motivated to continue working on a goal when the results aren’t unfolding the way we want, or are taking longer than we had anticipated?

A. It is important to avoid seeing the goal as a one-sighted endeavor. A balance of a variety of goals – some profound, some mundane – allows time and space for results to unfold. When all energy and effort is concentrated on a single endeavor at the cost of other endeavors, it is an attempt to control the flow of creation and can lead to frustration when the results are not quickly recognized. Yes, one must take action to create that which one desires, yet it is in the balance of action with allowing that creates space for results to occur.

Q: Ok, I have another question. Don’t we risk the potential of creating lack of focus or a scattered mind if we go after multiple goals at the same time?

A: It is not in pursuing so many goals simultaneously that one cannot maintain focus and move toward completion. It is in allowing a number of goals that meet with the individual’s ability to maintain proper focus and completion. Not all individuals have the same capacity to multi-task and each individual must decide what is appropriate for them. It is not for another to decide or another to judge at what level of achievement one can acquire. And it is not to have so many goals that one cannot complete a task. When each individual allows themselves to work within the frame of their own achievement level, and allows others to do the same, then each individual opens the path to mastering their goals.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

September 21, 2014

Clean Your Plate

Ahhh procrastination, that foggy state of mind where you feel you have limitless tomorrows to get things done, and then suddenly…d’oh! You find yourself overwhelmed or staring down a deadline in a panic. This week is all about moving through the state of procrastination and on to clearing things off your plate that may have been hanging around in the ethers a little too long. I like that this week’s message also speaks of letting go of those things that maybe we shouldn’t have committed to in the first place.

So my challenge to you this week is to examine where you might be lagging on taking action, especially if it’s something that you really want to do. If you have multiple lingering items, then prioritize and focus on the top of the list. That way you won’t overwhelm yourself and well, you know, procrastinate.

Hey ho, let’s go!

With Love.


From Over There: 9.21.14 Weekly Focus
Focus on completion or release of projects and tasks that have been lingering in procrastination. Doing so prior to setting new intentions will bring a sense of accomplishment and create better focus and attention with future endeavors. 


This week’s question:
Q: How can we better recognize those things that need to be released instead of completed?

A. It is to release the doing of that which no longer serves your best interests or wellbeing, or that of one who may be dependent on you. If you are finding it difficult to move a project or task toward completion – simply out of avoidance – you may ask yourself what is holding you in a state of procrastination. Many times this occurs out of fear, or complacency, or rebelliousness, or a general lack of belief in one’s abilities. It is important to recognize this so you may push through toward completion. If a task or project is being imposed upon you by another’s belief structure that is not aligned with yours, then it is not in your best interests to continue to move forward with it. You may wish to examine why you allow this individual to hold power over your actions. It is important to remember that each moment of life is a series of choices. Choices made out of a desire for greater happiness and wellbeing for yourself and society as a whole will lead to a more fulfilling life.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

September 15, 2014

Express Yourself

Yes, this blog post is a day late. I have very good reason in that I spent the weekend in preparation of, and then in celebration of my mother’s 80th birthday. This week’s post is short and sweet and speaks of how to release the fear of judgment that can get in the way of fully expressing ourselves.

So go ahead, express yourself

With Love.


From Over There: 9.14.14 Weekly Focus
Allow yourself greater freedom of expression. Let yourself be free of fear of judgment. Release preconceived judgment by others to open to greater creative flow and a sense of liberation.


This week’s question:
Q: How can we release the fear of judgment by others to open ourselves to greater freedom of expression?

A. Simply by doing. When one begins to express themselves in ways that move them out of feelings of complacency and comfort, the mind compensates for the acts by broadening the perception of personal ability. The opposite also occurs when one continues to close themselves down through fear. There is a perception of diminished ability. Only by embracing the broadening of abilities through action does one begin to lessen the fear of judgment. This leads to greater self-confidence and awareness in one’s true ability.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

September 7, 2014

Take a Leap

What does taking a leap of faith mean to you? To me it means taking a chance when your gut says “yes” even if you don’t have a clear picture of how things might turn out. It can be a mighty scary thing to do, especially for an overly stubborn, quintuple Capricorn (yes, speaking about myself). While taking a leap without knowing where the net is – or if there even is a net – can definitely take us out of our comfort zone, it can also be very liberating and important for releasing stagnant energy. 

