
November 2, 2014

It’s All in How You Look at It

I just had a wonderful weekend spending time with friends that I’ve known for around thirty years, give or take. A great group of women, we all get along swimmingly even though our lives come from different places. Our many conversations centered on, as always, family, work and home, and it got me thinking about the level of success that each of us has experienced over the years in our own different way. Whether we have a team of kids, only one or none at all; live in a palatial estate or a tiny dwelling; have a new car or a well-used one; or are rolling in the dough or living a more, eh hem, creative feast or famine type of existence, the one thing I noticed is that we all seem pretty happy.

Success can come in so many different forms, and this week’s message focuses on how our perception of life impacts whether we feel successful or not. Regardless of your current circumstance, celebrating your achievements and victories – no matter how small – will have you feeling like life is a blooming success and give you the foundation for greater overall happiness.

Let the celebrations begin!

With Love.


From Over There: 11.2.14 Weekly Focus
Be mindful of your perceptions of the world around you. Your perceptions create your version of reality. If you perceive your life to be successful and full of blessings, then that will be your experience. If you perceive your life to be a failure and lacking in that which you desire, then that will be your experience. Believe in the beauty of your life and your life will be beautiful.


This week’s question:
Q: How do we shift our perceptions to a more positive stance when we’re in the midst of hardship or have suffered some sort of traumatic loss?

A. When one experiences such painful circumstances it is beneficial to process through the emotional pain. Do not suppress it, as this will only create energetic blocks that keep you stuck in the pain. Process it so as to move through it and let it go; though we are now asking that you focus on the perceptions of your everyday life, this is what we are speaking of. To be mindful of the perceptions of one’s everyday experiences make one better equipped to process such painful emotions as they arise. If you perceive your life to be successful and are grateful for its present circumstance, then your experience will be one of success and fruitfulness. If you perceive your life to be a failure and lacking in what you desire, then no matter what you achieve or accumulate you will never be truly satisfied. To appreciate the blessings life has to offer allows for more blessings to come your way and creates the space for happiness in every moment.


NOTE: If you have a question that you'd like a channeled answer to, please send it in. I'll first respond privately and then post the answer in this blog, anonymously, of course. Thanks & Blessings!

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