Do you have anything in your life that isn’t working? Or isn’t living up to how you’d like to experience the world? Maybe it’s time to take a chance and make a change, even if the outcome is still a mystery.


With Love.


From Over There: 9.7.14 Weekly Focus
Step outside of convention. Step into the mystery. Push through the constraints of discomfort to expand the potential for growth and greater abundance. Doing so will increase the probability of a happy and more fulfilling life.


This week’s question:
Q: Can you please speak more on stepping into the mystery? Many of our fears arise from pursuing something when we don’t have a clear picture of the outcome. How do we push through the fear?

A. By understanding that there is no guarantee of a particular outcome. Everything is fluid and ever-changing. Oftentimes, many view the world through the illusion of stability. In reality, nothing is stable, as everything changes with each moment. Understand this and you can embrace the natural process of change. Doing so allows for greater expansiveness in life choices and lessens the fear. It is to have faith in your abilities and trust in your decisions. Oftentimes, a choice is made and fear arises that does not allow for full actualization of a process. It is to move through the fear throughout each step of the process that allows for a more satisfying outcome.

Q: I have another question. Can you speak more about the fear that gets in the way of completing a process?
A: The fear arises out of a lack of belief in one’s abilities, especially when learning new processes. When one lacks trust in their abilities, they may stop taking a desired course of action out of a fear of failure, thus, not completing the actualization of the process. It is in moving through this fear while one is still acclimating to the new process that will keep one on course, leading to greater satisfaction in the outcome of the process.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

August 31, 2014

Structural Repair

Have you ever been so angry at someone that you wanted to throttle them? I know, it’s an interesting way to start a blog post on higher guidance, though I’m pretty sure a lot of you can relate. We’ve all had painful interactions with others that can push us to the limit at times.

This topic is very charged for me at the moment as I’m just moving through anger at an individual who is being extremely clueless about how to act in a kind and fair manner. This person will most likely always be this way, as I don’t see them wanting to change or even being aware that anything actually needs to change. They’ll most likely continue on unconsciously throughout of the rest of their life. The bottom line is, it’s my choice whether I let their lack of awareness affect me or not. After a couple of weeks of irritation I decided it was time to let it go and immediately felt so much better for it. I hope if you’ve been holding resentment toward someone that you can experience the same sense of freedom. Why should we let it interfere with our lives, right?

So take  a deep breath and ask yourself if it serves you to let the clueless actions of another to continue to antagonize you.  What if, instead, you could see the lessons the experience has brought to your life? What if you could feel compassion for the pain that they must hold that makes them hide under their cloud of cluelessness?

Let’s take a collective nice, deep breath in…

With Love.


From Over There: 8.31.14 Weekly Focus

Look beyond the current structure of one’s life to discover a new perspective and way of interacting with the world. Instead of seeing through anger, resentment or judgment, view through the lens of love and compassion to open to greater opportunities for joy and deeper connections. Do not allow self-imposed structures of belief and painful emotions to limit your life experience. 


This week’s questions:

Q: What, exactly, do you mean by “structure”? Do you mean our belief system?

A. Structure comes from one’s belief system and the ways in which one reacts to their life experience. It is that which structures their perspective, and thus course, of one’s life. it is those beliefs that are based on exclusiveness and judgment of the self and others which limits the full potential of one’s life. Holding onto painful emotions renders one incapable of fully experiencing the joyful moments of life. Acknowledging these emotions as they arise –with an honest heart and without judgment – allows one to move through the experience and let it go.

Directing painful emotions toward another connects you to the individual through these emotions and allows no room for healing the pain. To remain in these divisive states creates blocks to greater happiness and the full potential of a joyful life experience. To hold onto the pain causes one further pain. To create structures through the perspective of love and compassion opens one’s world to boundless opportunity and greater happiness.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

August 24, 2014

Talkin’ About a Revolution

I like to use this blog as a forum to give a different perspective on difficult issues and hopefully inspire a more open-minded and open-hearted view. Through awareness of another’s reality, we can create greater understanding and compassion, and hopefully change. This week, I’m focusing on the importance of compassion from the uncomfortable lens of racism that I have personally witnessed.

I’m not talking about the extreme acts of racism in the Middle East and Ferguson that are being blasted at us through the media, but instead on the more subtle ways our society perpetuates the degradation of particular races of people. These quieter acts often go unnoticed by those who seemingly have the advantage through race, or gender or sexual orientation since it’s not in their scope of reality. I’m going to share a few of my experiences to show how insidious this form of racism is.

1)    My good friend and colleague and I were having lunch at the airport, waiting for our flight after a business meeting. The waitress came up to our table, turned her back to my friend and asked me what I wanted to order, never making eye contact with my friend or acknowledging her in any way. I ordered, yet was very confused about what was happening. My friend casually called out her order, even though the waitress was still very purposefully ignoring her. I was appalled and sharply asked the waitress if she got my friend’s order. She nodded to me, “yes”, and then walked away without ever acknowledging my friend. I was enraged and tried to talk to her about it. She just shrugged it off like it was no big deal, saying “I just want to have a quiet lunch.”
2)    I went with a DJ friend of mine to a club where he was going to be spinning. He attempted to have a conversation with the club owner about his upcoming scheduled gigs and the owner was very condescending and dismissive.  When my friend stepped away for a minute, the club owner proceeded to hit on me. Needless to say, I was very dismissive to the club owner, and when I later brought it up to my friend, he said sometimes you have to put up with a few a-holes here and there.
3)    I was in a department store looking through racks of clothes and I glanced around and saw what looked like a mother with her teenage daughter, also shopping. I didn’t give it much thought until I noticed the store clerk not so subtly shadowing them. She was looking at them like she’d already decided that they were going to try and steal. I saw absolutely nothing in the way this woman and her daughter were acting that put off the vibe of anything other than honest clothes shopping. I saw the tired expression on the woman’s face while she was over polite to the clerk in an attempt to diffuse any threat that she and her daughter presented.  

Can you imagine having to put up with this type of behavior day in and day out? I’ve certainly experienced derogatory acts as a female, but extremely rarely because of the color of my skin. For those of you who have never had to worry about being perceived in a certain way simply because of your skin color, or your gender, or your sexual orientation, it can be hard to fathom such things happening in this day and age, but they do. And by the way, each of the situations above happened in California, in areas considered tolerant of diversity.

It’s these everyday acts of racism that perpetuate feelings of powerlessness and frustration in certain fractions of society, and it’s up to each and every one of us to change this. We must all become more aware of these acts of racism directed toward our sisters and brothers, and through this awareness demand change. Let’s call the offenders out on their actions Let’s let go of any guilt, shame, or defensiveness we may be carrying if we’re labeled as having some sort of privilege, and instead use the leverage we have to help equal the scales. It’s time for compassion and understanding. We’re better than this, I know we are.  It’s time.

Holding faith in the human race…

With Love.


From Over There: 8.24.14 Weekly Focus
Live by the law of compassion. This is the only true law in which to govern your actions by. The human laws that you impose upon yourselves are simply structures that represent current cultural beliefs. It is the evolved mindset that steps past these structures when they are divisive or promote inequitable treatment to members of society. Governing yourself in a state of compassion is the way to promote equality for oneself and all.


This week’s question:

Q: How can those who are in a position of advantage within the structures of a society gain greater understanding of those who may be treated as a lesser valued member of that society? How can we all use this understanding to change the cultural dynamic to a more level playing field?

A. When one accepts responsibility for the well-being of all then one understands the power of their own actions. As each individual shifts their perspective of viewing the planetary population as one global community, then one by one, change can occur. It is for those in the position of the perceived advantage to allow the potential for discomfort when awareness of the truth sets into consciousness. This is not to promote shame, it is to use the power of the perceived advantage to bring awareness to the inequity. It is to release any attachment to the perceived advantage and understand that doing so will bring balance to the whole. When one is attached to the perceived advantage they hold, it promotes fear and blocks the flow of abundance. Holding onto the perception of advantage blocks emotional and spiritual growth. To bring balance to the whole is the path to true abundance and enlightenment for all.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!